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Irène (2009)

Irène (2009)

Alain CavalierCatherine DeneuveVanessa Widhoff
Alain Cavalier


Irène (2009) is a French movie. Alain Cavalier has directed this movie. Alain Cavalier,Catherine Deneuve,Vanessa Widhoff are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. Irène (2009) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

A video diary shot and recorded by the filmmaker, using little more than his imagination and the happenstance and flow of the everyday, finally layering in a lifetime of memories.

Irène (2009) Trailers

Same Director

Irène (2009) Reviews

  • A difficult movie


    It's very difficult indeed to make a movie about memories of real facts and people but Alain Cavalier manages to do it and if he didn't make a masterpiece (almost impossible with this theme) he at least makes a good movie or as good as the theme allows. Cavalier's wife Irène died in 1972 in a car accident (accident or suicide?) and in this movie he talks and talks about the past while revisiting places where he was with his wife, trying to solve almost psycho-analytically the problems he carries in his mind about what had been their life together and to explain us and himself how she behaved and why she behaved like that and what could have been the cause of her death. Their relationship was one of deep love but not free of problems and even conflicts. His mind is a bit confused even after all these years and he still has her present on his mind almost like if she were still alive. The movie develops itself slowly through permanent recollection of past events and conversations between the two in an attempt to understand how it was and what had happened during their life together. Many people may find the movie dull and boring unless they tune in to the spirit of someone who has lost a loved one and still cannot understand well what has happened and why.


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