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House of Bad (2013)

House of Bad (2013)

Heather L. TylerSadie KatzCheryl BontyLisamarie Costabile
Jim Towns


House of Bad (2013) is a English movie. Jim Towns has directed this movie. Heather L. Tyler,Sadie Katz,Cheryl Bonty,Lisamarie Costabile are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. House of Bad (2013) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Three sisters on the run with a suitcase full of stolen heroin hide out in their childhood home, which is haunted by the ghosts of their parents.

Same Director

House of Bad (2013) Reviews

  • Pure and perfect BOREDOM.


    I find it so hard to understand how can House of Bad be rated over 5 and even have positive reviews. This one is one of the most boring films I've ever seen, goes hand in had with Black Rock (2012), another movie with 3 girls, located in an isolated place, and then...something goes terribly wrong. Don't know which one is better to be honest, Black Rock had a little more action but this one delivers on nudity (a lot and quite nice) and some sort of tensioned moments. Sort of! Anyway, it is an independent movie, one that fits perfectly in its category, won't pull its head above, a simple and natural film. It will probably bore you to death, I am sorry to say it, but nothing really happens and when things start to move, they move with such a speed, you'll fall right asleep. If you have only 90 minutes to live, I'd recommend you to watch House of Bad in your final minutes, because one hour with this one seems like an eternity! Had some expectations but it always fails to deliver. Gets a little close from time to time, but just walks right pass it, doesn't even bother to turn its head towards us. I'll recommend you "100 feet", that one is cheesy, but hey, a lot more fun than this one. Was quite the struggle to stay awake. Cheers!

  • Trust me; it is a major waste of time!


    To begin with: Heather L. Tyler: horrible, terrible acting! Hopefully I'll never see her in another movie again, unless, she pays for good acting lessons and comes back in a better movie and role, that gets her an Oscar or something acceptable. Sadie Katz: amazingly fit and hot and a great job in such a terrible movie, so out of five on her acting I'll say is a four. Looking forward to see her again! Cheryl Sands: good acting and potential future in the movie business. Directors and writers, epic failure as director; writing it has to be less boring, remember is for a movie not for reading while commuting to work. I really wanted to like this House of Mad, bad, boredom or whatever the title! This movie should have been 30 minutes shorter, I assure you even with all the screaming is a "doze off" sorry, I would recommend it to someone I dislike very much in order to ruin their evening! By the way is time for fake reviews or people who don't know anything about movies to stay away from The Internet Movie Data Base.

  • Pathetic


    Horrible acting, horrible plot, horrible execution. This really makes me wonder what it takes to get a film financed and distributed. From the beginning shots, where the camera was jerking all over the place, to the next shots, where the camera was panning from person to person (only afford one camera, guys?) this was a joke in cinematography. I think the guy who was shooting the hand-held camera scenes had Parkinson's, no kidding. Odd thing is that the story wasn't bad. In a real director's hands with competent actors, it might have been a good flick. Yeah, I know everybody's got to start somewhere, but this definitely was NOT the place for these girls to start.

  • Independent cinema. Done right.


    Sure, you could go and spend x amount of your hard-earned dollars to go and see the most recent blockbuster playing in an overcrowded theater near you. That's your every right. But have you ever considered some of those lesser known names? Some that aren't on the Hollywood A-list? You know, one of those movies you come across on Netflix but won't watch because you don't know who made it/stars in it? You might be surprised what is out there. To which proves this little film. Shot in a mere 8 days with a budget which is a fraction of a typical blockbuster, House of Bad focuses on three siblings returning to their elderly home after one of the sisters steals a large suitcase filled with heroin from her boyfriend. Little do they know, the house that was once their childhood home, is now confronting the girls with a cruel past. With a few eerie scenes, underlined by a great soundtrack (courtesy of Terry Huud) and several great suspense moments you could easily classify this as a thriller/mild horror. Yet the film has more to offer. The characters are well explained, with the family history as a central plot to the movie, you can find yourself caring for the characters. Director/co-writer Jim Towns clearly did a great job making this, especially considering the ridiculous small amount of time and money that was put into this. If you get a chance to watch this, go for it. It's a great 1.36h ride. 4/5. Independent cinema. Done right.

  • Horrible


    A horrible, poorly-done, incredibly stupid movie. To go into everything wrong with this film would take more space than I have here. Don't waste your time. Oh, and as for all those reviews that gush about this movie, they're pretty blatant. One of the reviewers has only reviewed two movies in 11 years. They're both movies directed by Jim Towns. Another one has only reviewed two movies as well. They're both movies starring Sadie Katz. If you guys want to review your own movies, at least have the guts to post your own name so we can see who you really are. Or how about you put out a film that actually deserves praise instead.


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