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Les aristos (2006)

Les aristos (2006)

Charlotte de TurckheimJacques WeberVincent DesagnatCatherine Jacob
Charlotte de Turckheim


Les aristos (2006) is a French movie. Charlotte de Turckheim has directed this movie. Charlotte de Turckheim,Jacques Weber,Vincent Desagnat,Catherine Jacob are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. Les aristos (2006) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

"You owe the Public Treasury the sum of 1,991,753 euros - And all you have for good is the Château de Neuville, a decrepit shack that you live in with your large family ..." Several solutions are available to Count Charles Valerand d'Arbac de Neuville, his wife Solange, née Poitou Castilla de la Taupinière, as well as their ascendants and descendants in a more or less direct line: Flight abroad, Cosmetic surgery, The change of name, A spread of their debts over 271 years, Suicide - They will therefore attempt the impossible (with the notable exception of work) to preserve their ruined castle, symbol of a fragile and nevertheless tenacious existence - Then begins a journey of initiation, identity and wacky at the center of real life - A banker with fragile nerves, an aristophobic bailiff, upstart nobles, tight-knit cousins, very common transport - Today, only the Nobility is Revolutionary.


Les aristos (2006) Reviews

  • Salted cake


    Charming, crazy, naive, easy comedy. Nothing remarkable. A French movie with a very old recipes, without any spice but with mountains of cream. A poor noble family and its financial problems, a ridiculous bad guy and grotesque characters, few drops of love and cool idea. And crumbs of a nice film about nothing. A ironic view about clash between old and new, a caricature of France , a game, childish and almost foolish, a slice of self irony and the end. Not deep memories and nothing more than a form of exploitation of loisir. And a final as incrimination of society. The seeds are of a drama. But the gardener - director is fan of a basic solution. So, the cake is salted and its colors - strange. But the intention is not to make a masterpiece.

  • French comedy


    from many others. no surprises, no revelations. only a simple story about the clash between old world and modern society. and an ironic portrait of France. it is one of films useful after a long hard work day. nothing memorable and the story seems be a mix of improvisation and pretext for the humor. family, golden past covered by the need of money, a love story and the war between generations, a castle and extravagant plans about it, lies and the delicate truth, solutions and the pink end. a film like a party. full of guests and gifts and music. but nothing more, in essence, than a soap ball. a virtue - not the most inspired but real nice reference to the aristocrats against the pressure of contemporary challenges.


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