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Cyborg Nemesis (2014)

Cyborg Nemesis (2014)

Dina Meyer Steven Seagal Sasha Mitchell
Albert Pyun


Cyborg Nemesis (2014) is a English movie. Albert Pyun has directed this movie. Dina Meyer, Steven Seagal, Sasha Mitchell are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2014. Cyborg Nemesis (2014) is considered one of the best Action movie in India and around the world.

A U.S. Marine special ops team awakens from hypersleep in a long-abandoned underground laboratory complex with no memory of who they are or why they are there - and they are not alone. Something has infiltrated the complex.

Cyborg Nemesis (2014) Reviews

  • Interesting take on post apocalypse


    Saw a very early, possibly the first, cut screening of this film back in March. It was still needing CG work and the sound was rough. What I gleamed from the version I saw, was the film is set several centuries after the Van Damme Cyborg film. No, there's no Van Damme and no "FENDERRRRR". So its not really a sequel, prequel or whatever other form these tenuous connections take on. What it is, is a very complicated and complex take on the whole messiah as hero trope. The film really spins the entire Joseph Campbell hero's journey on its ear. The film asks and explores what if you were both the savior and the destroyer, hero and villain rolled into one. There were several "Scene Missing" cards so it was a disjointed, but the core of the film's thematic track was apparent. Joi Fulco plays these messiah / Lucifer hybrid. She's interesting but it was hard to tell how her acting is. As in all Albert Pyun films, there's a lot of imaginative visuals and an unorthodox style to everything. I think he might have jumped the gun on screening the cut as it needed work but the ideas rang through impressively. It's not derivative or stuck in genre conventions. It's as if Cyborg was remade with the style of 2001 or Tree of Life. Its that metaphysical in design. I am curious to see the final version.


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