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Floris (2004)

Floris (2004)

Michiel HuismanVictor LöwDaan SchuurmansLinda van Dyck
Jean van de Velde


Floris (2004) is a Dutch movie. Jean van de Velde has directed this movie. Michiel Huisman,Victor Löw,Daan Schuurmans,Linda van Dyck are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Floris (2004) is considered one of the best Family,Action,Adventure movie in India and around the world.

Floris van Rozemond Junior, son and heir of a long line of knights of that name, refuses to go in the military 'family business' and becomes an actor, a profession scorned by his homonymous father, the general of the under-age duke of Burgundy. The duke chose this year to pay for his people to have bread and butter, rather then canons for the army, but relies for Floris senior's defense force on a novelty Holy relic from the East, a nail from the Holy Cross, supposedly rendering invulnerable, smuggled to his court in an inconspicuous place- a horse's arse, yet the men of his rival, the duchess of Gelre, think they got it from the stripped body of the courier. Now Floris Sr. is charged with transporting it, but hides it in cheeses, which get sold to the duchess and distributed to her men in Christmas bonus packets. The Gelre side decides to kidnap Floris Jr. and exchange him for the relic, but a Chinese, Pi, helps him escape; when Floris Senior won't even hear their plan, they start ...


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Floris (2004) Reviews

  • My God , what a Mistake


    I'm 42 of age. I grew up with the original Floris series. We hurried home every Sunday to be in time to see the next episode on Dutch telly. Floris (and some other events) made me love Knights, history, horse riding and sword fighting. That's what I'm doing nowadays (not full-time) for a living. doing sword fighting demo's at medieval events, practicing horse riding (also as Napoleonic cavalry) and making steel suits of armour in my workshop. So seeing this movie was somehow like a "must". And My God, how disappointed I was yesterday evening. This movie has nothing to do with the original. This movie has nothing to do with the Middle ages. This movie has nothing to do with acting. This movie has nothing to do with sword fighting. This movie has nothing to do with armouring. this movie has no humour in it. This movie has no spirit. This movie is a waste of money. This movie is a waste of time. This movie is crap. OK, we (my girlfriend and I) were bored and considered stopping the DVD halfway, but I really wanted to know if they succeeded to ruin the movie completely, and Yes, they did. Please, give me money and I will make a far more better version of Floris. I will hire a lot of reenactment groups as extra's to make a good 15th century military impression, some good actors, write a plot full of real action - not the soft cheese-throwing stuff and so on. A movie like this should have: A hero, a creep, a babe, a battle, a pursuit. 1 to one sword action (creep vs. hero) and a tournament of course. Humour is also very important, but has to be real humour.

  • Yuck!!!


    Although the original Floris series was on the air way before my time, I have watched these black-and-white episodes on video several times because they have their nostalgic qualities (even if you don't particularly like Rudger Hauer, which I don't). I had been looking forward to "Floris the movie", because I sincerely hoped to find in it the same nostalgic qualities, mixed with all of the achievements of modern-day cinematography. Alas, I have been deeply disappointed. Shallow, silly, tasteless and without a proper plot to support the actors. What total, utter crap!!! Not a bad idea to have a female version of the original Sindela, but where is the romance à la Burt Lancaster in his pirate movies? And what's with the shitty outfit - can't we do better now that film business in the Netherlands has matured? No, no, no, I know some of the actors could have done better. A missed opportunity, to say the least.

  • Crap movie, waste of money and time


    This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. First the script is about average, should contain some humor, but I could not even raise a smile. Second the editing of the movie is done very very bad. Maybe that is also one of the reasons why it's a bad movie. Third the acting is very bad, even one of the better actress's Linda van Dijk is playing one of her worst roles. OK, comparing this film with the original TV series can not be made, but watching the DVD few years ago, I still think that series can pass the test of time, this movie can't. I also hesitated about stop watching the movie halfway, but had hope it would end better, but it was a waste of time and money. If someone really wants to watch it, hire it, but don't buy it. Cees

  • I am so sorry. This was a mistake


    Ouch!! The first word that comes to mind is ouch! this movie is a painful reminder of what Dutch film shouldn't be like. Even though the makers explained in advance that they didn't attempt to make a follow-up to the original series, they really want to tag along with the success of the series, and then... fail (to even live up to a small expectation). Jean van der Velde is usually a very consistent director, and I am even quite fond of his previous work. But in this film he fails to hit the right note, and it blows up in his and our face. Usually excellent actor Victor Low (Floris Sr.) is painfully clumsy in his character, and all the other characters lack a depth which should bring compassion or sympathy. The humor and tensions are far to much in your face, cheap and flat. Where the series excel in making 'faking it' look appealing and charming, the film makes it look camp (in a bad way.) There is no subtlety what so ever. The score? Only one good and funny scene and only one actress who played up to standard (Linda van Dijk as Gravin van Gelre). I really wish I could be more positive about this film, since I looked forward to its release. I should have known that, when I heard they edited in a bit of old footage (from the original series) to get a little bit of Rutger Hauer in, it was destined to fail. I am so sorry. This was a mistake...

  • A fun adventurous movie!


    To me this movie was a nice little surprise, I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. The movie is fun and adventurous and surpassed my expectations on several fronts. The movie is cleverly written by Gerard Soeteman who manages to put in some good jokes and funny witty dialog. Soeteman also was responsible for writing all of Paul Verhoeven's Dutch movies and the TV-series "Floris" starring Rutger Hauer on which this movie is based. Of course this movie is nothing like the black & white TV-series from the late '60's that launched the career for both actor Rutger Hauer and director Paul Verhoeven but than again, this movie doesn't pretend to be like the TV-series. The movie is set in a different time-period and even though all of the characters are meant to be granddaughters and grandsons of the original characters from the TV-series, this movie and its characters feel good and original on its own. It's like all the characters had gotten a modern refreshing remake. The villains are deliciously stereotypical evil, dumb and just totally over-the-top. Yes, the movie does also feature a love-story but in this case it is totally not distracting at any moment and is handled nicely. This movie has Dutch written all over it. I mean when persons are fighting in a mill while they are throwing cheeses at each other, you know you're watching a movie set in The Netherlands. Also of course weed is a thing not to be missed in a Dutch movie, this one included. Most of the jokes are 'inside jokes' that I'm sure only Dutch adults will notice and appreciate but I seriously laughed out loud at some moments. I think an international audience will not appreciate this movie as much as Dutch people will. The story is simple so that also the young ones will be able to follow and appreciate this fun adventurous movie. The fights and sword fights might be a bit of a disappointing thing of the movie but all the fun characters and the cleverly written jokes compensate for this and make you forget the weak story and the just totally ridicules moments. I enjoyed this movie from start to finish and was pleasantly surprised by it all. Another thing that surely surpassed my expectations was the acting. Especially Michiel Huisman, Victor Löw and Daan Schuurmans were truly excellent! I truly enjoyed their performances in this movie. It's quite unique for me to say that I enjoyed persons acting performances in a Dutch movie, so I think that says a lot about this movie! Even though it is notable that this movie hasn't got a major budget, the movie stills manages to create a little epic feeling, due to the nice and beautiful settings. It gives the movie a wonderful adventurous feeling and atmosphere. (especially towards the Dutch people here) You should give this movie a chance! It really surprised me how incredible lighthearted fun this movie was. Fun adventurous entertainment from start till finish! 7/10 http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/


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