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Los días no vividos (2012)

Los días no vividos (2012)

Javier GodinoJuan CodinaHéctor ColoméRuth Díaz
Alfonso Cortés-Cavanillas


Los días no vividos (2012) is a Spanish movie. Alfonso Cortés-Cavanillas has directed this movie. Javier Godino,Juan Codina,Héctor Colomé,Ruth Díaz are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Los días no vividos (2012) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

¿Qué harías tú si el mundo terminara mañana? ¿Dónde irías? ¿Con quién pasarías tu último día? ¿Con quién querrías morir?Estas cuestiones son la base de "Los Días No Vividos". Una película coral en la que, tras el anuncio de la destrucción de la Tierra en sólo 24 horas provocada por una tormenta solar, un grupo de seis personas (tres amigos, el padre de uno de ellos, una desconocida y un traficante de drogas) se reúnen con la intención de pasar su último día amparados los unos en los otros. La película nos enseña las reacciones, el miedo, la aceptación y la desesperación que viven en los momentos previos al fin, y como la amistad y el cariño lo hacen más llevadero. Un recorrido de emociones nos mostrará cómo se enfrenta cada uno de ellos a su último día.


Los días no vividos (2012) Trailers

Los días no vividos (2012) Reviews

  • Interesting though slow-moving and overlong Sci-fi picture in low budget and without special effects


    The picture shows some stories about a varied group of characters , as in just 24 hours before world's end caused by a solar storm . As there is a group of six people , these are the followings : David (Javier Godino) , his friend Jaime (Asier Etxeandia) , a stranger ex-nun (Ingrid Rubio), the father (Mariano Venancio) of one of them , a pregnant woman ,recently abandoned by her husband , called Teresa (Ruth Gabriel) and a drug dealer (Pedro Isla) ; all of them meet with the intention of spending his last day living each other . They then celebrate the last supper . These issues are the basis of "The Days Not Lived" , a thought-provoking and downbeat drama . The picture is formed by four assembled episodes dealing with human relationships after the announcement of the destruction of the Earth . Despite short budget the movie manages to be intelligent , dramatic and brooding . The film shows us the reactions , fears , acceptance and despair about a bunch of unfortunate characters living in the moments before the end, and like friendship and love make it more bearable . A journey of emotions faces will show how each of them to their last day . The movie raises several questions : What would you do if the world ended tomorrow ? Where would you go? Who would you spend your last day? Who would you want to die? . The good thing about this film is that the director made it on a shoestring budget only having to do a few sets , yet the movie works on many levels but is constantly reconfigured . Casting is frankly well giving fine performances ; though little known with exception of the veteran Hector Colome , Javier Godino and Ingrid Rubio . Colorful and evocative cinematography filmed in Madrid and reflecting splendidly its typical streets . Atmospheric as well sensitive musical score composed by means of synthesizer . This motion picture relatively cheap was tautly directed by Alfonso Cortes Cabanillas in his first movie because he is usually manager production and documentary shorts filmmaker . This is without a doubt a thought-provoking and dramatic film to be liked for Science-Fiction fans , turning out to be one of the most unknown Spanish movies of the last years .


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