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Justice (2003)

Justice (2003)

Erik PalladinoMichael Jai WhiteDaphne Rubin-VegaAjay Naidu
Evan Oppenheimer


Justice (2003) is a English movie. Evan Oppenheimer has directed this movie. Erik Palladino,Michael Jai White,Daphne Rubin-Vega,Ajay Naidu are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. Justice (2003) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

Drew is a cute, dorky comic book writer who's still struggling with crippling grief over losing a close friend to the World Trade Center attack. After his friend's death he yearns to do something meaningful as a tribute to those who died. He cooks up the idea of an "everyday hero," a character based on an average New Yorker without super powers. Drew's idea is that we all are heroes in our own way. The idea of course is lambasted by Drew's colleagues. But after he selects an unwitting person to base his character, Justice, on, the comic becomes a surprise hit. Things get sticky when nosy Village Voice reporter Mara becomes determined to find the true identity of Justice...


Justice (2003) Reviews

  • Compact film packs a punch


    Drew, a comic strip writer in NYC, still grieving over the death of a friend in 9/11, gets his publisher to agree to a limited run of "Justice". He finds someone in a pick-up basketball game who fits the type for this comic book about an ordinary person who is a hero - but doesn't get around to getting his permission to use background materials. (background biography, images, etc) which puts Drew in a less-than-ideal situation. Although this is resolved, Drew seems more focused on the character of "Justice" to be dealing out retribution to evil-doers rather than just helping people. This is at odds with the person "Justice" is based on, and disturbs the writer when the more benevolent views surface in a Village Voice article. The "spunky" journalist helps Drew see that however great his grief, life must go on. Brilliant, concise film with an ending twist you may not see coming . ..

  • i was blown away


    i saw the movie at the tribeca film festival and would strongly recommend it to anyone who has a chance to see it. it was funny, smart and very moving. the movie dealt with loss, fate and love but managed to be light-hearted. the acting was great. as was the writing.

  • Wow! Very powerful and moving -- but funny, too.


    Just caught this movie at its premiere at the 2003 Tribeca Film Festival. And I'd gladly see it again, right away. It was really fun and funny for the most part, yet somehow managed to reach a very emotional and powerfully moving ending, in a way that felt natural. The main character is a comic book writer, played by Erik Palladino from the TV show "ER" (I didn't love him on ER, but I loved him in this movie). He wants to create a new kind of superhero, based on a real New Yorker -- and when he meets Michael Jai White (he was "Spawn" in the movie of that name) he knows that he's found his man. Anyway, I don't want to give away too much, because one of the things I liked best about this movie is that you don't know what's coming every second (unlike most Hollywood movies). The movie is really well made, with brilliant writing and great acting. If it ever comes to a theater near you, see it. You'll thank me.


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