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Cup of My Blood (2005)

Cup of My Blood (2005)

Daniel Patrick SullivanJanina GavankarAllie SmithRoger Anderson
Lance Catania


Cup of My Blood (2005) is a English movie. Lance Catania has directed this movie. Daniel Patrick Sullivan,Janina Gavankar,Allie Smith,Roger Anderson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. Cup of My Blood (2005) is considered one of the best Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A seemingly random accident leaves porn photographer Jack Fender in possession of Christianity's most Holy Relics. He must confront Evil's relentless assault of blood soaked murder, sex, and deceit for the preservation of an entire faith, and his own soul.

Cup of My Blood (2005) Reviews

  • Creepy on edge horror movie.


    The film centres around Jack, a photographer who lost his faith three years ago when his wife went mad and disappeared, without her his talent for art has gone too and he makes a living taking naked pictures of women for a website called 2ndcumming ( a play on words as we discover later). Jack finds himself in possession of the holy grail, which it is believed that any who look upon it will die, however he appears to be immune to it's powers, but nothing is what it seems in this excellent horror/thriller. The movie is very slow, and is all the better for it, do not expect fast paced action and buckets of blood in this one! The start of the movie reminded me of a Lynch film as the dialogue and actions of the characters is slow and methodical, the whole film has a Lynch like feel to it and moves along as if we are getting nowhere, even the climax of the film is no Hollywood wham bam explosive type ending. The characters in the film all pretty much have something to do with the plot, there are very few incidental characters and the acting whilst a little wooden at times, keeps well in time with the pace of the movie, especially good as it is a cast of unknowns. Clearly influenced by some of the more creepy Japanese horrors that have come out in recent years, this relies heavily on chills and fear to give it it's edge, I was honestly shocked to see such a film coming from America. Throughout the film I was genuinely spooked and on edge, no particular jump out of your seat moments but the atmosphere of the movie keeps you unnerved throughout. I highly recommend this if you don't mind your films slow and steady, do not expect the pace to pick up to Hollywood action speed at any point, this is a movie about atmosphere and emotion. A good American film for those who prefer the chills of Japanese horror movies and are looking for something a little more then blood and guts.

  • Scary, Sexy and Off-kilter served with a Twist


    I was lucky enough to attend the Chicago premiere of this spooky epic and it really delivered the goods. Director/Writer Lance Catania has rewoven the elements of the horror genre into a commentary on modern society and the power/creepiness of religion. Plus it has some saucy gore and sex! Pornographer Jack Fender (Daniel Patrick Sullivan) has accidentally(?) come into possession of a religious icon. Within his wacky, underground world he must come to understand why he must, by any means, protect the icon. Looking to separate him from his holy possession are a strange group of brutally surreal characters. Jack, while trying to figure out why he was chosen, also is in the unenviable position of not being able to trust anyone. Catania has a way with an intriguing story, plus he displays a love for the "money shots" of the blood, guts and flesh. Playing like a tragi-comic opera, the broad scope of Fender's predicament also allows for the occasional (and sometimes nervous) laughter. As a director/writer of this original story (shot on location in Chicago), Catania displays a passion for the subject in every frame. But even through the exploration of his interesting and complex themes, he never forgets the reason why horror films have their wild appeal (wink-wink, nudge-nudge). Satan, may I have the next dance? Rating ***1/2 stars

  • Arts, Pornography and Religion


    The lonely artist Jack Fender (Daniel Patrick Sullivan) still grieves the death of his beloved lover Tina (Allie Smith) three years ago. He lost his inspiration and his faith on God and presently he is taking pornographic pictures for the mobster Sparky (Roger Anderson) and his partner Limpy (Laurence Skorniak) for a pornographic site managed by Nibbles (Circus-Szalewski) and Scooter (Quiana Whittler) under the protest of his agent and friend Alex (Lance Mulvaney). When Jack witnesses a car accident in his neighborhood, the wounded passenger gives a box to Jack, asking him to protect and never open it, and he discovers that he is protecting the Holy Graal. From this moment on, weird things happen to Jack, having visions, nightmares and the permanent sensation that strangers are watching him. While swimming late night in a club, Jack meets the sexy Iona (Janina Gavankar) and his inspiration returns but he finds also the hidden reality. "Cup of My Blood" is a weird and atmospheric horror movie, developed in low pace and building mystery and tension with great potential wasted with an illogical and frustrating ending, where no one and nothing are like seem to be. The Protector, who defines himself as a pornographer, murderer and saint, is completely incoherent for his holy mission. The truth about the characters does not make clear which side each one is (good or evil?), and the last scene seventy-seven years later is unnecessary and quite non-sense. Anyway this movie has an original story disclosed in an intriguing screenplay and deserves to be watched at least once. My vote is six. Title (Brazil): "Taça de Sangue" ("Glass of Blood")

