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Fatal Honeymoon (2012)

Fatal Honeymoon (2012)

Billy MillerAmber ClaytonGary SweetHarvey Keitel
Nadia Tass


Fatal Honeymoon (2012) is a English movie. Nadia Tass has directed this movie. Billy Miller,Amber Clayton,Gary Sweet,Harvey Keitel are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Fatal Honeymoon (2012) is considered one of the best Action,Biography,Crime,Drama movie in India and around the world.

Based on a true story, Fatal Honeymoon tells the shocking story and controversy surrounding a newlywed who tragically dies on her dream honeymoon and the subsequent investigation as to whether or not her husband was guilty of killing her. In the film, Alabama couple Gabe Watson and his new bride, 26 year-old Tina Watson, married just 11 days, go on their dream honeymoon to scuba dive near Australia's Great Barrier Reef, where Tina drowns in what appears to be a freak accident. With authorities puzzled over Gabe's inconsistent statements about Tina's death, her father Tommy Thomas begins to suspect Gabe may have murdered his daughter. When an underwater photo of Tina lying motionless on the ocean floor emerges, Australian authorities begin to suspect foul play, charge Gabe with his wife's death and extradite him to their country, where he eventually pleads guilty to manslaughter and serves 18 months in prison. Alabama prosecutors, agreeing with Tommy's suspicion Tina was murdered and ...


Fatal Honeymoon (2012) Reviews

  • Performances Help Carry Film


    Fatal Honeymoon (2012) *** (out of 4) Good made-for-television take on the murder case brought against Gabe Watson (Billy Miller) whose wife Tina (Amber Clayton) drowned while on their honeymoon. The husband's story is that the wife simply sank to the bottom of the ocean but her father (Harvey Keitel) believes that the husband cut off her oxygen supply so that he could get her life insurance. FATAL HONEYMOON is yet another true story brought to us by Lifetime and this one here manages to be quite good thanks in large part to some terrific performances. For the most part the film plays it straight meaning that it never really says Gabe is innocent or guilty. I think the "facts" of the case are so mysterious that it's hard to tell a story one way or the other but at the same time the film had no problems showing Gabe to be a complete jerk so the viewer will certainly have their own opinion on whether he was guilty or not. The film does a very good job at bouncing back and forth with all of the events from the time the two met, to their wedding and eventually their honeymoon, which would leave the wife dead. The film also did a good job showing the events from the grieving father who will stop at nothing to find out what really happened. As I said earlier, the performances are what makes this film work so well. Miller is downright chilling in his role and he's certainly one of the most memorable cold-blooded "killers" I've seen from one of these fact-based dramas. The way Miller plays the coldness is quite memorable. Keitel is also extremely good in the role of the father even though you really don't expect to see someone like him in a movie like this. I thought the actor was quite strong in the scenes where he's trying to find out what happened but also quite touching during the scenes where he's grieving for his daughter. Clayton is also good in her role, although the screenplay really doesn't give her much to do than play the victim. FATAL HONEYMOON features some nice cinematography, a good music score and overall it does a nice job in telling its story.

  • Too much jumping back and forth


    The story of the Honeymoon killer an Alabama man who brought his wife to the Great Barrier Reef to dive on their honeymoon and she drowned. Did he murder her? There are some only could be true life twists and turns and ambiguity in the story which makes it compelling. The main leads are believable not too famous or glamorous but pleasant looking. The big name cast member is Harvey Keitel who looks a lot older than of late but acts movingly. The story is quite well filmed but jumps back and forth a bit too much - a more chronological telling would have made things more tense and clearer. Worth a watch.

  • come for the Harvey Keitel performance, stay for the... wait, why stay?


    Holy ***t. My wife watches Lifetime movies because, well, why not they're mindless garbage that helps to distract from the pains of living in the modern world. And somehow I think that she got me to watch this ONLY because Harvey Keitel is in it. As for the rest of the cast they're... there, for the most part. Sometimes. I have the vaguest memories of what happened in it, I didn't get on IMDb (like I usually do) and write a comment, and a lot of it - basically a murder takes place while a couple's on their honeymoon (hey it's not false advertising at least) based on a true case - except that Keitel seemed kind of pitiful in a role that involved being the father of someone who is (spoiler) dead, and that its quality is about what you'd expect out of one of these movies. Because I'm a nut for Keitel I'd say if you have to check it out for him then do so, but it's so hammy and campy and cheesy that you'll have to be in a particular mind-set to appreciate it in order to not turn it off and wish that you were doing other things with your time like mowing the lawn or cleaning the garbage disposal. It tries for some melodrama, but nothing sticks after you're done watching it.

  • Fatal Honeymoon: Love With a Faithless Stranger ***


    Tragic true story of a man who allowed his new wife to die in the sea while diving with her. Flashbacks reveal a guy who displays a nasty attitude towards her parents before they wed as well as the girl herself. Harvey Keitel steals the picture as the distraught father who could probably kick himself over and over for giving permission for such an ill-fated marriage. The film is a good one as it shows the injustice of the criminal system. Australia, where the killing took place, is depicted as just in the U.S. where copping a lower plea seems to be par for the course. Ditto in America for our guy being able to escape real justice upon completing his 18 month sentence and returning to the United States. What a travesty of the justice system. Justice was certainly not done here.

  • Must See Billy Miller!


    I'm a big fan of Billy's, loved him on All my children, even tried to watch The Young and the restless for him. He had a short lived roll on Ringer, and was fantastic. I'm looking forward to him becoming a big movie or television star, because he deserves it. He can play intense like so few can, almost as good as James Scott (EJ DiMera) on Days of our lives. Don't let the soap opera star title fool you, these guys are better than A-list movie stars. Billy doesn't let me down here. He plays Gabe in such a horridly good way. You hate Gabe so much and you feel like beating your fist against something hard while watching, but you can't stop watching.


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