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Heaven's Rain (2011)

Heaven's Rain (2011)

Mike VogelErin ChambersTaryn ManningMarilyn McIntyre
Paul Brown


Heaven's Rain (2011) is a English movie. Paul Brown has directed this movie. Mike Vogel,Erin Chambers,Taryn Manning,Marilyn McIntyre are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Heaven's Rain (2011) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Heaven's Rain is the true story of the Douglass family, whose lives were irrevocably changed one evening 30 years ago. The son, after becoming an Oklahoma State Senator and authoring groundbreaking victims' rights legislation, is forced to move forward from his past.

Heaven's Rain (2011) Reviews

  • A testament to the human spirit


    This is an incredible (true) story of love and forgiveness and illustrates the importance of the lessons imparted early in life and the strength that can come from a loving family. You need to see this movie. The R rating is uncalled for. There is no graphic violence, nudity or even cursing. A family with teenagers could watch this one for movie night. For a movie with a small ($1,000,000) budget, the production is excellent and the cinematography is well executed. The acting was terrific, with Brooks Douglass turning in an outstanding first time performance, playing the role of his own father. Mike Vogel is great and has all the mannerisms of Brooks Douglass down cold. Taryn Manning really drew me into the story as Leslie Douglass (Brooks' sister). Erin Chambers was very good as the reporter who ties the whole story together.

  • Heartfelt film with fine performances


    I saw Heaven's Rain just a week after it was released in theaters. I was apprehensive, because I knew the subject matter is horrible and sad and I was not sure If I could stomach that kind of story. But, I was very impressed and satisfied overall with the delicate manner that Brooks Douglass used to tell this story. The acting was believable and deep. The story was carefully and gently told, focusing on a meaningful message. Regardless of personal opinions about the events, it is besides the point to me. This film was just as measurably good of a film as so many out there and far better than many of them. This is definitely a good and heartfelt film that kept me interested and caring. It was not too slow, and certainly not at breakneck speed ... it just moves and feels. It is delicately dealt adaption to this real life story and I really enjoyed it and hope to see it again to absorb the fine performances, and to appreciate it again.

  • It's at least a 9 people. Watch it for the story...


    I had the opportunity to see this movie when it first premiered in Hollywood at the ArcLight - I'm a bit of a critic when it comes to Indy/smaller budget films so I didn't know what to expect, but hey, for a free ticket...why not? Needless to say I'm writing this review because the film left a lasting impression on me. I'm also writing because this movie deserves at least 9 stars and if you are looking for an Indy film with a ton of heart behind it, this should be on your list. The beautiful part about this film is the story transcends everything else one might critique (i.e. production value, acting, etc). This film tells the captivating story of Brooks Douglass, a true story that is relevant to everyone -- diving into the human condition and exposing hard truths that many of us have dreamed about but few have endured. The story is a testimony to life, love, family, perseverance, tragedy, and vengeance. I don't want to give any spoilers in this review, but to quote one audience member in the "talkback" after the screening, "where did you get the idea for this story?!" The answer is obvious - sometimes truth is more captivating than fiction. Watch it. And then do what I did: Google "Brooks Douglass" - this movie just might change your life.

  • A film about forgiveness


    I'm not an American and know nothing about what happened, but on reading afterwards on Wiki about the Douglass family, this film teaches us that crime victims and families of a person who was murdered can forgive the culprits. Could we all learn to forgive that way?

  • HEAVEN'S RAIN - Redemption Adventure through Forgiveness


    Did you ever feel the need to forgive a friend or loved one for doing something? Usually it is for something that winds up being pretty insignificant… but what if you felt the need to forgive someone you did not know? What if that person shot you and your sister leaving you for dead? What if the same person shot and killed both your mother and father? This is the dilemma that Brooks Douglass struggles with in his autobiographical drama HEAVEN'S RAIN. Douglass the son of a minister and his sister Leslie have shared this journey for over twenty years. It dramatically comes to a conclusion when face to face with the man who decimated his life and tore his family apart, Brooks makes the decision of his life…. a decision which helps him to regain his life. Forgiveness is more times than not much more beneficial for the one bestowing it than the one receiving it. If you have ever struggled with whether to forgive someone (and who of us hasn't) this is a story for you to watch. It is part adventure story, part family drama, part murder mystery and the pursuit of victim's rights… but mostly a story of forgiveness and redemption. The redemption Brooks Douglass finds… through the act of forgiveness.


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