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Cavedweller (2004)

Cavedweller (2004)

Kyra SedgwickAidan QuinnSherilyn FennJill Scott
Lisa Cholodenko


Cavedweller (2004) is a English movie. Lisa Cholodenko has directed this movie. Kyra Sedgwick,Aidan Quinn,Sherilyn Fenn,Jill Scott are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2004. Cavedweller (2004) is considered one of the best Drama,Music movie in India and around the world.

After rock musician Randall Pritchard's fatal car accident, his wife and band mate Delia Byrd drags their unwilling daughter Cissy from his California home to her own, a Georgia backwater. There they move in with Delia's hard-handed first partner, now terminal Clint Windsor, how she left with their daughters Amanda and Dede, who are now summoned to the 'reassembled' family. Clint's ma completes the messy picture.


Cavedweller (2004) Reviews

  • Georgia on my mind


    Dorothy Allison's excellent novel "Cavedweller" is the source of this film of the same title. Ms. Allison's novels are about real people going through tough times in their lives. This movie was adapted by Anne Meredith from the massive novel and the essence of it comes across under the sure direction of Lisa Cholodenko. Ms. Cholodenko's other films show she has an affinity to present characters that are always at crossroads of their lives. This film though, owes a great deal to the courageous performance of Kyra Sedgwick, who gets under the skin of Delia to show us what makes this woman ticks. We see Delia at the beginning in a desolated beach in Los Angeles. She is lost in thought, but evidently, at that moment she has made up her mind to make amends to her past. When she gets home she decides to leave everything behind and go to Georgia with Cissy, her youngest daughter. In flashbacks we get to see Delia's life go through her mind. We learn about the abusive husband, Clint. Also, we witness her betrayal to him and how she leaves her two young daughters for a musician, Randall. Their attraction is all physical; Randall is a man who can't be true to any woman, or remain in a loving relationship. Delia shows her courage in going back to the small town where everyone knows what she did. Her taciturn father takes her in, reluctantly. She goes to see her two daughters, who by now are teen agers; they reject her, as well as the paternal grandmother. But it's Clint, the dying man she left behind, the one that is able to reunite Delia with her daughters. It takes a lot for anyone to go back to that situation and Delia shows she is a woman that can see now where she went wrong, if only a bit late. The acting is first rate. Ms. Sedgwick, as Delia, has the best opportunity. Young Regan Arnold gives an amazing performance as Cissy, the younger daughter who is too wise for her young age. Aidan Quinn, as Clint, has good moments, but of course, the men in this movie are secondary characters. Kevin Bacon is seen in flashbacks and has little to do. Jackie Burrows, as the grandmother shows us a woman consumed in her hatred of Delia. Vanessa Zima plays Amanda, the oldest daughter who has turned to religion to compensate by what her young mind can't comprehend. This is not a film for everybody. Watch it because Kyra Sedgwick deserves to be seen and because it's a story that is original and unique in that is so anti Hollywood, made by a rising voice in film directing: Lisa Cholodenko.

  • Life as it is; not as we want it


    This is a nice movie in spite of the low rating that viewers have given it. And I'm not surprised that it got such ratings. Most Americans would not like this movie because it doesn't have enough action. This is a movie about real life relationships, past and present; about how different people adapt to changing situations; and about how life's decisions are made. This is a movie about how real people live, what they say, and how they love. I especially liked the ending. I think most of the acting was good too. I thought all three of Delia's daughters did a fine job. I especially liked her youngest daughter, Cissy; wise beyond her years. I can remember her from "The Blue Car". I was so frustrated with Amanda's rote religious jumbo that I wanted her mother to grab her and give her a good shaking. But if you love someone enough, I suppose you often put up with that sort of thing.

  • A film really worth watching


    I watched the Cavedweller at first after channel surfing with mild interest. Soon the plot captured my attention and became riveting. As a former victim of severe domestic violence (ex now in prison for molesting our son as well) I know what a struggle this woman overcame for the love of her daughters. Like her I had to come to the realization that I would have been killed by my ex husband, as well as my only child if I had stayed and had no other family or support to run to. I commend this character's courage and only wonder if I would have done the same. As the movie essay says the performance of the female cast is very powerful, but I must include that Aiden Quinn also did a spectacular job in this, portraying someone completely against his normal characters. Well Done!

  • Excellent drama


    I saw `Cavedweller' at the Tribeca Film Festival. I haven't read the book, but this movie is only a small part of the book. Kyra Sedgwick once again proves herself to be a very versatile actress, she's amazing in this movie as her character struggles with her emotions. All three daughters do a wonderful job, but Regan Arnold stands out as the fish-out-of-water youngest daughter, moved suddenly from L.A. to small-town Georgia. Aidan Quinn is very strong in a rather ugly role. Kevin Bacon has a bit part but is wonderful, as always. Jill Scott, in what I believe is her acting debut, is wonderful and provides some needed light-hearted moments in the midst of all the heavy drama. Jackie Burroughs is terrific as the tough-as-nails grandmother. If you want to watch a romantic comedy, then this movie is not the one for you. If you want to watch a solid drama with excellent writing and acting, this movie will leave you more than satisfied.

  • Credible, emotional drama.


    I don't really understand why this is so lowly rated as of the time of my review. This is a serious drama, competently directed and believably acted by all. The story held my interest and the wonderful Kyra Sedgwick delivered another good performance. As is usual for me, I haven't read the book and knew very little about the story before watching. Unusual for me, I watched it despite the low rating here and I am glad I did. I am sure the character played by Kyra Sedgwick couldn't be farther from who she really is but she sure knew what she wanted to do with this part. If you want comedy or action, other films should be considered. If want to think about life, love, parenthood, and dying, this one should hold your interest. Chris


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