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Eve and the Fire Horse (2005)

Eve and the Fire Horse (2005)

Phoebe KutHollie LoVivian WuChit-Man Chan
Julia Kwan


Eve and the Fire Horse (2005) is a English,Cantonese movie. Julia Kwan has directed this movie. Phoebe Kut,Hollie Lo,Vivian Wu,Chit-Man Chan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Eve and the Fire Horse (2005) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Chinese-Canadian Eve Eng was born in 1966, in the year of the fire horse. In Chinese culture, fire horse children are notorious for being troublesome. In 1975, nine year old Eve is looking for some meaning for her life, especially after her mother, May-Lin Eng, miscarries, and her paternal grandmother passes away, the latter event particularly concerning not so much for the event itself but the circumstances leading to the death. The Engs follow traditional Buddhist philosophy, primarily as a cultural tradition. While her husband Frank Eng is away in China dealing with his mother's burial, May-Lin doesn't stop their eldest daughter, Karena Eng, from pursuing knowledge of and eventual faith in Christianity, most specifically Catholicism. May-Lin sees it as a cushion for ensuring a good life and good after-life, as much of Christian teaching follows that of Buddhism anyway. Eve follows in her sister's footsteps. While Karena becomes a devout Catholic to the expense of her Buddhist ...


Eve and the Fire Horse (2005) Reviews

  • beautiful, charming film!


    i was fortunate to catch a screening of this film during the 2006 Sundance film festival "Best of Fest" screenings. beautiful, unexpected, very witty. narrated through the eyes of a young Chinese girl growing up in canada. her vivid daydreams seamlessly blend with reality, adding a charm and humor that lingers long after the film is over. Visually, this film is a treat--sometimes unexpected, yet always appropriate, it enhances and expands the emotion of the story. music, dialogue are well-crafted; the rare subtitle here and there manages to leave the flow of the movie uninterrupted. phoebe kut is wonderful as eve; her interaction/relationship with her predictably "wise" older sister as they weather the unpredictable difficulties of merging Chinese superstition and Buddhism with Western culture and Catholicism is very believable. yu ching, as eve's mother, perfectly evokes emotion as she quietly bears sorrow and heartache and strives to enlighten her children with love and laughter. try to catch a screening of this film somehow--it's a gem!

  • You won't forget this 9 year old girl


    "Eve and the Fire Horse" is a beautifully written film about this 9 years cute girl Eve and her 11 years old sister's struggle with the culture and religion clash as Chinese immigrants living in Vancouver, Canada. Innocent Eve was born in a year of "Fire Horse," which is believed to be bad luck. While she turns in Buddhism in the traditions of her parents to overcome this bad curse, her sister becomes a faithful Christian and tries to turn everybody else into a Jesus's follower. The film is poetic, honesty, provocative, and funny. It gets into the head of Eve looking out this confusing world. After the movie it makes you wonder what the real curse might be to our lives. The wonderful performance of this little girl will capture your heart, if not your soul. This is a great film.

  • charming, fun, moments of tension,excellent use of subtitles


    The relationship between the two sisters comes across as natural and typical as do the other family relationships. Warmth emanates from most of the characters. Issues dealing with race are delightfully and educationally presented. Some special effects are extremely well done although one is quite awkward. The essential practices of Buddhism and Catholicism are brought to light. The character of Eve is superbly acted, and by a first time actress. By revealing the home life of a Buddhist Chinese family in Canada, this film becomes a must-see for Canadians, the majority of whom are now living in close proximity to a Chinese community in the major cities. To produce such a quality film on a shoe-string budget is a production coup! Hurrah for independent filmmakers.

  • A fond, gentle film that takes a while to get going


    Julia Kwan's "Eve & the Fire Horse" is a sweet, gentle film in which a 9-year-old girl, Eve (Phoebe Kut), recalls her childhood when her sister, Karena (Hollie Lo), introduces her to Catholicism. It's a typical coming-of-age film with an Asian bent, nonetheless. It's buoyed by two fine performances by Kut and Lo. There's nothing unexpected or unpredictable about it, but it delves into a culture that is alien to most Americans. And it deals very well with the clash of cultures - or, in this case, religions - and the confusion that arises as these young kids try to deal with life. Writer-director Kwan takes her time to set up her story and then unravel it. We get to know these characters and appreciate their motivations. The humor is nothing outrageous; this is the sort of film that brings a smile to one's face rather than, say, a loud guffaw or two. What works in the film is the relationship between the two sisters. From the opening scene of them on the wall, we believe these two are not only related, but very close. There are some fine supporting performances. Vivian Wu is brilliantly understated as the children's mother, and Chit Chan Man Lester brings the right amount of pathos and humor to his role as their father. One of the film's failings is a rather obvious narration. I'm not averse to voice-over narrations in films such as this. But many of the moments in the narration could have been shown and not told. "Eve & the Fire Horse" is a pleasant film, one that could've been better, but works nonetheless. Its charm comes from its two young actors who seem so natural that we're drawn into their colorful worlds and imagination. It says a lot about families; it also says a lot about religion. I'm not sure if Kwan endorses proselytizing, but the film does seem to make a statement about the commonality among religions. And that's certainly not a bad thing. It's a sweet, tender film that makes for a nice afternoon at the movies.

  • Captures the Magic and Confusion of Spirituality


    This just screened at SXSW and there were too many empty seats for this outstanding film. It balances reverence and playfulness, and the essence of being a child who finds joy and magic in spirituality as much as it does the cultural conflicts within religion. The story literally brings to life the religions in question as well as extrapolating how a child processes myth and faith, especially from a very different culture, emphasizing what's alien, and what's similar, if not the same. The direction and plot make the story accessible without dumbing itself down for the audience. It mixes languages and uses subtitles so the characters interact authentically in a household mixing immigration and acclimated generations.


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