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My Suicidal Sweetheart (2005)

My Suicidal Sweetheart (2005)

Lorraine BraccoDavid PaymerEmma Adele GalvinDavid Krumholtz
Michael Parness


My Suicidal Sweetheart (2005) is a English movie. Michael Parness has directed this movie. Lorraine Bracco,David Paymer,Emma Adele Galvin,David Krumholtz are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2005. My Suicidal Sweetheart (2005) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

On his 21st birthday, in front of mom, dad, sis, and guests, Max tries to hang himself. It's his eighth suicide attempt, seeking a peaceful white light. Sent back to an asylum, Max falls in love at first sight with Grace, also suicidal, with a teddy bear she treats as her child. Max courts her, proposes, they marry, and he makes it his mission to give her reasons to live. They escape and he seeks various cures for her: the beauty of nature, living with his family, and consulting a shaman, a faith healer, and a self-help coach. Grace's demons trump the cures. Max is at wit's end. Will he fail? Is there to be no white light? A visit to Grace's institutionalized mother gives Max a clue.


My Suicidal Sweetheart (2005) Reviews

  • Saw it at Soutbysouthwest


    I really loved this original screenplay and the different places it took me, emotionally, spiritually and just plain silly stuff. I didn't get caught up in "believability" in the screenplay or the actors and didn't even think about it until reading the reviews listed here in IMDb for the movie. Listening to Michael Parness talk at the Q & A about his idea of the film, wanting to see how crazy people, or "f'ed" up people, as he put it, fall in love is really interesting. I identified with not having a story book romance and liked seeing dysfunction at it's best. I like watching David Krumholtz in anything he does and have followed his career for a few years now. I believe this is some of his best work and say to anyone, just see this film to watch an amazing young actor. I agree that Guillermo Díaz really was a scene stealer, and what he did with his character is really a great acting lesson in commitment. I laughed and cried both in this movie and was disappointed that it didn't win any awards at the festival. I question why that didn't happen. I gave Max and Grace a ten because these interesting, unique, creative Indie films deserve an audience. Technically watching this film, it's really beautifully done – the colors are amazing, and lastly, it's one of the best soundtracks I have heard in a film in awhile.

  • Awesomely funny...and poignant


    Saw this at Newport Beach Film Festival the other day. The film is REALLY exceptional. The crowd I went with all loved it. Funny, poignant and great acting. I'm tired of the tried and true Hollywood romances, who can relate? David Krumholtz (Max) is really amazing as the sure and true lover of the ultra-screwy Grace (Natasha Lyonne, who is also excellent). When Max falls for Grace we believe it. Why? Because love at first sight IS crazy and we're dealing with two lost, and maybe not so crazy, souls. Also of note are Giullmo Diaz as Hector and Rosanna Arquette as a sexless/sexy neurotic, both "roommates" of Max and Grace before they embark on their trip to Sheboygen, WI and finding themselves. Don't miss this one, its something special! P.S. The soundtrack, led by Kevin Hearn (of Bare Naked Ladies fame) is really super super cool as well.

  • Fun With Suicide


    This film was original in an unoriginal way. Although many movies have tackled the subject of suicide and mental institutions, it was always about treating the patients and making them better because of the doctor's assistance, in this film, however, we follow a depressed guy who falls in love with a suicidal girl and will stop at nothing to make her happy even though she doesn't care for happiness at all, she just wants to die. This was a very interestingly cute romance comedy that in nothing less than enjoyable. This is a fun one to check out if you ever get the chance, you just have to be open minded about the material. Overall i give it a 6.4, i just voted 9 to get the rating higher :)

