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Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow (2005)

Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow (2005)

Hubert Selby Jr.Susan AntonDarren AronofskyAlexis Arquette
Michael W. Dean,Kenneth Shiffrin


Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow (2005) is a English movie. Michael W. Dean,Kenneth Shiffrin has directed this movie. Hubert Selby Jr.,Susan Anton,Darren Aronofsky,Alexis Arquette are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow (2005) is considered one of the best Documentary,Biography movie in India and around the world.

An exploration into the life and art of the renowned author of "Last Exit To Brooklyn" and "Requiem For A Dream." Hubert Selby Jr., a self-described "scream looking for a mouth," against all odds, reached international acclaim with his controversial novels. His is a classic story of the great American novelist, overcoming tuberculosis, drug addiction and financial ruin, Selby eventually triumphed in his life and penned seven of the most remarkable and distinctly American books ever written.


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Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow (2005) Reviews

  • You gotta fight for your write...


    I had read "Last Exit to Brooklyn" and had seen the film of "Requiem For A Dream" so I was familiar with Hubert Selby Jr., in fact a fan. Being a writer myself, I'm an obvious audience for this film and therefore a critical one as well. I was astonished by the information this film concisely conveyed about 'Cubby' Selby's life and work, especially what made him write and how he got his eccentric aesthetic. The information comes at us in an entertaining and loving fashion via a "Rogues Gallery" of noted literary figures and filmmakers and a skillful narration by Robert Downey Jr. I have not seen a film, narrative or documentary, that explores the writers craft and experience as intimately as this film does. I really like Hubert Selby Jr. and I feel I truly know something about the man and the artist now. I highly recommend this documentary to anyone who writes or creates art of any type or has ever aspired to do so.

  • Insightful Glimpse Into A Difficult But Sagacious Literary Life


    For those who've never heard of Selby, this film is a perfectly-pitched introduction to his life and writings. For those already familiar with Selby's astonishing literary creations -- LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN primary among them, of course -- HUBERT SELBY JR.: IT/LL BE BETTER TOMORROW provides a long-overdue insight into the man himself, painting a vivid and sensitive portrait of an individual attempting to live an artist's life in the latter half of the twentieth century. It sure ain't an easy row to hoe, but Selby's uncompromising approach to the challenge, coupled with the extraordinary humanity and kindness he exhibits, goes a long way toward explaining the genius at the heart of his art. There's a particularly moving segment depicting Selby doing his laundry (in the coin-operated room of his apartment building designed for that purpose) that dramatically reveals some of the tortuous physical sacrifices he was forced to undergo during his lifetime -- sacrifices that have been transmuted, by the alchemy of his literary gifts, into some of the most compellingly honest writing in the history of American literature. Highly recommended.

  • Insightful look into the life of a literary outlaw


    Hubert Selby Jr. It'll Be Better Tomorrow is a fascinating film. How could an author of such overwhelming influence have become so overlooked for so long. Controversy and drugs derailed this genius but when you hear those he influenced tell it, it was the mainstream that passed him by not the artists. Selby's battles with TB, heroin, and everything else belie the spiritual giant he seems to have become. Lou Reed tells how 'Last Exit To Brooklyn' spun his world, Lou Reed goes on to spin the world of music, the impact is profound. Writing when books could still be banned 'England banned Last Exit', Selby triumphed and didn't bow. Amazing film, well crafted and concise, a great look into the soul of the artist.

  • The measure of a man....


    Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll be Better Tomorrow touched me, taught me, revealed to me a man through the eyes of those who knew him, maybe loved him, but were most certainly enriched by him. The portrait they paint is not always pretty, often tragic, but the soul of the man shines throughout. Cubby's story is not a triumph, but it is exceedingly human and real. An exploration of the adversities that we all face, to greater and lesser degree, how they can bring us to swamp-crawling despair of self-destruction, yet be redeemed by the pure and simple will to overcome. Cubby persevered, and in that found glory over his darkness and demons. The devils still remain, but Cubby found the way to harness them, to drive them, not be driven by them. Art should be like a stone, thrown in a pond, creating ripples reaching further and further outward, disturbing, disrupting the placid quiet. This film shows Cubby as a boulder among pebbles.

  • wonderful film


    I saw this wonderful film last night at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. I have often wished I had met Cubby Selby in person - the directors, Kenneth Shiffrin and Michael W. Dean, did more than deliver a film - they create an outlet for us all to spend a moment with this unsung artist. The insight this movie gives into the world of Cubby Selby is pretty astonishing. I certainly wasn't expecting to be handed keys to his creative process while simultaneously being uplifted by the journey of this absolute spiritual being who was unapologetically human. Cause for both tears and laughter... this film will touch your heart.


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