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Mind Forest (2003)

Mind Forest (2003)

Lauren MaherJeff MarchellettaHelen YeomanKami Knake
James R. Prince


Mind Forest (2003) is a English movie. James R. Prince has directed this movie. Lauren Maher,Jeff Marchelletta,Helen Yeoman,Kami Knake are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. Mind Forest (2003) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Tale of a young woman haunted by centuries old visions of Plymouth, Massachusetts from 1631. Cassandra attends the wake of her great grandmother, Zelda, while visiting her hometown. There was always something "witchy" about Zelda and the two were very close. Cassandra finds a mysterious trunk upstairs in the loft of her girlhood home left to her by her great grandmother. Unlocking the chest opens a doorway to 1631 Plymouth and sends her on a strange journey of self-discovery. Cassandra, fiercely independent and strong-willed, must find answers. Before leaving her hometown, and with the help of her two girlhood friends, Lori, a partying free-spirit, and Ashley, serious and reserved, Cassandra struggles to understand the ghosts invading her world. The three friends are witches on a quest, and a moonlit ritual offers an alarming burst of visions. On the drive home to Seattle, her boyfriend, Michael, wonders if Cassandra is losing it. Michael is a practical sort and tells Cassandra she's ...


Mind Forest (2003) Reviews

  • Mind Forest Review


    In my opinion Mind Forest holds the same quality as such movies as THE SIXTH SENSE and SIGNS; such television series as CHARMED, ANGEL, and BUFFY: THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (in the early sessions); and such novels as ANITA BLAKE: VAMPIRE HUNTER. Mind Forest is suspenseful, mysterious, and requires that you think out side the box. Because as the cliché goes: "What you see is not always what you get." If you are looking for something that is outside the ordinary this it. So, get a bowl of popcorn, turn out the lights, and get ready for something extraordinary.

  • Excellent!


    This movie is one of the best pagan-adapted movies I have ever seen. I love the way the director displays Cassandra in our modern day time and Sarah Winslow in the past. I would reccomend this movie to anyone who is interested in this type of genre, such as Practical Magic, and The Sixth Sense. The suspense in this movie builds up to what could be beleived as a breakthrough in movie entertainment.

  • Enchanting and Suspenseful


    This movie was one that keeps you wondering to the very end. It will mesmerize capturing your full attention during the movie. This movie in my opinion is better than Practical Magic which is one of my favorite films. From the beginning to the end you feel as if you are right there in the movie following and searching with Cassandra for your true self. This movie encourages you to be open and find your own awakening your own path in life and teaches you to let your power flow. Every other comment tells of the movie enough if I'm to say anymore than what they said, it would ruin the movie. This movie is for pagans, wicca, and everyone else you loves this genre. BLESSED BE!

  • Wonderful Film!!


    James Prince really did a wonderful job on this film. Having heard about it throughout the whole production process, I very much looked forward to seeing this film at its completion and was not let down in the least. Magic and intrigue always make for a good story line, but you have to have the right flair and character when putting together a piece to make it work. This film works! The story line grabs your attention from the beginning and keeps your attention throughout. From Cassandra's first encounter with her ghostly stalker to her final awakening and realization of her true self, this film progressed wonderfully to the surprise ending. It is definitely a "see again" movie!


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