  • Seattle International Film Festival - David Jeffers for Tablet SIFFblog


    Thursday June 9, 6:45pm Broadway Performance Hall & Saturday June 11, 1:45pm Broadway Performance Hall Bless the independent filmmaker. Without them we'd see nothing but Spielberg the Farrelly brothers and films based on old sitcoms. They are the risk takers. They reap the rewards of success and suffer the failures. Max and Grace is most definitely a failure. Credit is deserved by Michael Parness for getting out there and making his first feature which he claims drove him to bankruptcy. He might be better off sticking to the stage if this film is any indication of what to expect in the future. Even though everyone warned me I went to see Max and Grace anyway, hoping I might discover something they did not. It starts off well enough, a party for Max in his parent's house shot in warm subdued light, the camera floating into interesting angles. As soon as we see Max has hung himself, an obvious rip-off of Harold and Maude, the whole thing goes right in the tank. How could he do this unnoticed in the middle of a birthday party? For that matter how could two mentally ill and committed psychiatric patients decide to get married and do it with the blessings of all parties concerned? In the Q&A after the film David Krumholtz suggested the entire story was the surrealist dream of his character Max. This story is so badly written the comment sounded more like an excuse. The film doesn't look as though it was made on a shoestring, all the more reason to be so disappointed with the results. What's intended as funny isn't but instead is offensively bad. The continuity is sloppy the lighting is dreadful and the effects look cheap and forced. BPH seats under three hundred and was surprisingly full but I saw at least thirty or forty walkouts within the first half-hour. At one point Grace, played by Natasha Lyonne, laments her inability to die. I found myself thinking the same thing since I never walk out before the credits. If Krumholtz really thinks this is "one of the best scripts" he has ever read it sounds like he needs to catch up on his reading. A terrible waste of talent and resources, this is the worst independent I've seen since Bubba-Ho-tep.

  • A Wonderfully Sweet and Twisted Love Story


    Many films attempt the ambitious. Few succeed. This film is one of them. Though billed as a black comedy, that term seems too limiting to express the true nature of the story behind Max and Grace. Multi-hyphenate Michael Parness has managed to weave elements of absurdest comedy with incredibly real human emotion. Quite a remarkable feat, to be certain. While the comedic aspects are certainly present, the heart of the film lies in its leads: David Krumholtz and Natasha Lyonne. The delicate balance of the film - really crazy versus real love - falls to them and they achieve it, carrying it through from the opening scene to the heart wrenching climax and on to the heartwarming ending. David Krumholtz, in the titular lead role and as narrator, anchors the picture and does an exceptional job. We see the world through Max's eyes and Krumholtz imbues them with a sort of wonder and hopefulness that one would not expect to be believable coming from a character who had previously attempted suicide. There should be no doubt from this point on that he has truly achieved leading man status, well deserved after more than a decade of memorable supporting roles. Natasha Lyonne might be something of a revelation for anyone who has seen her only in less challenging roles. The role of Grace is expansive in scope, requiring her to show both great rage and great tenderness - sometimes within seconds of each other. She manages to convince us of Grace's deep seated desperation that lies just beneath her alternating torpor and mania. This is not a laugh a minute type of comedy so don't see the film expecting strictly humor from start to finish. Think more dramedy than comedy. There are some very dark moments, as one would expect given the subject matter of suicidal individuals, and some oddly real moments delivered most notably by Emma Adele Galvin as Max's sister, Sis. The most humorous scenes are those populated by the myriad of name actors in supporting roles. While Lorraine Bracco and David Paymer lend the most surreal aspect with their scenes the other supporting characters who populate the institution where Max and Grace meet are the real treat. Guillermo Diaz is a wanton scene stealer as the delightfully frenetic oddball, Hector. Ralf Moeller, as Bruno, acts as his straight man but has his own charm and appeal. Rosanna Arquette fully inhabits the role of Vera with the crass vitriol of an embittered truck stop waitress. Even her hardhearted character melts eventually, as does everyone who is touched by Max's literally undying love for Grace. Can love conquer all might be the question behind the film and even though the realist within says no, movies are about an escape from reality, even if only for a few brief hours. I recommend seeing this film as an antidote to not just reality but to the cynicism that says that a love story like this never happens. Spending a few hours immersed in a world where it can and does works wonders on the psyche. (Seattle International Film Festival - June 2005)


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