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Jack Says (2008)

Jack Says (2008)

Simon PhillipsRita RamnaniAurélie AmblardDaniel Roberts
Bob Phillips,Lee Warren


Jack Says (2008) is a English movie. Bob Phillips,Lee Warren has directed this movie. Simon Phillips,Rita Ramnani,Aurélie Amblard,Daniel Roberts are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2008. Jack Says (2008) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

The film opens with Jack tied to a chair in a warehouse, guarded by heavies. He seems to have evoked the wrath of the Guv'nor, who lectures him about 'losing respect'. A girl called Natalie is present, and is clearly not in the Guvnor's good books. As one of the heavies removes Jacks gag, the Guvnor points a gun at his head. The scene fades to black, followed by two gunshots. The scene opens in a lively Paris bar, where the Messenger pushes his way through the vibrant crowd and into the dressing room area out back. He walks in on Girl X as she is changing. He is here to deliver a message and some flowers from Garvey, making clear that she is not pleased with Girl X fraternizing with men in the bar. To really make a point, he leaves a packet with her, which she discovers contains a ring and some teeth. Jack awakens in a bathroom in London next to the corpse of the Guvnor. Having been hit around the head, Jack is suffering from amnesia and cannot remember who he is or how he or the body...


Jack Says (2008) Trailers

Jack Says (2008) Reviews

  • could have been good


    I'm not sure what it is with indie film-makers that they all want to make films about cockney wannabe gangsters.In the last few days I've watched Ten Dead Men and this. Ten Dead Men was a martial arts movie that looked as though it was filmed on a mobile phone but contained some amazing action scenes. Jack Says has more of a brain. Based on a comic (?)it begins, like 10 Dead Men, with the scene of someone being tied up and tortured by thugs. Apparently all low budget films have to have this. The set up is interesting..Jack wakes up surrounded by dead bodies with no memory.OK so its Jason Bourne but a good idea is worth stealing.. the problem is that eventually you have to stop leaving clues and solve things.This is where most films fail and JS is no different.Too many coincidences, quirky bits that seem out of place. The photography looks good, the costumes, music and locations are good which makes the film look more expensive than it probably is. The film would have earned more than 3/10 if it had better actors.The idea of Jack as a fearsome force in the underworld, or an undercover cop is ridiculous.He is short and pudgy. I'm sure there are lots of short plump hard men but the guy playing Jack doersn't work at all. When he keeps his shirt on in the love scene to hide his spare tyre you know something is wrong.He is dull and seems to be reciting his scenes rather than acting them. The girl who plays Jack's girlfriend is pretty.She is a better actor than Jack but still not quite good enough. The french singer is plain and can't sing. MIke Reid as a hardman???? Could have been a good film but needs better actors

  • Weird Characterisation


    I found the characterisation in this film rather odd. Too many times, the central characters acted very strangely and it felt like the script had been written in stages by several different writers. The acting was poor in places too - you could tell the girls were cast for their looks, not their acting ability... which turned out to be a bit of a wasted opportunity because we never really got to see anything. Shame, cos it probably would have been worth the money if we did. The storyline's a bit weak too - and the ending was terrible contrived and oh-so-slightly unbelievable. Eric Cantona was good though. If only he had a bigger part... Still, despite all this, it was much better than Churchill: The Hollywood Years.

  • Oh dear lord.......


    OK, let me start by saying, i love gangster flicks and I love gritty thrillers, neither of which this is. The only chance of this being a good movie is for you to suspend belief, imagine the world is like a James Bond set, and think the Scottish are the baddest dudes in Europe. The acting is not the best I have ever seen and thats OK, there are not many stars in this film, however, the actual footage is unrealistic, from Eric Cantona befriending a Scottish stranger (really the french being generous and buying whiskey?!), to the sudden appearance of a cigarette smoked by the main actor about 30 mins in, in a dead end alley that resembled Brixton rather than France. Oh and see how much is smoked in that five mins of scenery, its a full cigarette when thrown!! This film feels like the scriptwriter wrote down all the things that made a good gangster flick and threw them into a blender, letting them land here, there and everywhere, sadly you cant make a film this easily or I would be the next scorsese to! It's sad in a way, because this had the opportunity to be a trainspotting, it could have worked, if only there had been more thought as to the characters, there were too many 'this will do' in this film, and that totally messed it up! A little more attention to detail would pay off in the long run!

  • Mike Reid Steals The Show


    I saw this film at the Swansea Bay Film Festival in July - and it's well worth the wait to come to DVD! I'am not gonna tell you what happens - but put it this way Mike Reid steals the show, which seems fitting as it's his last ever film! What a legend. Rula Lenska also plays a gangster in this film - she was in Gypo as a nutter as well so no change there then! The legend Eric Cantona is in there as well! He plays a french philosopher - bet that was his idea. The film is really well acted by everyone, and is gritty underground story of lust and betrayal set between London and Paris - pretty good in my opinion and well worth a watch. Music is catchy, and i have been trying to find out what music they use on the trailer?

  • Watch Out Guy Ritchie!


    This film is one of the UK's best indie features to come out in a long time, and Guy Ritchie had better watch out - because these guys have got plenty of raw talent to back everything up! Not to sure about the detective character in the film, but then perhaps I am not meant to be sure about him - there's a lot going on in here! Stunning women, extreme violence and Mike Reid and Eric Cantona - can't really ask for a lot more from these guys really. I hear the film is based on a graphic novel entitled JACK SAID - but haven't read it as yet! But will do after seeing this excellent first time effort from Bob Phillips - I take it that it is his first time, as I couldn't find anything else online about him? All in all good stuff.


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