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Dawn Anna (2005)

Dawn Anna (2005)

Debra WingerAlex VanSam HowardStephen Warner
Arliss Howard


Dawn Anna (2005) is a English movie. Arliss Howard has directed this movie. Debra Winger,Alex Van,Sam Howard,Stephen Warner are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Dawn Anna (2005) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

The true story of a single mom who overcomes many of life's obstacles.

Dawn Anna (2005) Reviews

  • Dawn Anna is a very inspirational movie and a tearjerker


    I loved this movie. It showed how you get through life's ups and downs and they couldn't have chose a better actress, Debra Winger. All of the cast acted as if they were a real family, I couldn't have asked for a better cast!! The only thing is that you have to watch the beginning of the movie to understand it, because if you don't watch the beginning you'll get lost.Dawn Anna lets you know that family is very important and spending time with your family is very important. Dawn Anna went through a lot and with the help of her kids and her very caring boyfriend she wouldn't have made it through. I rate this movie a 10 out of 10 stars. It has excellent actors/actresses, and excellent directory and filmography. I LUV THIS MOVIE SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

  • Debra WInger was Awesome


    Enjoyed viewing this film and the great unity of a family with their mother and each other. There was a bonding between this family no matter what situations they seemed to face and with all the odds against them. All the members in this film showed they all had a purpose driven life and a great will to live. One sister enjoyed watching nature in all forms of life, hawk, young baby chic and dreamed of flying through the air in her dreams. This film was well directed and very down to earth about what life is really all about. Debra Winger,(Dawn Anna Townsend),"An Officer & Gentlemen",'82, put her heart and soul into her acting as she always has in her film career. There was very joyous scenes in this film and also very bitter and heart breaking ones. Great film, with all great actors.

  • A movie about a woman who has to overcome lifes ordeals and keep giving with her love.


    This movie was one of the best I have seen in a long time. The performance by the cast was great. Debra Winger gives the performance of her life and tells all to keep trying when things don't work out. This movie had me crying by the end. Liftime has choose a winner on this one. I hope that they can set the bar for movies that help change peoples point of view and make us all be thankful for what we have. thank you to the writers directors and producers of this fantastic movie. Also i hope that i see Debra Winger in more movies she is one of the best actresses i have ever seen on the screen. She has a way of making me feel exactly what she is feeling. Thanks again!!!!!!!!

  • Great Story of Tragedy and the Will to Live!!!


    This heroic story is about a single mother with four kids that is threatened with a brain tumor and survives a dangerous operation and side effects only to lose her youngest child in the Columbine High School Massacre. Any normal person faced with such incredible odds would just crumble under its weight or give up. But Dawn Anna isn't just any normal person. She is an extraordinary person. Debra Winger (Dawn Anna) delivers a performance so amazing you feel as if you were right there with her while she was going through all these trying and horrible times. This mother took her daughters murder and turned it into a fight for gun control. She didn't just hide away and let this unthinkable crime leave her hopeless. On the contrary, she is one of the most formidable pioneers for any cause of our time. If this movie teaches anything, that is that even when the fates deal a cruel blow (or two), the nature of a woman, a mother, a fighter, is to never give up. To continue to live, so that the legacy her daughter left behind lives on forever. My Rating for this film: 10 (EXCELLENT)

  • Wonderful movie!


    This movie was the best movie I have seen on Lifetime TV so far. I cried from about halfway through the movie until the ending. It's about overcoming terrible events in one family's life and learning that in the end, everything will be OK. The actors and actresses did a superb job or portraying tragic events without taking anything away from the real life events. The cast seemed very comfortable with each other. I agree that one may not understand the meaning of the movie if they have not seen it from the beginning to the end. I would recommend a box of tissues when viewing this movie. I taped this movie and showed my mom, who cried throughout the entire movie.


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