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Glass Trap (2005)

Glass Trap (2005)

C. Thomas HowellStella StevensSiri BarucBrent Huff
Fred Olen Ray


Glass Trap (2005) is a English movie. Fred Olen Ray has directed this movie. C. Thomas Howell,Stella Stevens,Siri Baruc,Brent Huff are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Glass Trap (2005) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

When an army of radioactive ants are unknowingly carted into a skyscraper, a group of people have to find a way out before they're eaten one by one.

Glass Trap (2005) Reviews

  • Almost painful to watch


    to start this off i should say, that i thought "attack of the killer tomatoes" was the worst movie of all time, and it barely stood a chance with this movie. on a whim i rented this flick after seeing a preview at a local video store. didn't remember anything about ants from the preview but the box is very misleading about an experiment gone wrong... a few poor saps who happen to be working the weekend are the victims or possibly the perpetrators, not only of the ants but of a horrible script, bad acting, and an even worse plot. to start off i like to pysch myself up by watching the preview(s) on the DVD. however, with the exception of a billy bob thorton trailer all were (straight to video) releases ill be missing. the cheese factor alone makes me think a DEJ PRODUCTION label is synonymous with CRAP! but i gave it a shot, sadly i wish i could get my 90 mins back but to no avail. to add insult to injury they didn't even offer English subtitles....Spanish ONLY...i mean come on. FINAL THOUGHT: "DONT EVEN READ THE COVER"

  • 1 out of 10 people prefer this movie to shock therapy


    This movie was so terrible it was amusing. I understand it is just a low budget B movie but I swear there were so many indiscretions that could have been avoided that made it very frustrating to watch. My favorite part was when someone BURNS A CD on $30 DVD player that they pretend is part of a computer. I know, I have the exact DVD model. The characters aren't consistent with their personalities. I enjoy stupid movies, but this one was more than I could handle because it was simply bad. B movies have the excuse of having a low budget, but in this case, I think if they had 20 Million dollars and the same help and talent, they couldn't have done any better because they aren't capable. On a final note, I'm not sure how, but movies from this DEJ company have been on high order at my local Blockbuster. There were a couple actual blockbuster mainstream movies recently, where they don't keep many in stock. Then these "C. Thomas" movies come out and they keep 20 of them in stock. So don't be fooled by the "War of the Worlds" in your movie store right now, it's a B movie, not Tom Cruise.

  • Very very bad bug flick.. what can I say


    lets start with the good point of this movie. The idea behind it . People in a skyscraper are besieged, chased , eaten by giant ants. Any fan of monster movies ought to get sweaty palm right now and has to brace him or herself not to run to the nearest videostore. But wait.. there is a catch: Lets start with the begin credits.. an unknown movie company and our friends from the Unified Film Organisation.. UFO for short, known for countless crappy movies and a couple of nice ones. And then.. yeah the movie starts. Stuff to watch for, cry about or laugh your ass off for.. depending on your mindset A guy that wants to steal company info leaves his overweight crap acting daughter alone in the car. With a present.. an Aiwa radio with heavy metal music but takes the keys. - the lights go out.. so do the elevators which doesn't stop the janitor for trying to use them..and why should he, the company info stealing guy also used the elevators when the lights where flickering.. gets stuck and attacked by a plastic non moving ant. -The ants come.. about the size of a mid sized dog.. a lot of them.. how did they hide in those small plants. The assistant of the nasty editor has to make coffee but drops a sugar lump into a sewer thingy on the floor.. an ant crawls out and gets beaten to death by the nasty editor which leads to an instant classic piece of dialog " Ants cant get that big "well no one told him that" and she walks away business as usual.. however our ants are crawling through the hallways. * Ants side note: imagine a 5 year old drawing an ant.. yup you have got it.. they look more plastic that a toy. Sigh.. chase scenes.. the ants don't like heavy metal and the overweight daughter scares them off with dead metal music. * reread the above sentence and ponder about it for a moment* The moronic janitor with a past, the bitchy editor and the assistant try to make it to the roof ( reason: - as explained by the janitor "those ants see this as an ant farm so they will dwell on the lower levels.. we need to make it to the roof" My mouth fell open when hearing this. This building has a roof access that can only be reached by using the air vents (???).. just take a guess what happens.. They make it to the roof although the bitchy editor gets attacked and taken away ( "I was chairman of the Beverly hills gun club, of course I can use a gun" . they found the gun because our moronic janitor who is also a psychic broke into a desk in the office where he was hit over the head with the wooden duck..????? They make it to the roof.. insert the "vogue" MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA models and their photographer. Thank god they can escape because there is a cable between this and the nearby skyscraper (???? we don't have skyscrapers in my country but this seems somewhat.. far-fetched??) Most of them escape however the company info stealing dude pulls a gun to skip the queue - I don't blame him- an ant follows him , he pulls the gun - magic gun because it went from the eaten editor to him??- and fails to shoot the ant but does shoot the cable - did I say the ants were as big as mid sized dogs, good shooting- He plummets to his death and the janitor and some others are trapped in the ant building. In the meanwhile back to the garden thingy. The agriculture agent finds the slime on some plants and she yells something into a walkie talkie. Swat guys - and a girl- pop out and the sheriff has its gun taken away. And there is a revelation: the fainting when seeing a dead body female agent is a member of a secret department of agriculture that is so secret even the president doesn't know about it and she is following a lead that has a terrorist ship that had plutonium aboard. The plutonium leaked on the plants causing everything in the plants to grow. Oke.. if you are still with me, pause and reread the above sentence. there we go for the final part. The secret department of agriculture ( SDOA??) follows the trail to the building where the plants were delivered.. Intro Martin I will really humiliate myself for a scrap of food Kove.. shoots his next in command about 15 times because his colleague is attacked by a plastic ant that basically sits on his shoulder.. like a parrot. Good shooting Martin. And you wont believe it but then I fell asleep..thank god for that. If you aren't drunk avoid all all costs.

