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Defective Man! (2009)

Defective Man! (2009)

Paul AlsingArturo NegroStephen W. EcklesJosh Saavedra
D. Ryan Mowry


Defective Man! (2009) is a English movie. D. Ryan Mowry has directed this movie. Paul Alsing,Arturo Negro,Stephen W. Eckles,Josh Saavedra are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. Defective Man! (2009) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy,Fantasy,Horror movie in India and around the world.

DEFECTIVE MAN! is the story of two co-workers who, after being injured in a chemical accident, become not-so-super heroes. After years of putting up with the two's new "traits," they finally get fired from their workplace (with severance) and start their own brand of low-impact law enforcement. Defective Man and his side-kick, Horn Dog, recruit a couple more heroes (Captain Orange-Piss and Bill Gill) and set out to save the world... well, at least Albuquerque... from the nefarious Hevvy Flo and her right hand man, Ronny Tobins. Hijinks ensue.


Defective Man! (2009) Reviews

  • Well-scripted micro-budget action spoof wonderment


    We found the red-band trailer for this film via ex-Low Budget Pictures/new-Warlock Home Video's Facebook page, and being fans of micro-budget cinema were really interested in ordering. If you're not put off by fine cheesy films fashioned with a fraction of the purse spent on a Troma film (watch the trailer, you'll get the feel), this one is definitely recommended. It is well-cast, the dialogue is smart, funny, and fast-paced, peppered with hat-tips to mainstream influences, and the flawed characters are endearing. The fantastic Trent Haaga does steal several (very humorous) scenes, but he does that in most films he's in. The filmmakers definitely put a great deal of love into the crafting of this film, and hopefully it'll find its audience.

  • Cheesy, Goofy, Fun


    First and foremost, I will say that if you don't enjoy low budget, goof-ball types of movies, don't watch this! You won't get and you will most likely complain. If you do enjoy this sort of thing like I do, I would suggest checking this flick out. The plot is a rag tag group of (not so)Super Heroes making the streets safe from nefarious thugs. The crew consists of Defective Man, Horn Dog, Bill Gill, and Captain Orange-P*ss. Yes. Orange P*ss. This group of heroes is up again Super Villain, and ex lover of Defective Man, Hevvy Flow and her right hand man Ronny Tobins. Ronny Tobins is played by genre veteran Trent Haagga, and he steals the show in almost every scene as an over the top motivational speaker. Lots of nods to genre classics,dance fights, bits of nudity, sexual innuendo and a Troma feel permeate the film. Also a special cameo by another genre favorite Billy Garberina, as the president of New Mexico, really brought a hearty chuckle out of me. I only have to complaints about the film. First, I would say the film could use a little more in the way of some music and faster cuts to bring up the mood. My other gripe is the audio of the dialogue. I watched the film on multiple sound setups and found that certain actors dialogue was quiet or lost almost completely. It made quite a few of the jokes fall flat. I think had I heard what was being said, it would have made the humor pop. I would say if you were a fan of low budget comedy flicks like myself, give this one a try. It's an enjoyable Saturday night movie to watch with your friends. Kick back, open a cool one, and enjoy!


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