  • Interesting and Atmospheric


    When Jack Fender (Daniel Patrick Sullivan) - former photographer turned pornographer - witnesses a car accident, the dying passenger charges him with a task: take care of the box she's carrying. Don't look at what's within and keep it safe. Jack takes the box and is soon haunted by strange dreams, weird visions and a feeling of acute paranoia. And rightly so, as the box contains the Holy Grail and there are forces who will go to great lengths to get their hands upon it... Imagine if David Lynch was Japanese and he'd directed The Ninth Gate. That's probably the best way to describe "Cup of My Blood," a creepy, atmospheric supernatural thriller that delivers some very well-timed shocks, has a great sense of dread, features some nice "in-camera" SFX (ala Jacob's Ladder) and some very well executed (no pun intended) gore scenes, which, although not hugely visceral, are enough to keep schlock fans happy without offending the more sensitive horror fan. One other point to raise is the superb use of sound in this movie. Atmospheric rumbles, almost bordering on the subsonic haunt the movie's soundtrack, creating a very disturbing, eerie atmosphere of dread. Sadly, performances are a mixed bag, with some stilted acting and - to be brutally honest - dialogue that's at best, okay and at worst, bad. Despite its faults, though, it manages to retain a great sense of dread and an interesting - if at times confusingly overplayed - plot. Whilst the movie's basic plot is straightforward enough (providing you stick with it - just roll with the "flashbacks/intercuts," as they're explained later), but some extra backstory on a couple of characters and a clearer explanation on exactly WHY the Grail is so important (being Christ's cup aside) would have helped. As it is, "Cup of My Blood" falls short of being a great movie. With a stronger cast, a little tightening around the edges and a little more exposition it could have been superb. As it stands, it's a solid, entertaining enough movie that I doubt will make anybody's Top Ten, but kudos to Lance Catania and crew for producing a chilling, different and interesting movie. I look forward to seeing his future work.

  • Good Theology


    This movie will offend many Christians. However, I do not think that is the reason it was made, though I am sure Lance Catania knew it was inevitable. Here we have a new approach to the Holy Grail myth. This one is not so pure as those of the past, such as 'Indian Jones, The Last Crusade.' This movie mixes religious icons and chosen protectors of the Grail, with sex and murder. Many Christians, especially fundamentalists, will be deeply offended and denounce that as a Satanic production. I am a pretty conservative Christian myself, but not only am I not offended, but this movie made me think about the nature of good and evil. Jack, the chosen protector of the Grail, does not believe he is worthy. Well, he is right about that, but that is not why he is chosen. He is a capable man, a man who can withstand trial and tribulation. He is also capable of doing things that good Christians could not, mainly murder. Therefore, he is chosen. The grail must be protected by someone who is mighty in this world, not the next. Here is my theological conclusion, and I think this is what the writer was going for. God has given us free will, and most of us use it to serve ourselves. Therefore, the world is full of sexual sin, murder, theft, and all manner of iniquity. Of course God could change that, but God will not violate free will. Therefore, God's servants on earth, to accomplish there goals, must be willing to do worldly things. If we all live perfect, righteous lifestyles, we will be helpless in this world. That is fine, because Heaven awaits. However, we have things to accomplish here. I guess what I am saying is, the message of this movie is not one of blasphemy, but one of realism. The world is what it is. I don't know if I am right or not, but certainly this movie was written to challenge the norms of contemporary Christian beliefs and make us think. It certainly did that for me. Now, as a horror movie (here comes the sleaze), this movie was good but not great. It had its bloody scenes, but nothing shocking. It had the beautiful seductress, Iona, (She's hot) but its been done. I think Angelique in 'Hellraiser, Bloodlines' was a better seductress. This has more to do with the script than the actress, however. I gave the movie an 8 out of 10. This movie isn't bloody enough to impress those who like blood and sex simultaneously. As a horror movie, it is mediocre and I would not recommend this as a first choice. But, if you've seen all the other latest horror films, than you may as well watch this one too.


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