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Identical (2011)

Identical (2011)

Jonathan TogoEmily BaldoniAaron RefvemMeredith Zinner
Daniel Bollag,Seo Mutarevic


Identical (2011) is a English movie. Daniel Bollag,Seo Mutarevic has directed this movie. Jonathan Togo,Emily Baldoni,Aaron Refvem,Meredith Zinner are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Identical (2011) is considered one of the best Thriller movie in India and around the world.

The children grow up to become adult versions of themselves. The dynamic stays the same, and the mythology of the prologue residues on the entire story. The evil brother, Mark, is a ruthless businessman whose world of deceit and corruption is on the brink of collapse, and he will fight for it till the end, exposing the most sinister sides of his personality. Richard is the good brother, who, despite his benevolence, is a lost soul. He is an artist and a wanderer, a poet and a lover. Truly, no words can adequately praise John Togo's performance as both brothers. He is simply breathtaking in every single frame he's in, and thank God, he's in almost every one. Not only is he wholesomely convincing as both characters, but he goes above and beyond that. He becomes two people so seamlessly that, not for a single moment was there a doubt in my mind as to who I was watching at any given scene. It's an award-worthy performance, and Togo becomes a leading man of such cinematic proportion, that ...


Same Director

Identical (2011) Reviews

  • don't waste your time


    My brother and sister-in-law wanted to watch this movie because they like the actor. It plays like a made for TV movie. No surprise that it didn't make it into the theaters. The story was slow and confusing, and the ending was predictable. We called the ending less than half way through the movie. The previous reviewer who said the actor's speech was slurred and difficult to understand hit the nail on the head. So frustrating to sit through. We watched the whole movie despite our disappointment because we were hoping for a big payoff at the end and we were very let down. There are too many good and even mediocre movies out there to waste your time with this one. The only bright side is that now we can make fun of the movie tomorrow...

  • what a mess!


    first of all, by claiming this movie was 'inspired by true event' is a total joke. and then, the screenplay writer(s), the director and the actor who play the twin brother role, all did unconvincing jobs, resulting this movie turned out to be a total mess. the actor who played the twin brothers got a very serious speaking problem. all the dialog he delivered sounded like his mouth got several marbles in it, there's no way to hear clearly what he said, every word, every sentence are just blurring, there's no way to quite understand what he's talking about. as to the movie itself, what a messy screenplay we got here. we did not know why the mother who bore these twins hated them so much, and why the father treated them like someone else sons. one evil and one good, but after seeing this pathetic movie, neither was good, and both were evil. then came the poor directing followed by the poorly crafted screenplay, the twin brothers were so confusing, sometimes you felt there's just one brother who got 'split personalities' problem; or there were indeed two look-alike brothers, both got mental problems, or one of them was serial killer. there were so many gray areas that confused the audience to the extreme. there were so many scenes that were totally unnecessary and purposeless. the whole movie simply turned weirder and weirder, more confusing as the movie continued. at first, there's some promising moment that this movie might be good and different from the usual movies in the similar genre, but in the end, just another ridiculous and messy crap that you carelessly ate up without knowing before it's too late. i strongly suggest that this actor who played the double images of the twin brothers go find some speaking specialist to adjust and correct his blurring speaking problem.

  • Stabbing yourself with a fork is more entertaining.


    First problem I had with this movie was that they set it in a Jewish neighborhood that was very clearly Hasidic and when the mother gave birth they allowed it to happen on the sidewalk AND random men were touching her. Men and Women in Hasidic culture are not allowed to touch in public even if you know them, even your husband. The Second problem I had was how slow it was. The Third problem I had was the TERRIBLE acting. Jonathan Togo was all over the map and not in the way his character was written but his acting would be good in one scene and bad in the next or worse in some scenes one moment was good and the rest bad. Emily Foxler should find another profession all together, she was just embarrassing to watch...Lifetime shouldn't even hire her. And my Fourth and biggest problem was the terrible writing and plot. Daniel and Yumiko Bollag ripped off parts of Face Off, Fight Club,The Omen and several other movies slapped on some "Jewish" beginning and said let's see if anyone is stupid enough to watch this. Which unfortunately I was. Do yourself and the world a favor and break all copies you find of this film. Bollag's you now owe me 2 hours of my life, the 1.20 I payed at redbox and 24 trillion in emotional damages. You also owe royalties to A LOT of people.

  • A Very Interesting Story.


    It is always very awkward doing a review on a movie based on a novel. The novel, or book will always take precedence. In this case, - well- this movie had me reeling from one minute to the next..Still very hard to explain that without giving the whole story or a spoiler. It is very well done and i like the fact that is not cheaply done in a one room or on stage production. (not that i don't like that in the right context) . Plenty of light and open air filming.The story about one mans fight within himself sort of sums this up. Well worth the watch if you have the time to absorb the story. If you are looking for- Action - not a lot here. More for the people looking to solve and absorb.

  • It's not worth your time ...


    Terrible, terrible plot. The acting is absolutely abysmal. I'm surprised that this (reluctant to even use the term "film") hasn't been thought of as a form of torture! Come to think of it, if I was given a choice between water-boarding and watching this film, I'd take water-boarding hands down! Please, if you've got anything else to do in your life aside from watching this movie (reluctant to use term again), even if you're contemplating pulling out your nails with a set of rusty pliers, that would be better time spent! My only hope is that I can spare you the pain I've endured. Now my only other regret is beginning this review as I've just found out that I have to spend more time writing a minimum of 10 lines so as to submit this "review". Still, it may be worth it if it prevents only one person from subjecting themselves to such an atrocity.


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