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Fort McCoy (2011)

Fort McCoy (2011)

Eric StoltzKate ConnorLyndsy FonsecaAndy Hirsch
Kate Connor,Michael Worth


Fort McCoy (2011) is a English movie. Kate Connor,Michael Worth has directed this movie. Eric Stoltz,Kate Connor,Lyndsy Fonseca,Andy Hirsch are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Fort McCoy (2011) is considered one of the best Drama,History,War movie in India and around the world.

Frank Stirn (Eric Stoltz) moves with his family to become a barber for the American Army and POW camp at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, in the summer of 1944. Embittered that he cannot fight, Frank must take a stand when a Nazi SS Officer threatens his wife (Kate Connor, playing her real-life grandmother). Her Catholic sister (Lyndsy Fonseca) falls for a Jewish soldier (Andy Hirsch) haunted by the battle of Monte Cassino and the death of his best friend (Matthew Lawrence). Their audacious friend (Camryn Manheim) encourages the couple, while the local priest (Seymour Cassel) cannot. Frank's daughter befriends a German prisoner boy during this magical summer, but war still finds its victims even thousands of miles from the battlefields in rural America.


Fort McCoy (2011) Reviews

  • A sweet little movie


    For those of us who grew up in this era, this movie was a very lovely trip down memory lane. As others have commented, the acting in this movie was not the best, but the attempt to recreate the era was quite realistic and exceptionally well done. The living conditions, the technology, the social mores and the nature of life at the time were very accurate well depicted. I personally served at Ft McCoy and can vouch for the authenticity of the site and the facilities depicted in the film. This is a film that preserves an important historic story about a special place, like many other such places in WWII, and a unique group of people serving their county in whatever way they could and trying at the same time to preserve some sense of normalcy. I highly recommend it.

  • a little disappointing


    Overall I'm a bit disappointed. I thought this would be an interesting period piece, and I'm a fan of (looking at) Lyndsy Fonseca, who I think is the most beautiful actress out there. While watching this film I kept having to remind myself that it was filmed 5 years ago. Perhaps during this time, Lyndsy Fonseca has gotten a ton of experience from filming Nikita, Kick Ass, etc. and took lots of acting classes. Honestly I thought her acting was stiff and basically poor in this. The beginning scenes were especially tough to watch. Getting past that, Eric Stoltz carried the film and delivered a believable performance. I think the supporting cast let him down. Also I wish they had developed some of the story lines of these characters a little bit better. I will say I think the kids in the film did a good job. I was looking forward to seeing the depiction of a US POW camp. After seeing the film, I question their depiction of the prison camp. The real Fort McCoy was/is huge. There were 4000+ POW's there. From this film, you'd think it was a small place where everyone knew each other. The budget probably made it necessary to slim things down quite a bit.

  • A really bad movie


    I really hoped this was going to be a good movie but was really disappointed and surprised at just how bad it was, Stolz's acting was about the only good thing in the movie. His anguish over not being able to serve his country was believable but his co-stars (Connor) acting was just ridiculous and over the top. The US Army fort seemed more like a Boy Scout Camp with no discipline, security or any military bearing whatsoever. Whoever made this movie had no idea of what the military is like. There were so many things going on, its like the creator of this mess wanted to cram all their statements and beliefs in one movie with none actually being explored in depth. The topic of POW's in the USA during WW2 could have been explored with this film nicely yet the picture we were given is silly and very inaccurate. I have family who were around the German POW's in Opelika AL in WW2 and according to them, this movie is junk and I have to agree.

  • A first-rate, flawless family film that aims high and hits its target


    A first-rate, flawless film worth going out of your way to see. It's all there--an engaging story with believable characters and fine acting, a piece of history worth knowing about, a perfectly-detailed recreation of place and time--and it's a true story! Granddaughter Kate Connor has lovingly and unflinchingly brought her family back to life, and you and your family will thank her for it. This film deserves wide, mainscreen distribution and will make some smart person a lot of money. Americana, a happy ending, and a G rating! And this from a guy who would usually avoid a film with those parameters! (Seen at 2011 Newport Beach Filmfest)(reviewer has no personal or financial connection to the filmmakers)

  • Good


    The setup: Stoltz moves with his family to become a barber for the American army's POW camp at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, in the summer of 1944. Embittered that he cannot fight, he must take a stand when a Nazi officer threatens his wife. The verdict: It's an important film. It will either surprise or disappoint you, depending on what your expectations are. Stoltz proves he's still got some ham in the old acting can. Acting is all-around good. The first 30 minutes are is a lot of fun and rather cleverly made. My only problem with the film was the supporting cast. 7 out of 10.


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