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La dama boba (2006)

La dama boba (2006)

Silvia AbascalCristina ColladoJose CoronadoAntonio de la Fuente
Manuel Iborra


La dama boba (2006) is a Spanish movie. Manuel Iborra has directed this movie. Silvia Abascal,Cristina Collado,Jose Coronado,Antonio de la Fuente are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. La dama boba (2006) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

La dama boba (2006) Reviews

  • The silly lady


    To bring Lope de Vega, one of Spain's most prolific authors, to present day audiences needs a different approach than what director, and adapter, Manuel Iborra, employed in his material. The director went for the original text, something that will confound a casual viewer. A good example to follow is to take a look at Pilar Miro's adaptation of "The Dog in the Manger" which, in comparison to this film, looks in retrospect, a masterpiece. The story of two unmarried sisters being wooed by two radically different suitors does not play well because the director was looking for a style the cast employed in the film are perhaps not used to playing. Silvia Abascal and Macarena Gomez play Finea and Nise, two sisters with different outlooks in life. Their mother Otavia is played by Veronica Forque. Jose Coronado appears as Lorencio, and Roberto Sanmartin is seen as Liceo, the men competing for the love of the sisters. The best thing one can say about "La dama boba" is that the atmosphere of the XVII century is captured with authenticity. Lorenzo Caprile's costumes reflect the period in which the action occurs. The art direction of Miguel Chicharro takes us to those wonderful places of that period. Juan Molina's wonderful cinematography is also an asset in the film.

  • Stupid, puerile, humorless comedy


    Thirty minutes was the most I was able to endure of this dismal comedy. A 17th century swashbuckling farce filled with puerile humor. Kids may laugh at someone eating a cockroach or the rumble of an empty stomach. For anyone with an IQ of 50 or more, the complete inanity will make you groan. The story is centered around a nitwit young woman, but the rest of the cast has roles as stupid as hers. I don't know whether I should feel sorry for Coronado, Spain's George Clooney, for being brought into this abysmal mess for the sole purpose of attracting a female audience. The only nice thing that can be said is the good camera work. It is sad to see so many beautiful scenes wasted on such a forgettable bomb.


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