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House of Evil (2017)

House of Evil (2017)

Andrew Harwood MillsLucy DriveDésirée GiorgettiDavid White
Luca Boni,Marco Ristori


House of Evil (2017) is a English movie. Luca Boni,Marco Ristori has directed this movie. Andrew Harwood Mills,Lucy Drive,Désirée Giorgetti,David White are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. House of Evil (2017) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

Set in the 1970s, House of Evil tells the story of a young couple who move into an old mansion in the Connecticut countryside to start a family. They soon discover that their new life is destined to be fraught with disaster as they fight against a dark, terrifying force in order to survive.

House of Evil (2017) Reviews

  • couldn't give it a zero


    Terrible movie...bad everything...really don't waste your time like I did.

  • Avoid this brain fart


    This film is truly awful.Terrible acting,after about ten minutes it becomes more annoying but you decide to give it the benefit of the doubt in the forlorn hope it will improve.Alas it dose not. The plot has been used in countless movies over the years and this is just another botched attempt of a worn out script. To add insult to injury we are informed it's inspired by true events.Maybe I'm being too critical and some people may enjoy this movie, but for me it was a load of schlock.

  • House Of Evil


    Photographer John and his fine artist good lady move to a big house in the country. They have a dog, and he has a dark room. Do they still use dark rooms in 2017? The house is atmospheric, creepy, and she sees a ghost. He is behaving strangely. Is it the house, or is it one of them? It's the house; with some reluctance the local clergyman tells her what happened to the previous occupants. By this time she is pregnant. At some point we fast forward seven months. What will happen? Obviously bad things. The ending is probably not what you would have thought, but with such a minimal plot, confusion of dream sequences with reality, and not much else, this film deserves the bad reviews it has received. The acting isn't that bad, but there really is no substance to it.

  • absolutely horrible


    Even if you can get past the horrible acting (I mean really really horrible overacting), the plot is so overdone it will leave you bored to tears. This movie is in no way "homage" to the classic pieces of the genre. It was not nearly original or well directed enough to be considered such. Very much a failed attempt. Don't waste your time unless you want a laugh at the bad acting.

  • Please don't


    Such a disappointment... Let's say that I love horror movies and I'm an avid watcher of new titles that would give me a good scare (yes, I actually get scared easily). This movie I could have watched alone in a dark abandoned house (just to stay on the subject) and still don't get the chills. It is set in the 70s, good. It is also set in Italy, and it is hard not to notice it BUT no one mentions it. It is hard to believe that every character we see in an English native speaker. It feels odd and.. fake. The acting is awful but the music is really good, maybe a little bit too intense in some scenes (you know something is going to happen way before the characters do). The film has the same clichés of the haunted house stories and doesn't really add much to the mix. The viewer knows what is going to happen: as soon as it is found out that the protagonist is pregnant you know you're in for a bad remake of Rosemary's baby. The epilogue seems forced with the stereotype devil-worshiper priest that has to explain the public why they had to endure this amateur production for 80 minutes.

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