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La boîte (2001)

La boîte (2001)

Quentin BaillotJean-Marie BigardJean-Christophe BouvetAlexandre Caumartin
Claude Zidi


La boîte (2001) is a French movie. Claude Zidi has directed this movie. Quentin Baillot,Jean-Marie Bigard,Jean-Christophe Bouvet,Alexandre Caumartin are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2001. La boîte (2001) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Five childhood friends, who live in a small provincial town, were excluded from the only nightclub in the region. Feeling idle, they plan to open a competing nightclub in the garage of the father of two of them.

La boîte (2001) Reviews

  • Boring Boring


    A bunch of young men tries to operate a night-club in a small town of France, despite the competition of an older man. Claude Zidi was never a genius, but through the years of his long carreer, he had made some pretty funny films. Most of these were with veteran stars like DeFunes, Noiret, LHermitte, Depardieu, Pierre Richard, etc. For this one, he tries with younger actors. And he fails : this movie is just awful, stupid, boring and empty. There is nothing funny here. There is no ideas and the story - there is a story ? - is predictible. And it's very sexiest for young women. Zidi thinks they're all pieces of meat. And I will never understand why we have to hear English music in a French movie. Don't waste your time with this one : there are many very funny French movies you can see, and some were from Claude Zidi.


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