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Geezas (2011)

Geezas (2011)

Mark JacksonSimon KassianidesMustafa ShakirMyia Ingoldsby
Mark Jackson,Simon Kassianides


Geezas (2011) is a English movie. Mark Jackson,Simon Kassianides has directed this movie. Mark Jackson,Simon Kassianides,Mustafa Shakir,Myia Ingoldsby are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Geezas (2011) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Dodger is sent to Los Angeles by his London Gangster father to retrieve his baby sister and the cash she ran away with. Things don't go as planned, putting Dodger and his new crew (Eddie, a hipster bookie and Jones, an underground boxer) in the sights of Latino Gangbangers and West Hollywood's notorious Gay Mafia.

Geezas (2011) Reviews

  • Utter drivel


    Do yourself a huge favour. Save the electricity. Do the washing up, build a bookshelf. Do not bother watching this puerile dross. My sincere sympathy to all involved with this "thing". You really are better off working at Tesco stacking shelves.

  • Terrible mess


    It's just terrible - amateurish in just about every degree; terrible acting by terrible people who look like they all work in Tesco rather than being gangsters. Most amateurish bit? Difficult to pick just one example from so many, but using a projection behind a static car to imply they're driving went out in 1953. I don't bother with reviews, and only did this one to counter the fake one submitted for this film by someone that signed up, did one review, and has never been seen again. It's about time IMDb got rid of all the fake reviews - they're really easy to spot...

  • Lock Stock meets LA


    witty script, sharply directed movie. if you are like Lock Stock, Snatch and Layer Cake - or any Brit based East End based gangster movie, in the true sense of the word, when you honoured and respected each other, this is the film for you. Fast paced, with some great one liners, it takes you from the mean streets of London to the mean streets of LA where our hapless Geeza is sent to get his sister back who has gone to LA to get into 'acting'. Twists and turns, with some comedy moments and 'wow' didn't see that one coming! It is a film that does not take itself too seriously and should be viewed in that way, it is a tongue in cheek look into the criminal underworld but with a raw edge to it. Great watch and thoroughly recommended.


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