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Devil's Highway (2005)

Devil's Highway (2005)

Shane BrollyNatassia MaltheRobert MianoAl Sapienza
Fabien Pruvot


Devil's Highway (2005) is a English movie. Fabien Pruvot has directed this movie. Shane Brolly,Natassia Malthe,Robert Miano,Al Sapienza are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Devil's Highway (2005) is considered one of the best Thriller movie in India and around the world.

While traveling through the cursed Old Highway 13 in New Mexico, each passenger of a bus to Las Vegas is attacked by an evil fiend that possesses and destroys their bodies.

Devil's Highway (2005) Reviews

  • Interesting Low Budget Movie


    While traveling through the cursed Old Highway 13 in New Mexico, each passenger of a bus to Las Vegas is attacked by an evil fiend that possesses and destroys their bodies. The screenplay of "Devil's Highway" is the simple development of the above storyline, basically with the demon possessing the body of each passenger in each bus stop, recalling the cursed fallen angel Azazel of "Fallen" (except that he does not sing the Rolling Stones' "Time Is on My Side"). Unfortunately the explanation based on the hangings of a man in the past is very confused and unreasonable. However, this film has some interesting aspects in my point of view, considering that it is indeed a very low budget movie. The first one is the cinematography that keeps an eerie and tense atmosphere of a nightmare basically without the use of special effects associated to the music score that recalls Tangerine Dream. The acid trip of the trio of friends is tremendously scary when one of the guys glances the blurred demon shape in his bad trip in one of the best sequences of the movie. The introduction is actually a rip-off or homage to "Lost Highway" and the excessive use of fadeout is boring in some moments. The unknown cast has good performances and I really did not like the demon's blue eyes, which never work; red, black or yellow are the traditional colors of demon's eyes in most supernatural movies. In the end, I really liked this weird movie, but I only recommended it to viewers like me that enjoys finding and appreciates unknown B-movies. My vote is six. Title (Brazil): "A Estrada do Diabo" ("The Devil's Highway")

  • Not bad at all!


    I rented this because it sounded interesting and had a catchy title.Despite what some people say about it,I actually enjoyed it.The acting was OK but some of the camera angles were a bit cheap looking like when the bus was in motion.This next part contains spoilers.The eyes turning bright blue when the demon entered a person didn't work for me.The eyes should have been done better and made to look scarier.Even red or yellow would have been a bit more effective. I liked the story,the pace and the background music was good and set a nice dark mood. One scene I really liked was when 3 of the passengers got off the bus and dropped acid.The one character had a very disturbing experience while the demon entered him.The visuals were hypnotic and scary.Not only did he seem genuinely high,the bad trip he was on was one of my favorite scenes in the movie.The devilish images he was seeing come after him was terrifying. For me the story went a little downhill once the story of the farmer and his whore of a daughter and her lover entered it.It really took away from the mystery of it all.I did like that the area they were travelling through had a history, but it would have made more sense if the devil entered the man's body before he was killed to seek revenge on other's and not because of some witch.Maybe I misunderstood something but throwing a witch in it made no sense since it's about a demon or the devil and that is how it should have been left.If there was some other back story to why this all happened to people then it was not explored properly and I didn't see it.This is the only problem I had with this movie otherwise I really enjoyed it. One thing the DVD didn't have was any additional material like deleted scenes,the making of or anything.The ending was a bit confusing.I didn't get why the woman was left in the middle of nowhere saying she needed her pills.I have seen my share of very bad horror movies over the years,but I hope to see more movies like this one.

  • Effective Low Budget Thriller - Film Students Take Note


    What we have here is an excellent example of making something out of nothing: no-name actors, a somewhat hackneyed set-up, no sets and zero budget, and turning all that into a final product that was worth watching. Definitely an entertaining horror-thriller, even if it is low on the gore content we are used to seeing nowadays. Somewhat in the mold of the original "Outer Limits" TV show. Probably a bit too intense for "The Twilight Zone". This is the magic of movie making: misdirecting the audience and creating art out of spit and duct tape. The plot is nothing we haven't seen before, but the dialog was snappy enough. There were a few plot twists along the way, but nothing we didn't all see coming down the road. The editing and special effects, such as they were, were well-used, and the original music was quite effectively employed in creating tension. As an average viewer, you could find many worse ways to spend 90 minutes. As a film student, this film is deserving of some more in-depth study. Here's how to make lemonade out of lemons.

  • Absolutely Terrible


    The title is the best part of this movie. First, the movie doesn't even give you a glimpse of hope that maybe it will be good. It starts off slow, and you hope that maybe it'll pick up, but no. It never does. It starts off slow, and it ends the same way.I don't know how this movie got decent reviews and won an award in Las Vegas! It was by far one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. the acting is horrible, the plot is stupid, and it is supposed to be scary.nothing about the movie was scary! The characters are boring, plain, and all in all sad and dull. please don't waste your time or your money on this movie. You would have more enjoyment sticking your hand in a blender than watching this movie.

  • Ordinary thriller


    Not as bad as the previous reviews say, but nothing exceptional either. I would classify this more as a supernatural thriller than a straight horror genre. There is some decent desert scenery and I thought the actor playing the bus driver was OK in his role. Also the hot girl was easy on the eyes. One thing I appreciated was the director tried to generate suspense and tension without relying on gore. There was hardly any gore in this movie, and the effects were obviously low budget. The ending was expected and has been done a million times before. I rented this from Netflix and my evaluation is I've seen a lot worse movies but also much better than this. I wouldn't seek this movie out but it might be worth a watch if it came on TV and nothing else was on.


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