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House of Fears (2007)

House of Fears (2007)

K. Danor GeraldCydney NeilKelvin ClaytonCorri English
Ryan Little


House of Fears (2007) is a English movie. Ryan Little has directed this movie. K. Danor Gerald,Cydney Neil,Kelvin Clayton,Corri English are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. House of Fears (2007) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

The night before a local haunted house opens for Halloween, six friends sneak in for a few hours of fun. Soon after entering, they find themselves trapped inside with no way out. Their evening of fun rapidly turns into their worst nightmare as they begin to die and disappear in the most freakish of manners. With every effort to escape blocked, the survivors find themselves being driven deeper into the carnivalesque world of terror. Unable to tell what is real and what is counterfeit, they must trust one another, even if it kills them.


House of Fears (2007) Reviews

  • A fun movie, but stays in it's horror bounds


    i saw this a month or 2 ago at a horror festival in LA. if you're going into this knowing it will be just another horror movie where horny teens end up somewhere and get hacked up, that's what it is. What makes the film interesting is the cinematography and creatism of the killings, and the mansion as a whole. it was shot very coolly (I know this isn't a word), some good temperatures to convey moods and the diff rooms / fears etc.. the ending though was unfortunately predictable, much like the characters. I found myself shouting at the screen, "just go! He's gonna get you!" etc.. i was engaged, but for the wrong reasons. the film had the same cheesy girl in distress, big hunky guy leads the pack, funny guy and black dude. very well done for the budget. Some of the acting needed to be tightened, A LOT. Michael Pagan was the best, I'd like to see him again. Eliot Benjamin was relatively funny, and he looks to be pretty new so good luck to his career. The movie didn't attempt to change or go beyond the horror genre that we've been looking at for the past "forever," but again, if you go in knowing this, you'll end up liking it. it's very fun, and a good time. I'd definitely watch it again. on a scale of 1 - 10 in horror land, i give it a 6.5 while in overall movie land, i give it a 4. Jp

  • House of Fears: Forgettable


    Every night I'll trundle upstairs to bed and stick a film on, very often I'll roll the dice and watch the first one I see on Youtube which is normally a big mistake. This time I came across House Of Fears starring Corey Sevier and found myself interested in this mid budget horror title which has overwhelming similarities to Dark House (2009). I ended up falling asleep and chose to pick it up the next day only to realise upon going on IMDb that I'd already seen it. This is the first time this has ever happened, though a couple of scenes seemed familiar (Especially the sand pit part) I thought it was just because I watch so many films. What does this tell you about House Of Fears? That though it isn't a bad film, it's instantly forgettable! The Good: Perfectly watchable effort Decent concept The Bad: Generic Things I Learnt From This Movie: I am capable of forgetting a watched a film altogether even when watched again!

  • The Ultimate Movie Review! - http://tss5078.blogspot.com


    House of Fears was a pretty cool premise, but the movie was destroyed by a lame script and a cast that just wasn't very good. Some kids at a party decide to break into a haunted house exhibit, when suddenly their fears all come to life. It sounds like a good movie and that cover is great, but the story seemed to be written by a fourth grader. If you're over the age of ten and this film actually scared you, you should be ashamed of yourself. This is seriously about one step above Goosebumps. Aside from the childish script, the acting here is a complete joke! Muffled lines, fake screams, no emotion, I could go on all night about what was wrong with the acting in this film! It's got an awesome cover and very well written description, but the truth is this film is nothing but a waste of time, that you might find mildly entertaining, just because of how bad it really is.

  • House of Dumb and Derivative


    Quickly judging by the brief synopsis and a peek at the picture stills on the back of the DVD cover, "House of Fears" simply looks like just another umpteenth dull new horror slasher with an unoriginal plot, pretty but one-dimensional teen characters and tame and uninspired killing sequences. Well, after watching the whole film, I can safely say that this overall superficial and hastily drawn impression is … completely accurate. Sad but true, "House of Fears" is as dumb and derivative as it looks, and I simply cannot believe that in this day and age – with an horror offer that is already supersaturated – producers are still willing to put money into projects like these. The set-up couldn't be more clichéd and the last time I've seen such a big collection of stereotypical characters was in the early 80's. We have the group of quintessential teens including: the wannabe funny guy who can't score with the chicks, the vainglorious pretty sister, the timid and nerdy sister who's actually a major babe if you have a closer look, the hunky jock who's a romanticist underneath his macho looks, the black guy who hates and criticizes but meanwhile dates the dumb Paris Hilton look-alike character and – of course – the Paris Hilton look-alike character. All together, they decide to walk out of a party in order to sneak into a nearby carnival attraction before its official opening. Now where have I heard that premise before …? Oh, I remember now, in about three dozen other mediocre horror flicks. The attraction, the House of Fears, supposedly is the best thing out there in carny land. It's a ghost house that guarantees to petrify all of its visitors with statues and images of the twelve most commonly spread phobias, like clowns, knives, spiders etc. Personally, I'm afraid of little people so the house won't scare me. Ha! Anyway, one little relic inside the house will turn the teenagers' night into the ordeal of their life, namely an African mini-statue that actually generates people's deepest fears and brings the monsters to life. I see what you're thinking … How bad can a movie possibly be when it features murderous clowns, pale-skinned undertakers and scarecrow monsters? I honestly don't know, but "House is Fears" is boring, unexciting, stupid and 100% suspense-free. There's a scene early in the film, showing a woman shopping for sinister scenery for the House of Fears in Africa and discovering the cursed statue. This scene is completely irrelevant and I suspect the creators just wanted to showboat like "Hey look, we went on a field trip to make this film!" The acting performances are decent, especially from beauties Corri English and Sandra McCoy, but it's hardly their fault that the characters are too bland and annoying to be memorable. Fans of gory killings and macabre imagery will be tremendously disappointed, as "House of Fears" is the type of horror that wouldn't even upset 12-year-old Hannah Montana fans.

  • A good horror film...


    I enjoyed watching House Of Fears and found it to be a good film. It starts. The night before a local haunted house opens for Halloween, six friends break in for a evening of fun. Soon after entering, the house they find themselves trapped inside with no way out. They try and find a way to get themselves out but they find that every escape is blocked, They are unable to tell between what is real and what is not. They find out that their worst nightmare has come a they get deeper into trouble as they lose where each of the friends are. They must help each other to find a way out. This film ended up being very good, and i much better film that i though it was going to be.


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