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Mi amigo (2002)

Mi amigo (2002)

Ed BruceTom EverettJosh HollowayChannon Roe
Milton Brown


Mi amigo (2002) is a English movie. Milton Brown has directed this movie. Ed Bruce,Tom Everett,Josh Holloway,Channon Roe are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. Mi amigo (2002) is considered one of the best Comedy,Western movie in India and around the world.

Pal and Bobby Ray travel the West until one of them commits a crime which drives the two apart for three decades. Returning home after 30 years, the former friends must decide whether to try again, or to carry a grudge until their deaths.

Mi amigo (2002) Reviews

  • Worst movie ever, no really its that bad


    I actually signed up so I could worn anyone who wants to see this how bad it is. I only rented it because it has the guy from "lost" in it. He is only in half the movie then they switch characters. It also has a narrator so it is trying to be like some kind of Disney movie. Each actor gets replaced less than halfway through the movie. The plot didn't even make sense. The company that makes this movie is so low budget that the 5.1 surround sounds are louder than the commentary from the actors. I have nothing good to say about this movie. The lost character plays pretty much the same actor as he did in the TV series, until he gets replaced.

  • THERE IS A REASON to watch it


    SO much is wrong with this film that it becomes a classic in film making errors - but not saying I have the skills to do any better. Actually, for a low budget effort - it is not THAT bad. Here are some things that make it actually fun to watch as you struggle to stay focused: The lighting is consistently quite theater quality good - without any subtle hints of drama. Just glaring bright lighting and great shadow play in some scenes because of the glaring light. The acting is fine but a bit stiff as it seems directed to get the script done on time and under budget. These character actors are some old time favorites from so many old films and you just have to figure they came into this project to help out a friend and have a good time in South Alabama - maybe do a little fishing or quail hunting while they are on location. THE TOWN: The fictional town of Cherub Texas is played by the little "Ghost Town" of Peterman, Alabama. It is a photogenic little dead town that probably had its last breath of business taking place in the late 1950's or early 1960s. The use of the town and its one street and the railroad track and a few buildings is sort of a warm glow of the old South as it faded away and all the kids grew up and moved off to the big city. The Country Western Singing Star -- going the next stage to become a Rabbi is so out of context it is absolutely humorous - Well played. So low key. Few people will realize there was actually quite a persistent Jewish population in small Southern towns up to the late 1960's. They left for the same reason the kids left when they grew up - jobs and money were just better in the big towns and cities. I love the review above that noted the misspelled "ANGELS". Wish I had caught that. I bet it was intentional. ALL in ALL a Bad movie with a lot of warm touches - especially for the people of South Alabama who always stopped when passing to photograph the old town of Peterman.

  • No Amigo of Mine


    Like the other reviewer, I really only watched this movie because it looked like a kind of bad, but still funny film featuring Josh Holloway. How wrong I was. If you're going to see it for that reason, don't bother! He's only in it for less than half the movie before he gets replaced by an old creepy man who looks nothing like him. That being said, even if you don't care whether Josh Holloway is in it or not, this is a TERRIBLE movie. The acting is bad and the plot makes no sense. The "villain" is just some guy who talks really fast and isn't the least bit menacing, nor does he ever cause any real problems. The love triangle plot succeeds only in being completely random. And, worst of all, the audience never sympathizes with anyone because we're never given enough time with the characters as they were when they were young before the movie skips straight to their old, nostalgic selves. This movie is only 89 minutes but it feels much, much longer because there is no real climax to the plot. Save your money and rent a season of Lost instead.


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