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Going Greek (2001)

Going Greek (2001)

Dylan BrunoLaura HarrisSimon RexDublin James
Justin Zackham


Going Greek (2001) is a English movie. Justin Zackham has directed this movie. Dylan Bruno,Laura Harris,Simon Rex,Dublin James are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2001. Going Greek (2001) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance,Sport movie in India and around the world.

Loner freshman Jake Taylor is forced to join the wildest fraternity on campus when the frat brothers refuse to accept his geeky cousin/roommate unless Jake agrees to pledge with him. As the semester progresses, Jake struggles to maintain his grades as well as his affair with Paige, a beautiful sophomore who hates all fraternities. Through naked scavenger hunts, sorority ass-signings and all night beer fests, Jake discovers that he's actually beginning to enjoy himself. But when both his scholarship and his relationship with Paige are threatened, Jake must swallow his pride and turn to his fellow pledges for help or risk losing everything.


Going Greek (2001) Reviews

  • Really funny with excellent pacing


    I had the pleasure of catching this film at a screening in New York and wanted to make sure others got word that this is a film to see. First off, let's have no misconceptions here: Going Greek is not Saving Private Ryan, The Godfather or Gone With the Wind. It is, however, an excellent addition to the genre set by Animal House and further embellished by Porky's and American Pie. Is it an "important" film? Of course not, but if you want to laugh A LOT and spend a very amusing 90 minutes with a crisp, well directed and thoughtful film, then check it out. Other reviewers have said a lot of what I would say, so I won't bore you with repetitive details, but nobody thus far has commented on the pacing of the film. A lot of movies, comedy or otherwise, spend too much time on individual scenes. The special quality of this film, and the effectiveness of Director Justin Zackham (watch for more from this guy) is that the movie drops into each scene, delivers its joke - good or bad - and gets out quickly. The result is that you are never bored. Humor being what it is, you won't be able to satisfy everyone with every joke. Zackham intuitively understands this and makes sure you don't get the chance to get restless waiting for a scene to end. The odds of this are mitigated somewhat as the writing is good enough that most of the scenes are actually really funny. Overall, this is a film worth seeing. High art it ain't, but good laughs, a well written script and really good directing made it very worthwhile.

  • Funny with heart


    Didn't expect to like this - actually I didn't expect to watch the whole thing, but this movie actually grabbed me. I had to cover my eyes a couple of times (what is it with guys and body fluids??) but I laughed a lot more than I cried. The story of the geeky cousin actually pulled me in, and I found myself really wanting him to succeed. While this certainly isn't my genre, this (small?) film is waaay better than many of the other "teen" movies I've seen in the last few years.

  • Really funny!


    I've always liked American comedies, and this little gem is one of my all time favorites. What more can I say. The girls are nice to look at, the jokes are really funny...did I mention the girls are nice to look at? The story is about two cousins who help each other through pledging a fraternity - since we don't have fraternities Down Under I don't know how realistic the portrayals are but it looks like a blast! I don't think it came out in theaters - definitely not in Austalia - but it's well worth your time to check it out on video. Also has really well done DVD goodies including a deleted scene with the scrumptious Claire Forlani. The director's commentary is the best I've ever heard - he really goes into the bits and pieces of what it took to get the film made and has lots of advice for other aspriing directors. Well worth a look!

  • What can I say...


    Great movie... Funny, charming and tons of fun.... It's hard to find a comedy these days that is both smart and funny at the same time. Going Greek is both from beginning to end. I hope that this movie starts to get the attention it deserves...

  • As good as American Pie, better than Old School


    A girl in my dorm, yeah, I'm in summer school, had a copy of this, and we thought it would be a stupid knock-off of the above films. And while it does stick to most of the conventional situational comedy gags, there really was a lot to offer here, including some jokes I never even imagined... Do frat boys really do some of this??!! Knowing the guys as UCSB, I wouldn't put it past them, but this movie did a really good job of telling the story in a way that made it feel more real and less Hollywood - which I mean as a good thing. The cast was really good, I only recognized a few of them from other movies, and it felt like a really well made film - waaay better than 99% of the recent teen sex "comedies". My friend said it's coming out soon, so I would definitely recommend it to anyone in college.


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