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Fate (2003)

Fate (2003)

Michael ParéPhilip Michael ThomasLee MajorsTamie Sheffield
Ace Cruz


Fate (2003) is a English movie. Ace Cruz has directed this movie. Michael Paré,Philip Michael Thomas,Lee Majors,Tamie Sheffield are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. Fate (2003) is considered one of the best Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Serial killers have plagued the American landscape for decades, committing gruesome atrocities, and providing some tough cases for criminal investigators to crack. This thriller follows the travels of two detectives who are on the trail of a bizarre murderer intent on slaughtering his victims, then using them as real-life puppets in a tale that he is trying to tell. The plot holds a key to the whereabouts of the monstrous deviant, but the detectives have to unravel it quickly before more unsuspecting citizens become theater fodder for the unhinged madman.


Fate (2003) Reviews

  • Unfortunately, Fate brought me to see this garbage.


    Being a fatalist at heart, I picked up this film at the local videostore to find one of the most boring movies to hit their shelves. I couldn't keep my attention to this almost at all. It reminds me of something on TV (just more drawn out). The director was trying to lead you along a police-investigation tale (with a solid premise and story, mind you), but I can't help but shudder at the fact that these movies are being released like this! The sound and music were thrown-together clichés and the story added all of the religious BS from every other murder mystery of our time. Se7en makers should be thankful that David Fincher was working with them and not this guy, because that film was along the same lines as this one, in a way. I'm surprised that filmmakers still try to make cop-dramas like this. At least they should throw some abnormal camera-work or effects in there to spice it up a little. This just seems to exist instead of grabbing you from its videostore shelf, like I said. A gave it a 2/10 for seeing Philip Michael Thomas again since his album and Miami Vice days, but otherwise, don't waste $3 on this at the videostore. You'll be disappointed if you're trying to find entertainment.

  • If someone recommends this to you, assume that person hates you


    Fate is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is nothing but a tired cliché, complimented by bad acting, bad writing, and bad direction. The writers are obviously casual fans of 80's cop shows, and their knowledge of police procedure would apparently go no farther. The movie follows the basic plot for Se7en, with two cops tracking down a fanatically religious serial killer, who leaves various clues as to his identity, because he wants to be caught, to prove his point. It also borrows liberally from such other films as Silence of the Lambs and The Empire Strikes Back. In fact, if there's an original idea in this movie, I missed it. Michael Pare is apparently the worst actor I've ever seen. He could not have been more wooden, and delivered his lines more poorly. The fact that he is so awful is the only reason I'm not laying into Philip Michael Thomas, who has been M.I.A. for several years, apparently with good reason. And frankly, it's really sad to see Lee Majors reduced to this garbage. He's the freakin' Fall Guy! The dialogue in this film is so bad, that I can only assume the writers are dyslexic. Characters often say things that no one, no matter how stupid, would ever say. It's like they director wanted to stop the film at times, so that he could explain to the audience what was happening. Of course, you'd have to be a complete idiot not to understand (especially if you've already seen Se7en), so it just seems painful. I don't remember the last time I groaned as much as I did watching this movie. I can only hope that the director and writers are forever banned from even borrowing a video camera again. These guys aren't even competent to make music videos.

  • A pleasant surprise!


    I rented this from Blockbuster last week, out of curiosity... Especially since I had not seen Lee Majors in anything for such a long time. I have to say, this was a solid film. It had a completely original take on the serial killer genre... making it more personal then anything I've seen. Michael Pare' plays a former FED who has now taken a job as a Police Detective. He is joined by Philip Michael Thomas (where has this guy been) who plays his new partner. They have a history as they were both Federal Agents. While Pare' does a solid job, it's Thomas' weird (almost creepy) performance that gives their partnership spice. Add this to Lee Majors spectacularly creepy and messed up performance, and you have a whole lot of things to keep your interest. While the film is far from perfect... some sound issues and a cliché or two... it is a fresh enough take on the serial killer genre to make it worth a rental. I think the director Ace Cruz has something to be proud of, and it would be nice to see what the guy could do with a real budget. I watch a ton of films every week (and pay a lot in rental fees), and many of the filmmakers / directors of the films I see are just going through the motions to get the film done... where Ace seems to have an actual vision. Check it out!

  • Possibly the worst 10 minutes of my life.


    Basically my girlfriend rented this movie for the hell of it, within 10 minutes I couldn't help but to turn it off. Possibly the worst dialogue and acting I have ever seen (and I only saw 10 minutes of the film). I feel sorry for the poor schmucks who watched the whole thing. Its painfully obvious that the director had no clue how police do anything, and this is when I put in the 2nd movie she rented. Basically my girlfriend rented this movie for the hell of it, within 10 minutes I couldn't help but to turn it off. Possibly the worst dialogue and acting I have ever seen (and I only saw 10 minutes of the film). I feel sorry for the poor schmucks who watched the whole thing. Its painfully obvious that the director had no clue how police do anything, and this is when I put in the 2nd movie she rented. Basically my girlfriend rented this movie for the hell of it, within 10 minutes I couldn't help but to turn it off. Possibly the worst dialogue and acting I have ever seen (and I only saw 10 minutes of the film). I feel sorry for the poor schmucks who watched the whole thing. Its painfully obvious that the director had no clue how police do anything, and this is when I put in the 2nd movie she rented.

  • No one deserves this FATE


    To the sympathetic sole that says he feels sorry for the schmucks that watched the whole thing, I accept his sympathy. I was truly one of the schmucks that took in this whole movie. What was I thinking? This was horrific. This was a bore-a-thon. This was incoherent. The plot made no sense. The actors were so-so. Just a very bad experience. Nothing made sense. It was like the person that wrote this movie was on drugs.It was an atypical murder movie with the typical suspect... a school janitor, played by 'desperate for a role' Lee Majors. Another religious nut but this time it involved a religious nut with kids all over the Northern hemisphere. Very silly and there was no gore or nudity. Gore and/or nudity would have added a star or 2 for an alpha male like myself. This was simply blaise with many attractive female stars , well covered .


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