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I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2005)

I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2005)

MadonnaStuart PriceSteve SidelnykMonte Pittman
Jonas Åkerlund,Dago Gonzales


I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2005) is a English,French movie. Jonas Åkerlund,Dago Gonzales has directed this movie. Madonna,Stuart Price,Steve Sidelnyk,Monte Pittman are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2005) is considered one of the best Documentary,Music movie in India and around the world.

Chronicles Madonna's 2004 Re-Invention World Tour and "new" Madonna

I'm Going to Tell You a Secret (2005) Reviews

  • Incredible is the only word


    I was skeptical. The movie began, and the introduction had my attention right away. The color shifts or black-and-white- to color, back and forth, was very good. The music was hers, obviously, and were wise choices as the soundtracks. This movie made me see Madonna as less than simply a superstar, but as a human being, with her flaws very evident. The highlight of the whole documentary are the clips of her concert, which is probably the best she has ever done. The stage, the choreography and costumes are phenomenal. Madonna has proved that age simply made her get better,and that even though she may be under the radar sometimes, she is still very relevant.

  • brilliant!


    I saw this on UK TV last night and really enjoyed it and it left me feeling emotionally touched. It's really like a Truth or Dare Part 2 (as many have said), but the huge difference is Madonna. Back then she was in her early 30s and doing a larger concert and really had the world at her feet as this amazing female artist who was very fit and very controversial. I was 16/17 that time too, when I was a huge fan of hers. Big posters of her in that famous conical outfit, long blonde ponytail expression, lots of 'suggestive' poses - but even though I was young and my mum was insistent in sitting behind me watching TOD, it never bothered me. I was never discouraged and continued loving Madonna. I think, where she has always been a bit forward, etc, those were the years she was reaching out on a different level, but it all turned against her (the Sex Book, etc). Fast forward a few years and Ray of Light album re-ignites Madonna's flame of fame. She looks good and thou the album seems a little strange with some chant type music, I think she was quickly opening our ears up to see how she was a new person in herself. Ray of Light (song itself) certainly was a club-floor burner. Move on to Music album and I absolutely love it! Drowned World Tour, thou not seen as her best work, was one I actually thoroughly enjoyed…….. …….but onto this documentary, and I have to say the very beginning of it was strange, almost sinister. But rolling on and through it, watching her pick new dancers for the tour (Cloud is absolutely amazing!), to getting ready for stage, etc – you can see Madonna still gets a bit nervous as I feel she strives for a perfect concert all the time, nothing wrong with that, but perhaps it was a bit evident back in TOD it made her seem a little 'bitchy'. But by gawk this woman IS a great entertainer! The costumes are colourful, thou the concert seems a little smaller than Drowned World, it seemed a little more intimate with the fans. Anyhow, watching her in Slane, and she is taking care and making all aware of the rain, etc, when she gets into the car and while driven away mentions about 'suddenly forgetting what she sang and danced too' (or along those lines), maybe I'm imagining things but she looked a little upset? I felt a little emotional with that and the scenes of her sweating etc, and looking a little exhausted. Suddenly it hits you, while she is incredibly flexible and fit and looks great, its easy to forget about her age and possible physical changes coming ahead – you know what I mean. I loved the scenes with her and her kids, and with Guy in Dublin, etc………..and sharing moments with the dancers. The whole documentary was worth it for me……….now that I remember the old Madonna and see the new one, yes, the lady has changed. I also think marriage and kids have contributed. Her voice is stronger, deeper and sounds better than ever I think. She is not quite the young fit, loud, controversial, rude woman we remember 12 or so years back, but she is still a great singer, dancer, entertainer – in fact I commend Madonna on coming as far as she has, all the highs and lows, etc….she is still a top person, many of the public have been rude and wanting her to retire and say she looks terrible – I say she looks terrific and is in better shape than a whole lot of us. She is not afraid of trying something new, and never was. Heck I'm almost 30 and still regret never going into dance when I was younger, because when Madonna is on, I seriously want to go to a club and dance all night – she makes me feel alive again. Maybe any public reading this will think I'm talking rubbish, or don't know what I'm talking about. True, there is a lot to Madonna I don't know, but I like to enjoy the great things in life when they happen 'for the moment', and she is one of them. She is one person I've always enjoyed watching, and at least with her videos and concerts you ARE guaranteed fantastic dancers! she is all about fun! If she does happen to ease off or have a last tour as her kids get older, I will always remember this woman, who was never ever boring, and who finally became a better person for herself. Respect!

  • brilliant and far reaching and stunning


    i FINALLY saw 'i'm going to tell you a secret' tonight from a copy someone had and was absolutely stunned for words when i saw it. i found the whole film enormously riveting and gripping...and yet i am more stunned that there hasn't been more hype about it. is this because a lot of people still haven't seen it yet? even on IMDb. i have read reviews by people and external reviews by matthew rettenmund (madonna encyclopedia author) and everyone seemed to say it was good but not fantastic. i actually thought the film was far more ambitious than truth or dare and had a depth missing in first documentary. i absolutely loved it and cried a couple of times! why has this film not been hyped as much as it should be? any thoughts?

  • Madonna is the Queen


    Movie seems to be motional and real, Madonna is the Queen, I am not her fan, but I better will be, cause she is so strong women, I would like to applause to this movie and her. Very nice work on the show and special effects, also Madonna is hard-worker and she showed her work in real kind manner, she is hard, women, mother, boss, artist, wife, dancer - it is difficult or enjoyable?! fun? You better see this movie! As a person who have been at stage I can admit, that movie is very much realistic, as a person who believe in God, I agree with Madonna that wanted to send messages through this movie - "every one needs love, is it enough to everyone, what are we waiting for?" (hopefully I got it right).

  • After "Truth or Dare" the next best thing Madonna did.


    Finally after a long year of waiting i got to see this movie. My expectations for this "Rockumentary" where very high and i was hoping i could see this as a sequel to "Truth or Dare (in bed with Madonna)". But nowhere this documentary can be compared to the 1991 Madonna documentary, the only similar thing these two "docu's" share is the use for black & white footage for off stage scenes, and full color footage for on stage scenes. The great difference between these two docu's is Madonna herself, and it is really great to see that the same egocentric woman who shocked the world by touching herself on stage has grown to be such a tender and caring person who now uses the "shock-element" to make a difference in the world. The docu begins with a stunning new video of "the Beast Within" which is perhaps the most dark and scary thing Madonna ever did. After that you can see Madonna at work in the studio mixing the soundtrack for her Re-invention tour. Step by step you see the preparations for such a massive tour, the audition of the dancers, rehearsing songs, shooting of backdrop screens. Then the docu follows Madonna from opening night until the last show in Lissabon, and also shows some of the strongest performances she did during the tour. Songs like "Vogue", "American Life", "Like a Prayer" and more. After some emotional footage of the last show the docu shows Madonna's visit to Israel. In my opinion the docu would be better of without these scenes. I do understand that this also is an important part of Madonna's life, but some of the footage you get to see is so hard and depressing that it leaves more impact then the 100 minutes before. I think it is save to say that although this docu isn't that good as "Truth or Dare" you won't be disappointed by this one.


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