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Live Free or Die (2006)

Live Free or Die (2006)

Aaron StanfordPaul SchneiderJudah FriedlanderPeter Anthony Tambakis
Gregg Kavet,Andy Robin


Live Free or Die (2006) is a English movie. Gregg Kavet,Andy Robin has directed this movie. Aaron Stanford,Paul Schneider,Judah Friedlander,Peter Anthony Tambakis are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. Live Free or Die (2006) is considered one of the best Comedy,Crime movie in India and around the world.

It's not the crime, it's the cover-up. In small-town, hard-scrabble New Hampshire, foul-mouthed all-talk slacker John "Rugged" Rudgate fancies himself a criminal. When a local plumber stares him down at a pub, Rugged vows revenge, pouring brake fluid in the man's water supply. When the man dies from unrelated causes, Rugged and his side-kick, the even dimmer Jeff, try to cover up what they think is murder. One bad decision begets another.


Live Free or Die (2006) Reviews

  • I Really Enjoyed it. It was Cool.


    *** out of **** Aaron Stanford plays a guy named John Ruddgate. He's a wannabe gangster who just can't seem to pull it off no matter how hard he tries. Enter Lagrand(Paul Schneider), a mentally handicapped man who really enjoys John's company. In reality though, John needs Lagrand a lot more than Lagrand needs him. John tries to impress Lagrand, but somehow, everything goes wrong in all the right ways. Both of them are completely oblivious of their situation, and all they want is to put an end to it. Meanwhile, two cops investigate a situation that seems to involve John, but Officer Putney(Michael Rapaport) has more going on in his personal life than it appears, and it looks like it might cause some distress. The film takes place in New Hampshire, but it appears to be filmed in Rutland, Vermont. Since both places look similar, I guess it doesn't matter. The film is great. What makes it great is it's originality, it's ever twisting plot, and the fact that the characters refuse to be stereotypes. I love it when a refreshing movie like this comes out that is just enjoyable and uncomplicated. This is basically just the kind of film that I can easily get into because of how much it draws you in. It's just a breath of fresh air. It's an even bigger breath of fresh air than TRANSAMERICA or A MIDNIGHT CLEAR. There is just so much to enjoy about it. Aaron Stanford has proved in the past that he can be very dopey(TADPOLE)and very rugged(HILLS HAVE EYES remake), and now he shows a side of himself that manages to be realistic but true to life at the same time. He has a really believable performance as a guy who just wants to be remembered for something bad and has absolutely nothing to lose, but gets very irritated when things are ruined for him. And Paul Schneider... WOW. He somehow pulls off a very low key performance that has exactly the same effect as if it were over the top He is just fascinating to watch. He has such a unique screen presence in this film. I swear, you could pause the movie and he would still look awkward no matter how he's standing or what he's doing. Even when he holds still, he pulls off being a person who has a mental disability. It's just really subtle, and yet so hypnotic. I was impressed. So overall, if you're looking for something light and easy to get into, I'd highly recommend LIVE FREE OR DIE. It may not be life changing, but damn. It is damn fine independent cinema. It's really wonderful. Check it out. Rated R for pervasive language including sex references.

  • Excellent


    I had the pleasure of watching this film in Austin at the SouthbySouth West Film Festival and it was hilarious. It was simple in humor yet that was the funny thing about it. Their wasn't a dry seat in the house. And no they weren't crying out of laughter but for pissing their pants while laughing. Especially with the lines from Paul Schnieder's character Lagrand. I do remember one of the questions that a lot of people wanted to know and that was where could they get a copy of the film. Hopefully they will bring it soon if not release for theaters nationwide. It would totally be a hit. After the film we must of clapped for like a few minutes unfortunately we couldn't ask the director or the cast that many questions because the schedule was very tight and we wanted to go catch another film. Aaron Standford also brings great desperation to his character Rugged who desperately wants to be a notorious gansta. And thankfully not in the ways of a Wigga. Any fans of slacker humor would definitely love this film. "Yep, They Stole My Porn And That was Vintage S"#@ Man"

  • you can safely skip this one


    I didn't like this movie much. It is not a total disaster, but a comedy that didn't make me laugh once, probably doesn't work. Its looks good, but the dialog is so poor. The actors are pretty wooden and mediocre, the only exception is Paul Schneider who's part requires him to be wooden and mediocre and he does it well. Basically this is the story of somebody who wants to be someone, namely a gangster, but although he thinks he tries so hard he can't fool anyone in small town with people who just don't buy it. Don't want to reveal more from the story, but wouldn't recommend you to find out for your self - you can safely skip it 4/10 peace

  • a novel setting and a sweet tone make for a fun offbeat comedy


    Scenic New Hampshire serves as the novel setting for "Live Free or Die" (not to be confused with the later Bruce Willis film, "Live Free or Die HARD"), an entertaining indie comedy that takes its title from the state's time-honored motto of in-your-face defiance. John Rudgate - who goes by the nickname "Rugged" - is an inept wannabe tough guy who fancies himself a notorious outlaw. He spends most of his days riding around in a dilapidated van trying to convince others - as well as himself - that he is, indeed, the most feared lawbreaker in the county. In reality, the "stolen" merchandise he is moving is actually his own stuff, and the gun he keeps in a drawer in the kitchen is nothing more than a water pistol. The folks in town shrug him off as little more than an irritating pest with delusions of criminal grandeur. Like any villain worth his salt, Rudgate needs to find himself a sycophantic henchman who will do a substantial amount of his dirty work for him. He alights on Lagrand, a simpleminded, but sweet-natured acquaintance who co-owns a storage facility with his sister, a clear-eyed pragmatist who, unlike her brother, knows a BS-ing con artist when she sees one. Although the movie can't entirely shake free of the "oddball quirkiness" factor that seems to afflict so much of regional film-making these days, movie makers Gregg Kavet and Andy Robin evince a genuine affection for their characters and a sly way with storytelling that go a long way towards mitigating that weakness. They are aided immeasurably by wonderfully self-effacing performances by Paul Schneider, Michael Rapaport, Zooey Deschanel, and, above all, Aaron Stanford, who, as Rudgate, turns a potentially one-note caricature into an endearingly original and surprisingly memorable comic figure. And, besides, the colorful New England setting is alone worth the price of a rental.

  • Funny Movie, hopefully headed for the big time.


    Last night I decided to go to a movie at the Woods Hole Film Festival. Live Free or Die grabbed my attention, so I blindly went in, hoping for a mediocre movie. The Film Festival is good, but my expectations are never that high. Boy how I was wrong. Written and directed by two former writers from Seinfeld, this movie was wonderfully funny and of a professional quality. It was impossible to believe that they only had one camera and less than $2 million! It was like watching a big name Hollywood picture, except without all the crap product placements. If you have a chance to see this movie, do it. They hope to at least do a New England or a college release, but I sincerely hope that it gets a wider distribution.


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