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Le prof (2000)

Le prof (2000)

Jean-Hugues AngladeYvan AttalHélène de FougerollesOdette Laure
Alexandre Jardin


Le prof (2000) is a French movie. Alexandre Jardin has directed this movie. Jean-Hugues Anglade,Yvan Attal,Hélène de Fougerolles,Odette Laure are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. Le prof (2000) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Childhood friends, Alexandre and Hippolyte teach in a high school in Nantes. Each advocates a different education and both covet the same position. Alexander's wife files for divorce, while his father is accused of embezzlement. Confused, he bought the house from his childhood and decided to settle there with his grandmother. Unpretentious film by Alexandre Jardin on a delicate subject with spontaneous actors.


Le prof (2000) Reviews

  • Beautiful people, boring movie


    You know the story: prof adopts new teaching methods, some kids take it too far, some colleagues are worried traditional ways are going to be lost... but eventually, everything turns out OK. The plot is not new. There's just a little bit more romance and witty remarks due to Jardin's prose. The film is not that bad, but it's the storyline that's defective. The movie is either too long (come back to the basics) or too short (give us a little bit more information, don't make it happen just like that). The actors and actress are beautiful and good in their role. Anglade, Attal, de Fougerolles and Winling all deliver strong performance. But it's not enough to make this one very interesting. Seen at home, in Toronto, on September 14th, 2005. 72/100 (**)


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