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Febrer (2004)

Febrer (2004)

Julio ManriqueLaura ConejeroAdolfo FernándezNacho Fresneda
Sílvia Quer


Febrer (2004) is a Spanish,Catalan movie. Sílvia Quer has directed this movie. Julio Manrique,Laura Conejero,Adolfo Fernández,Nacho Fresneda are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Febrer (2004) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

A metaphorical tale about pain and loss. Sela, a famous writer, committed suicide. Lars, her ex-lover, tries to find out why she did it. In the process, he discovers an unknown world of feelings and sense of guiltiness.

Febrer (2004) Reviews

  • Rewind someone else's memory


    This movie deals with death and digital afterlife. A woman dies in her forties but leaves hundreds of video and cassette tapes of her life recorded. The main character is an ex boyfriend from time past who watches and listens to every tape to cope with her death and his own sorrow. He amongst other boyfriends appears on the tapes. And through the tapes he gets to know her and even himself much better than he did before. The originality of this movie resides in the technical aspects. So when the action takes place inside her flat -the same flat where he is viewing the tapes- the image blurs into blue and white as if we were watching a surveillance camera, but when we listen to her tapes we do get a proper flashback of the place she was in. The soundtrack, though minimalist, adds up to the nauseating atmosphere of nostalgia with an unmistakable repetitive tune. But in the end the fragmented bits and pieces collected together don't make much sense. This movie lacks warmth and does not charm the viewer.

  • Past and present.


    A strange atmosphere to tell the story of an obsessed and never ending love. Life and death, past and present are mixed in this metaphorical picture. Sela committed suicide and Lars, her ex-lover,tries to find out why, discovering things and feelings about her he didn't know. An interesting movie about pain and lost. Claustrophobic set decorations help us to understand the state of mind of the characters. Specially interesting the flooding scene at Sela's home. Most of the people ask themselves what does it means? I think it means Lars' tears, or even Lars' desperation: his soul is drowning. Good direction by Sílvia Quer and good performances of Laura Conejero and Mercerdes Sampietro.


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