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Hellbound (1994)

Hellbound (1994)

Chuck NorrisCalvin LevelsChristopher NeameSheree J. Wilson
Aaron Norris


Hellbound (1994) is a English,Italian movie. Aaron Norris has directed this movie. Chuck Norris,Calvin Levels,Christopher Neame,Sheree J. Wilson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1994. Hellbound (1994) is considered one of the best Action,Fantasy,Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Shatter and Jackson, two Chicago police officers, are investigating the brutal murder of a rabbi and are summoned to Israel for questioning. While they are in Israel they continue their investigation there on some leads they have. After a while they begin to understand that they are trying to catch a supernatural being, and if they don't do it fast something terrible will happen.


Hellbound (1994) Reviews

  • Prosatanos


    During the Crusades, King Richard the Lionheart (David Robb) defeats the mythological emissary of Satan Prosatanos (Christopher Neame) and shatters his scepter in nine pieces that are kept in sacred places around the world. In the 50's, grave robbers accidentally release Prosatanos from his tomb. In the present days (1994), in Chicago, Sergeant Frank Shatter (Chuck Norris) and his partner Detective Calvin Jackson (Calvin Levels) investigate the murder of a rabbi in a cheap hotel that had his heart ripped off. Their only lead is a piece of the scepter and a card with the names of the Jewish marchand Krieger (Jack Adalist) and Professor Lockley. Shatter and Jackson are summoned by the Israeli Police for a hearing and Shatter decides to seek out Krieger and Lockley. They also meet the professor's assistant Leslie (Sheree J. Wilson) that helps them and is attracted by Shatter. Soon Shatter and Jackson learn that they are dealing with a supernatural being and they are the last of mankind to avoid the Apocalypse. "Hellbound" is an entertaining action film with the story of Satan's emissary Prosatanos. The plot is violent but also very funny. The fight between Chuck Norris' character and a demon is hilarious. My vote is seven. Title (Brazil): "Perigo Mortal" ("Mortal Danger")

  • Mess with Chuck and there's hell to pay...


    I love Chuck Norris. He is one of the best action stars of all time and he is known for kicking the crap out of monsters.He ruled in SILENT RAGE, and took no prisoners in THE HERO AND THE TERROR. But now we have him fighting a demon played by Christopher Neame. Two Chicago police officers are sent to investigate the brutal murder of a rabbi. As the investigation begins, Shatter and Jackson are summoned to Israel for questioning. Upon arrival they realize that they are, in fact, pursuing a supernatural being. while Hell-bound isn't much of a horror movie, it's perfectly acceptable as action movie with some supernatural thrown in. Norris's action sequences, and the martial-arts work really well here and are flawless. Some audiences who are looking for a pure horror movie might not find it here. But personally i really like this movie and the eventual showdown is enticing, with some great karate kicks that land on the chin of the devil guy Prosatanos. Prosatanos! He may sound like a Greek restaurant, but Prosatanos is indeed a minion of evil who's waited centuries to open the gates of Hell. His powers mainly consist of grabbing people and smashing them in to windows and furniture and the occasional heart rip. Played well over-the-top by the supremely Christopher Neame. Hell bound isn't particularly trying to be too ambitious, but it does manage to deliver its goods. This is a Chuck Norris flick. It's his End of Days. It's his Exorcist II: The Heretic. It's his Demon Knight ... Why don't you own this yet? This is Chuck Norris fighting evil, what more do we want in life!

  • Chuck Norris can kick anybody's ass! Even Satan in a kung-fu disguise!


    Damn it, this movie is solid entertainment. The kind of entertainment that should be enjoyed with a six pack of beer and trash to eat. The movie has a dark tone and is filled with cool action sequences, dark settings, and some fine black comedy! Love the acting by Calvin Levels who totally owns this movie as the witty and funny buddy for Chuck Norris who once again rocks the world of bad asses. The villain is creepy and I won't forget the scene at the beginning where Norris enters a room and finds him hiding in the shadows, threatening him and speaking in such a diabolical manner. That's badass! But Norris shows more badass when he reaches to Israel and gets ready for the final battle. This movie is truly spectacular for a macho audience who is into horror and Chuck Norris!. I'm served.

  • Great Movie and Christopher Neame is awesome!

    Movie Nuttball2002-06-29

    I always been a fan of Chuck Norris and when I first saw Hellbound I thought it was a good movie. Christopher Neame was given an excellent role which was absolutely awesome. His looks was scary and his voice very dark! The score is great and Hellbound is a very good film. Neame is an incredible actor and I hope everyone that is a fan of his, Chuck Norris, action, and the horror genre gets to see this!

  • Chuck Norris Kung Fu's Satan its amazing.


    Greatest Chuck Norris movie ever. Bezi the little Israeli helper child is amazing and if you notice when hes kung fuing Satan, Satan does the jittery dash for the scepter that in itself is perhaps the most brilliant piece of film ever. This movie gave me new reason for life. If any part of you has an affinity for classic cheestastic action movies,I.E. if you are a Steven Seagal, Kurt Russell, Sylvester Stallone or Chuck Norris this is a must see. Go see it now or die!


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