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Longshot (2001)

Longshot (2001)

Tony DeCamillisHunter TyloJoey SculthorpePaul Sorvino
Lionel C. Martin


Longshot (2001) is a English movie. Lionel C. Martin has directed this movie. Tony DeCamillis,Hunter Tylo,Joey Sculthorpe,Paul Sorvino are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2001. Longshot (2001) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy,Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Jack Taylor is a Beverly Hills gigolo who is blackmailed by a corrupt and powerful businessman, Laszlo Pryce. He is forced to seduce a wealthy widow in NYC to obtain insider information so his blackmailer can profit. Jack desperately tries to prevent harm coming to his little brother Alex, but unexpectedly falls for the woman he is forced to betray. Now, he must choose.


Longshot (2001) Reviews

  • Ouch


    A vehicle for star cameos. If you need a plot, character development or anything else in a movie, look elsewhere. Watched this on HBO, and I'm surprised that they actually have this scheduled this several times. Watch for a stock hit.

  • Brought tears to my eyes...


    And not in a good way. This was one of the most painful movies I've ever had to endure. Me and my friend rented it to see all the cameos (Yeah, I'm a pop music fan, I admit it. And I'm in college, not 13!). We ended up fast forwarding until all the cameos because those were the only things worth watching. The acting was pitiful, the plot was incoherent, and don't get me started on the screenplay. Don't waste your time, please...

  • Owwwww....


    I just saw this on cable -- I'm in great pain. It's really bad. Please. Please don't watch this movie. It will cause you nausea and diarrhea as it did me. I'd try to name a low point but there are so many. Any time someone says a line and then turns to the camera as if to say "wink wink...wasn't that funny?" the way Lance Bass does in this movie, it's a really bad sign. I don't have anything against boy bands but this is a movie and these guys really can't act. Oh, the pain is starting again. I don't think Vicodin will help this pain. Anyone who has a copy of this movie, whether you're a movie studio, cable network or you own the DVD, please burn it. I will allow that there was one redeeming quality about this movie: Hunter Tylo is a fine-looking woman. The pain went away when I looked at her, but only briefly.

  • Everything Bad About Independent Films


    This piece of crap could have been made for less than $500,000. Instead, Longshot is a terrific example of how the "industry" will get millions of dollars from investors to produce a bomb! Every cameo actor will admit that they acted in the film for the pay check, not because they loved the script or admired the director talents in film making. The money spent on this film could have funded a handful of talented independent film makers who could have used the opportunity to produce a decent film. I shook my head at this film because of the lack of talent. Poor acting, bad directing, and a terrible screenplay makes up Longshot. This film did nothing for the industry, the actors, or the art of independent cinema. Besides the paycheck that the cast and crew made on this joke of a movie, can anyone honestly say that this film did anything positive besides making the Produce of this film a sad and undeserving profit from his sale to distribution?

  • Do not waste your precious time!


    The only reason I watched this movie was as a result of a combination of channel surfing, eating breakfast, and procrastinating. Now part of me wishes I hadn't wasted my time trying to figure out why on earth this movie was even made by actually sitting through the entire thing waiting for the pay off and another part of me is glad I saw it because it gives hope to all the wannabe screenwriters out there. The plot is ridiculous (and not in a good way), the characters lack any kind of substance or depth, and the cameos are not worth it at all. As a matter of fact I find myself wondering how the director even got the cameos... What incredible favor did these people owe and to whom? The writer? The director? The producer(s)? And the truly sad thing is it seemed the script was written entirely as a result of these connections with celebs in order to produce a movie with cameos. That whole reasoning just disgusts me. Whatever happened to just wanting to tell a good story? I mean, they don't all have to be Casablanca, but even Ferris Bueller's Day Off is akin to Gone with the Wind in comparison with this trite piece of trash.


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