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Coastlines (2002)

Coastlines (2002)

Timothy OlyphantJosh BrolinSarah WynterScott Wilson
Victor Nunez


Coastlines (2002) is a English movie. Victor Nunez has directed this movie. Timothy Olyphant,Josh Brolin,Sarah Wynter,Scott Wilson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. Coastlines (2002) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

After serving time in prison, Sonny returns to his coastal Florida hometown, where life and the residents haven't changed much, including the local crime boss, Vance, who owes Sonny some money. When Sonny goes to collect, he gets beaten up, then his house is blown up and his father is killed. Sonny, while seeking revenge against Vance and his crime gang, moves into the home of his old friend Dave, the local sheriff, and his nurse wife Ann, and their two children. Soon, a romance forms between the grieving Sonny and Ann.


Same Director

Coastlines (2002) Reviews

  • Great drama! Nunez - a 'character architect'...


    I recently became a fan of Timothy Olyphant after watching the new series "Justified", one of the best programs on FX or any other network. Fortunately, he does not disappoint in "Coastlines", not one little bit. Writer and director, Victor Nunez manages to confer a depth of character upon our protagonist that leaves us really caring what happens to him. In fact, even the children are gifted with personas that make them memorable. Sonny is a rather tragic fellow just returning home from a three year prison stint, hoping to start over. His relationship with his father is ambiguous on a good day. The affection between them is obvious, but his father just seems compelled, whenever he opens his mouth, to say something disparaging about Sonny. Unfortunately, his resolution towards a quieter life is marred slightly by unfinished past business gone bad. Nunez brilliantly culls these moments and experiences to lay open the finely nuanced aspects of Sonny's character, allowing us to really see into his soul. The music chosen for this movies is so very apt to the spiritual threads throughout. We hear some Jazz, Blues, Zydego and the movie ends on the laid back, go-with-the-flow of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Call Me The Breeze". So apropos! While some have criticized Dave's (Josh Brolin) kindness to Sonny after he misappropriates certain family valuables, so to speak, I came away with a totally different perspective. I grew up in churches that taught, repeatedly, the concept of unconditional love, yet not often have I witnessed it. The camaraderie that Sonny, Dave and Anne had formed over so many years was closer than blood. Indeed, there had to be rules and boundaries, but forgiveness, upon remorse, was a given. In conclusion, the good guys were flawed, yet they were heading in the right direction and the bad guys were heading in the correct direction. Love it!

  • An unexpected treat


    This movie impressed way beyond my expectations. My wife left shortly after the beginning of the first viewing but stayed throughout on a second viewing and rated it as a very competently produced movie with deeper meanings which we were able to discuss at length. Without its excellent script, direction and acting the story could have descended into the realm of a daytime dreary. For a casual viewer inured to daytime drearies, perhaps that's all they'd gain from "Coastlines" but, unfortunately, they'd be missing out on much more. In Australia, we live directly above a superb beach and are quite familiar with the coastal atmosphere depicted in "Coastlines". In its US setting, however there was a freshness and many local differences which were brilliantly depicted and thoroughly enjoyable. One of the film's visual highlights was an aerial depiction of potentially intersecting car journeys between husband, Dave, and his wife, Ann. The tension of them possibly meeting was dramatically underscored by the loneliness of the chosen roads and the flat coastal scenery. The cars do not meet however and the camera moves up the show the vast hinterland. This sequence quintessentially underscored what was happening to the characters. It was one of many just brilliant parts of the film. Typical of the film's authenticity was detail such as Dave's competent night-time manoeuvring of an outboard-powered boat as he reversed it from its moorings and even the screen on its depth sounder being alight. A lesser production would have the craft just ready to zoom into the night. A previous reviewer takes issue with Victor Nunez "sound design choices". I'm not quite sure what this reviewer's referring to but, if its the film's background music, I couldn't disagree more. Normally, I enjoy only classical music, but in this film, the predominantly percussive music score faithfully echoes the drama of the dialog. All this is done at a virtually subconscious level. It's incredible Experiencing such powerful sound being kept so unobtrusive is worth a separate viewing of the film just to appreciate this achievement. The film's acting was also first class. I'm not familiar with any of the actors but any director who avoided giving the part of Ann to the ubiquitous Meryl Streep, playing Meryl Streep, is a friend for life. Sarah Wynter playing Ann was brilliant, not only in the subtleties of her facial expression but in the small detail of gesture such as rubbing her fingers on a fat lady's shoulder as she ushered her through a medical centre or in responding to the children in the film, including her own. A previous reviewer observes that Ann's character "is at first heart warming but rapidly becomes disturbingly uncomfortable and tense, and oddly enough more so to the viewer than to the characters when the movie ends with a tentative resolve." This is an excellent description of the character's emotional spectrum. For me one of the most memorably tense exchanges was where she challenges her husband with her infidelity. He counter replies, "Is that it then?" There are truly many layers of meaning to examine in this wonderful movie. A well-earned eight stars! A previous reviewer believes the two other movies in Nunez "Panhandle Trilogy" are superior to "Coastlines". It is difficult to believe this but they're certainly well reviewed. We'll look forward very much to obtaining copies and watching them.

  • Excllent movie. Underrated


    I am so glad that I found this movie! I agree with reviewer ejlabolton that this is an "unexpected treat". I became a fan of Timothy Olyphant after watching Hit-man and Justified. So I started trying to watch all of his movies. This one is excellent. I don't know why this is not more well known or more highly rated. The acting is good, the story is believable and the ending is perfect. I don't want to give away any of the plot so won't go into details, but the characters seem real and draw you in to their lives. This film is a real gem and I hope more people can find it and enjoy it as much as I did.

  • See this movie


    This movie seems to be in commercial release finally, and you should see it. It is a companion to Ruby in Paradise and Yulee's Gold, both by Victor Nunez, and has most of their virtues (and drawbacks, maybe -- for example, I don't like the sound design choices that have been made in any of these movies....). The languid feel of the coastal towns from Carabelle to Apalachicola (Florida) is well evoked -- though the story could, I suppose, happen most anywhere. The three lead actors are all outstanding. Many of the locales in which the film is set look very different today, after hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Dennis (2005), not to mention further commercial development.

  • A well paced and immersive character drama.


    'Coastlines' is a film that draws you in with superb character development. It takes a methodical approach allowing the players on screen plenty of space to grow their characters. Through the first parts of the film I was riveted; not by flashy Hollywood gimmicks, but through the purity of each actor's performance and their course through the story. The progression through the middle of the film maintains this steady hand, and we are introduced to branching story lines which keeps the viewer guessing at what's coming next. Is this a revenge film? Is it a story about friendship, or perhaps a story of betrayal? It never becomes clear as to what 'type' of movie you're watching, and this leads to a sense of anticipation as the film is rarely predictable. I was waiting for some kind of dramatic conclusion near the end, or more appropriately, I was pondering what judgments the film would make on the morality of its characters. 'Coastlines' never makes any bold statements to this effect, however, besides perhaps the thematic allusions to unconditional love. The story takes a foray into complex adult themes without finding a coherent resolution, and I feel this was the bridge too far for 'Coastlines'. If you are a patient viewer who appreciates the nuances of finely wrought character development then I encourage you to see this film... and draw your own conclusions.


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