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Cries from Syria (2017)

Cries from Syria (2017)

Hadi Al AbdullahRaed Al SalehRiad Al-AsaadBashar al-Assad
Evgeny Afineevsky


Cries from Syria (2017) is a English,Arabic movie. Evgeny Afineevsky has directed this movie. Hadi Al Abdullah,Raed Al Saleh,Riad Al-Asaad,Bashar al-Assad are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Cries from Syria (2017) is considered one of the best Documentary,Drama movie in India and around the world.

CRIES FROM SYRIA is a searing, comprehensive account of a brutal five-year conflict from the inside out, drawing on hundreds of hours of war footage from Syrian activists and citizen journalists, as well as testimony from child protesters, leaders of the revolution, human rights defenders, ordinary citizens, and high-ranking army generals who defected from the government. Their collective stories are a cry for attention and help from a world that little understands their reality or agrees on what to do about it. A documentary by Evgeny Afineevsky, director of the Oscar-nominated film WINTER ON FIRE, CRIES FROM SYRIA premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival.

Cries from Syria (2017) Reviews

  • Everyone should see this documentary


    If you are asking why America should take in refugees from Syria, this documentary will answer your question by giving you a better understanding of the hell that these people are going through because of a genocidal maniac Bashar Assad who not only is being propped up by Putin but who assists him in the mass murder of innocent civilians to the point of intentionally bombing hospitals under the guise of fighting terrorism. The grievous toll on the children is both heartbreaking and horrifying. This should be required viewing by a certain president whose name I shall not mention but who has made a point of vilifying immigrants by fear mongering. As for Assad there is no hell sufficient to punish him

  • Insomnia turns into a nightmare


    I had insomnia last night, so I turned on HBO and watched this documentary. At some point in watching it I thought I had fallen asleep and was in a nightmare, but no, I was wide awake. I was an apathetic American until last night, but I am now outraged. These people are going through hell, and most of them are women and children. Bashar Assad is obviously guilty of war crimes and needs to be held accountable. This documentary is a must watch for everyone. The world will have to become sufficiently outraged to bring the criminal Assad to be held to account for what he has done and is doing.

  • If this documentary doesn't disturb you, you have no soul


    It first starts playing as a history of a war documentary but quickly turns into a story of humanity. This is the kind of story of war you usually watch ten years after it's over, not while it's still active. Be warned, much of the footage is graphic, it needs to be to describe the whole horrendous situation over there. If the world understands what's happened over there, we might be a little more compassionate for the people who suffered through this, especially the children. After WWII we looked back and wondered why we waited so long to get involved. In Syria much is already too late, but there's still time left to do something, something for the children and their cries for help.

  • Who funds these anti Syria media ?


    A plain blood and gore documentary. It smells bad. The message smells bad. It smells like the so called "white helmets" ( who are really tight with jihadist groups ) documentary. A lot of comments say they had no idea what was going on in Syria, but now they have !? It seem like they still dont have a clue. Q: Who started this war ? A: Ask the 40+ "rebel" ( jihadist ) groups and the friendly boys in ISIS. Among these groups you have the real butchers. Q: Who would you like ruled Syria instead of Assad ? A: Possible ( highly likely ) candidates are, Army of Islam ? who wants to sharia law. Al-Nusra ? Tahrir al-Sham ? ISIL ? Q: How would Syria be if Assad had fallen ? A: You would have a new Libya with chaos, death and a never ending war. So many heads have rolled thanks to these jihadist groups. They even fight among themselves. They know how to make gas and they know what buttons to push to get west ( US ) support. The "rebel" groups are loosing and they know it. We will soon have peace. Nah, this movie belongs to Youtube.

  • american propaganda


    Pure american propaganda against syrian goverment why dont they tell who give weapons to ISIS

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