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Chance (2002)

Chance (2002)

Amber BensonJames MarstersTressa DiFigliaAndy Hallett
Amber Benson


Chance (2002) is a English movie. Amber Benson has directed this movie. Amber Benson,James Marsters,Tressa DiFiglia,Andy Hallett are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2002. Chance (2002) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

'Chance' is a black comedy about how hard it is to find "the one". Mostly told from the point-of-view of a young, sexually aggressive woman, named Chance, whom according to her: "we're all out there looking for true love", which turns out to be a very elusive thing indeed, and Chance is no exception. She's desperately on the prowl for a man, but since she's more mouse than cat, she get's herself into scrape after scrape in her screwball pursuit of love. Surrounded by a bevy of adoring but completely wrong-for-her men (and one dead girl from Manchester, England), Chance has to pick her way through her messy life in order to figure out which guy is "it".


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Chance (2002) Reviews

  • Wow....


    To sum up this review, you HAVE to see this film. From start to finish it is 75mins of pure comedic joy. I had to buy a signed photo from the movie from Benson Entertainment to get the DVD as they still haven't got backing to release it yet. This is a terrible shame because Amber Benson is an amazing writer/director/actor and her film should be out on the market for people to see. The film also stars James Marsters (Spike in Buffy The Vampire Slayer) who plays Chance's (Amber Benson) best friend, Simon. The two characters ooze chemistry on screen and dialogue that passes between is nothing short of brilliant. Whether you are a Buffy fan or not, this film is definitely worth a look.

  • Good Indy film


    Finally picked up a copy of the DVD, as I'd heard about the film and was curious to see Amber Benson's work. I won't go into the plot beyond saying it's a comedy/drama based around the two main characters, Chance and her friend Simon. Like many Indy films it's a bit rough around the edges, but I enjoyed it a lot. Unlike some of the other reviews I thought the acting was for the most part good, particularly the two lead roles, Amber Benson as Chance, and James Marsters as her friend Simon, with interesting characters and story. Having said that I can understand why other people wouldn't like it, especially if they are only used to seeing typical Hollywood style films or are expecting the stars to reprise their Buffy roles. Indy film fans, or people who like character based films are more likely to be won over. Anyway, I'm giving it 8/10 as I liked it a lot.

  • Amber Benson is amazing...


    Chance premiered at the SideWalk Film Festival 22 September, 2002. As of right now, there are no distribution deals and no further plans to show the film, but that could, of course, change. And I hope with all of my heart it does. Chance is a dark comedy about a chapter in the life of a young woman searching to find herself. It stars Amber Benson and James Marsters as Chance and Simon respectively. Also appearing in the film are Nate Barlow, Andy Hallett (the Host on Angel), Tressa diFiglia (Nicholas Brendon's wife), and Christine Estabrook. The movie is hilarious! Definitely along my tastes in humour, and Amber did a fantastic job doing everything for this film - a true Indie movie. The soundtrack, provided by Grant Langston (with the beautiful song over the opening credits having been written by Joss Whedon), was awesome, funny, and touching. Pretty blunt, too, which served the story perfectly. I was so afraid this movie would suck as much as I love Amber Benson. It didn't. It was much better than a lot of the movies I've seen lately. Amber was fantastic and James was so adorable it was scary. If you get the chance (haha), see this movie. You will not be disappointed.

  • Argh.


    When you're a mediocre actress with nothing to do, what else is there to do but poorly write a movie? Well, you can badly direct, produce, and star in it. A furious hurricane of wankalicious self-aggrandizement, Chance utterly fails at being compelling. The only reason a viewer could possibly watch this movie is through being a pre-existing fan of Amber Benson. I had the vast misfortune of seeing this project, which completely comes across as "it'd be really awesome if this random thing happened..." amateurism. The characters don't journey anywhere, and the only real acting came from James Marsters, who plays a man as only a woman could write one: emotionally vulnerable and feminine, as opposed to Amber Benson's own character, who fills all the masculinity of the piece. The editing was horrifying, as well. There is a scene wherein Chance is relating her thoughts about a guy she was seeing. He's dull. This is well pointed out, but then the interminably boring conversation keeps going. For a very long time. In short, it's a "screwball romantic comedy" that is decent for a class project in high school. But this tripe wouldn't cut it in the professional world.

  • Don't Miss a Chance to See this Movie!


    Currently, to my knowledge, this movie does not yet have a distributor, which makes me sad to think everyone who should see this movie may not get the chance. But I can assure you, it is well worth the effort to seek it out. Hopefully, it will find its way to many more film festivals like the Sidewalk Film Festival in Birmingham, AL, which gave Chance its world premiere. If they have a film festival in your area, tell them they need to get this film! As a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel, I can almost assure you that if you are a fan as well, you'll love this movie for the actors alone. If you've witnessed the outstanding work of Amber Benson, James Marsters, and Andy Halett, you already know they are amazing to watch. Not only can you see these actors in a completely new element, but there are wonderful moments you can only appreciate if you're a Buffy or Angel fan. But this is not to say you must be a fan of these shows to enjoy this movie. In fact, you need not know who any of these people are to see that Chance has an air of magic about it. First of all, I must state what a wonderful narrative voice Amber presented in this movie. When Chance (the title character) comes on screen and talks directly to the camera, you are always right there with her. She is your guide to her own life and what a wonderful guide she is. You're always waiting to hear what she'll say next and to see how she'll react to the situations she finds herself in. And funny! I did not expect to laugh so much. Amber conveys such a quick and biting wit that you can't help but sit back and laugh. Chance is not afraid to say what others wouldn't dare, and you love her for it. Not to give anything away, but I also have to comment on the movie's delightful balladeer. The songs wonderfully mirror the action, and much like Chance herself, they help bring to light those things we all think but would never say aloud. This movie is the journey of one girl to make sense of the things in her life. From the moment you meet Chance, you quickly get on board to see where she'll take you and the discoveries she'll make. You get to meet a lot of interesting characters on the way, and in the end, you just may make a few discoveries on your own. Getting to see the world premiere of this movie was truly one of the greatest experiences of my life. This movie is a complete joy to watch, whether you're a devoted Buffy or Amber fan, or just a person who likes to watch a great movie now and then. Until this movie is picked up by a distributor, it may be hard to find, so I urge you to check other film festivals and the official website for more information, and don't miss your chance to see this movie. Christal


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