  • Predictable Cheesy Horror Fick. But Could Be Worse


    There's nothing special or significant about Glass Trap that hasn't been done about a thousand times before in these types of B-grade Sci-Fi movies. A large metropolitan office building is gradually overcome by gigantic radioactive ants who trap the helpless maintenance workers and office staff. Things get really bizarre when a SWAT team is called in to blow up the over-sized bugs. The project seems to play out like a funny RAID bug-spray commercial from the 70's! However, the corny situations and stupid dialog make this movie mildly entertaining. I am a fan of B-grade movies that bring back 1950's-1960's low budget special effects. Glass Trap makes an honest effort at doing that. It's not a good film by any means, and certainly the talented Stella Stevens is completely wasted in this. You will recognize some actors such as C. Thomas Howell as the janitor, and Martin Kove as a law enforcement official. Howell, best known for his role in The Hitcher, and for Kove, playing the sadistic karate school instructor in The Karate Kid. There is just enough amusement in Glass Trap to keep it from being a bomb. The pacing is faster than you might expect. One mild spoiler, is that I thought the photo shoot scenes were completely stupid and unnecessary. As another reviewer commented, it appears that these scenes were almost part of another movie, because they didn't fit at all! With the acting as bad as it is in this film, viewers might just want to cheer for the ants! Go into this film with the mindset of it being a B-grade horror flick and you'll find it an acceptable late late show movie. However, Glass Trap is certainly nothing more than that.

  • Glass Trap isn't worth your time.


    I viewed this film and was shocked by how utterly horrible it was. I knew it was a B movie, but this was below even that. The special effects were terrible. The DVD jacket looked really good. It looked professional. That was the first impression that this film was worth seeing. Don't let the jacket fool you. This film isn't even worth picking up. The movie started out the way every B movie would, but I had good expectations for this film. The story was good at first, showing a plantation owner looking for his workers. The film got even better, when they showed a gory picked-to-the-bone skeleton. I thought, "this is going to be good!" But my anticipation shrank when the first shot of the menacing critters flashed to my television screen. The large ants were very obviously plastic, and were being controlled by a human arm. I expected some CG effects to be completely honest. The movement of the ants reminded me immediately of Kermit the Frog. The gore was poor in quality. Usually, in a horror flick, you expect to see a good amount of blood, but in this film there were splatters. They were quite small and weren't very convincing. And the gory bodies left around from the ants were the same prop, used in different scenes. It became quite repetitive very quickly. The acting was poor. It seemed the actors were hired off the street. But, what can I say. Most B movies have poor acting. But, this was one to remember. These people see these giant ants coming up the stairs, and all they have to say is. "That's a big ant!" It should have been a terrified scream. The acting was almost deliberately terrible. Overall, this film was very poor. Most 1950's horror flicks packed more of a punch than this film. Glass Trap was painful to watch. If you want to see a good movie, Glass Trap isn't the way to go.


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