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Machine (2007)

Machine (2007)

Michael LazarMichael MadsenNeal McDonoughJames Russo
Michael Lazar


Machine (2007) is a English movie. Michael Lazar has directed this movie. Michael Lazar,Michael Madsen,Neal McDonough,James Russo are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. Machine (2007) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama movie in India and around the world.

Two pounds of pressure on a trigger pays really well... Ex special forces mercenary and now hardened criminal Vic, lives in a world of cons, double crosses, crooked cops, mob bosses and drug dealing crime lords. Playing by his own rules, Vic and his partner Frank work both sides of the street, caring only about where they can score and take down the most cash. After a dangerous shootout during a drug deal gone bad, Vic finds himself working for ruthless crime boss Paul Santo. Santo's being indicted for murder, and he enlists Vic and Frank to kill the three witnesses that will testify against him. Watching Vic's every move is Santo's strongest soldier, Ray, a stone cold killer, who would like nothing better than to whack Vic and Frank the moment his boss gives him the okay. As the Asian proverb says, "In the shadow of every crime is a woman" and that holds true for Vic as his grifter girlfriend Thea and Frank's ex, the exotic, sultry, Layla have their own agendas as they both try in ...


Machine (2007) Reviews

  • Worst movie I have ever seen... seriously, it really is


    Beside the fact that Michael Madsen and Neal McDonough, the only actors worth watching in this movie, appear for 4 to 6 minutes tops, the leading actor is Michael Lazar, who directed, wrote and produced the movie is by far, one of the worst actors I've unwillingly saw. The whole movie is filmed with a miniDV cam, like the ones u took with u on ur family vacations, with no lighting or any additional cinematic equipment. The lines are absolutely dull and just awful... the main idea of the movie is a debt that Vic (Michael Lazar) has to pay to Santo (Nick Vallelonga), a local mob boss, which is, we all agree, a very new and a revolutionary plot... To sum it up, if u really have to see this movie (by really I mean REALLY), don't do it alone cus u'll fall asleep before noticing.

  • Pointless


    Lots of killing, bad acting and terrible camera work. I lost count how many people got whacked in this flick after the first 3. At the end of this movie you will probably think "pointless" sums up this movie in a nutshell. I really couldn't find anything redeeming to make this movie worthwhile, even the plot stunk as it was way too easy to make the so called hits. Not even a total idiot would believe how easy it would be to find police protected witnesses or mob bosses. You know the least they could have done is find some good looking women or play some good theme music to make up for losing an hour and a half of your life watching it. I guess you could use this movie as a guideline of "what not to do while making a movie.

  • Trash


    How do movies this bad even get made anymore? Looked decent, too bad it was pointless, dumb, and unexciting. What's the point of having an R rating if no one is going to bleed when they get shot? I hated this trash. Other than that, the movie made absolutely no sense and pretty much soiled the careers of any actor involved with it. I'm very unhappy with Mr. Blonde, i thought he was less of a loser, guess not though. I can't believe i even made it through the entire movie, it seemed like 3-4 hours long, it was literally torture to watch. Garbage Garbage Garbage, since this movie doesn't seem to be out yet, the producers should probably just scrap it and save their selves a lot of embarrassment. Jesus, this movie REALLY sucked!

  • Rancid Cheese!


    IMDb needs a "0" (zero) rating for movies like this. Better yet -- how about a NEGATIVE rating (this should be about a "minus 9")? Neal McDonough is a pretty good actor (I liked him in Guardian, Flags of Our Fathers, even Hitcher) -- what the hell is he doing in this piece of crap? Well, the answer is "not much" (same is true for the prominently billed -- but mostly absent -- Michael Madsen, although he hasn't been in a good movie since Reservoir Dogs). I don't know much about the other so-called "actors" in this waste of time, except that they should at least have better judgment about the kind of projects they get involved in. And "star" Michael Lazar (also "writer," "producer," and "director" Michael Lazar)? FOUR strikes and he should be out! Don't waste your money on this sorry excuse for "entertainment." Hell, even if you can get it as a free rental at your video store, don't waste your TIME!



    BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD is there anything good about this waste? No. It's just bad. Surprisingly, this is not the worst I've seen - but it comes very close. It's so bad - it makes other bad movies seem good in comparison. It's that bad - and that ain't good. It;s not even so bad it's good. it's just bad. That's it. Everything. Everyone. Failed. It's bad. Enjoy...or not.


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