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Buried Alive II (1997)

Buried Alive II (1997)

Ally SheedyStephen CaffreyTracey NeedhamTim Matheson
Tim Matheson


Buried Alive II (1997) is a English movie. Tim Matheson has directed this movie. Ally Sheedy,Stephen Caffrey,Tracey Needham,Tim Matheson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1997. Buried Alive II (1997) is considered one of the best Crime,Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Clint Goodman, the man whose wife and lover tried to get rid of him by giving him a toxin that made him appear to be dead but wasn't. He would be buried alive. He would wake up in the coffin and would exact revenge on his wife and her lover. His friend, the Sheriff tells to leave town and never come back. But when his friend dies, Clint comes back for the funeral. At the funeral, the man's niece, Laura who knows Clint sees him but he leaves before she could approach him. Laura is married to Randy who hates his life in the small town and because Laura doesn't empathize with him, he has an affair. He tells his girlfriend that once he finds a way to get away he'll leave Laura for her. But she's not patient. At the reading of her uncle's will, they learn that he has a fortune which he was unaware of. Randy sees this as their opportunity to get out but Laura is hesitant. Later he hears the story of what happened to Clint and decides to do that to Laura. Laura eventually corners Clint, who ...


Buried Alive II (1997) Reviews

  • It's not that bad!


    True, this is very similar to the first "Buried Alive" as in the storyline, direction, characters and basic results. I will say this though: It's not as bad as people say. Tim Matheson does a good job at establishing the characters right off the bat- Ally Sheedy as the heroine who has ties to the characters from the first film, Stephen McCaffrey as the immature, cheating husband, Tracey Needham as the sexy b*tch who convinces McCaffrey to kill his wife, and Tim Matheson himself is great as a much older and hardened Clint Goodman who (ten years after the events of the first film) now is tormented by a bad heart and nightmares on a daily basis. There is a real bond between Sheedy and Matheson's characters, which I really wish could have been explored more in the film and helped made it better. But all in all, this is pretty good- not first-rate, but how many sequels are? When you watch it, don't hold any expectations that this will be better than the first (because it's not) and you'll have a better time enjoying it as a movie separate from the original. I did, and I found that the storyline is easy to follow, the characters and actors are great, and the film ends on a delightfully creepy ending as you wonder how long before the boat containing the husband and his lover will stay together before collapsing!

  • Holds the interest - just about


    Though the situations and characters are fairly banal, they are mixed together in a sufficiently surprising way that I, at least, felt obliged to stay with it and see how it all turned out. That plus a performance of a certain class from Ally Sheedy, who gets about all there is to be got from a not especially interesting part.

  • This is a fairly decent sequel, however, it's predecessor was far better.


    *This contains spoilers* Buried Alive II is a half way decent sequel, but nothing close to saying it's a fantastic movie. What makes it a half way decent sequel is the fact that it picks up where the first one leaves off. Laura (Ally Sheedy) and Randy (Stephen Caffrey) have just inherited a large sum of money from the sheriff, Sam, from the original movie who had just passed away. Randy wanted to buy a new boat with the money and Laura didn't want to waste the whole inheritance on it. While at the same time, Randy was seeing Tracy (Tracy Needham). They come up with a plot to murder Laura by poisoning her with fish toxon. Randy would then be able to get his hands on Laura's money so that he would be able to buy the boat he wanted. Randy follows up with his plans and poisons Laura in a restaurant. Laura, of coarse, does not die, and after she wakes up from her coma, she takes her revenge out on Randy and Tracy. Though this is a decent sequel, it left a lot to be desired. In general, the acting by Clint and Laura was very well done; however, the acting by Randy and Tracy seemed very stale. In the first place, poisoning somebody in public doesn't seem like a very well thought out plot by the writers. They also could have found another way to prevent Laura from being embalmed instead of showing the fluid injection system going haywire, which seemed cheesy and fake. The scenes with Randy and Tracy at the end were rather funny. While Laura was sinking the boat Randy and Tracy was on, Randy says to Tracy "What would you like me to do, call 911?". Overall, this movie is worth seeing, but don't expect anything spectacular. Movie rating: 6 out of 10

  • Very poor story


    Buried Alive 2 not only ruins itself but also ruins the story of the first part(Buried Alive).

  • Roxanne if it were raining brains you wouldn't get wet


    **SPOILERS** Somewhat inferior sequel to the original 1990 made for TV movie "Buried Alive" that has it's star Clint Goodman, Tim Matherson, come back to town to pay his respects to the late Sheriff Sam Eberly. Sheriff Sam is the only person who knows Clint's secret, that he in fact is alive, and took it to the grave with him. It just happens that Sheriff Sam's niece Laua Riskin, Ally Sheedy, is having trouble with her cheating husband Randy, Stephen Caffrey, in that the no good heel wants her out of the way an out of both his and, literally, her life. Randy has been having an affair with Roxanne, Tracey Needham, and the two are planning to off her the same way that Clint was; with the poison extract from the Japanese blow fish. Sick and tired of living in the same hick town all his life and wanting to pursue adventure on the high seas, by getting himself a yacht, Randy sees his ticket to ride in that Laura is to get some $250,000.00 from the her late uncle's, Sheriff Sam, estate. It turns out that Clint, looking like he was just exhumed, is on to both Randy & Roxanne and tries in vain to get Laura, who at first doesn't recognize him, out of harms way but like in his case, who was also poisoned, to no avail. With a nervous Randy spiking her drink, a glass of wine, with the blow fish extract or poison Laura goes into convulsions and literately drops dead right in front of Randy and about a dozen witnesses at a local restaurant. Just before Laura lost consciousness she realized, by finding the vile where the poison was in, that Randy had in fact murdered her! Or did he! The film "Bruied Alive II" follows the very same storyline as it's predecessor "Buried Alive" with Laura coming back to life after she was buried. Not getting embalmed since the embalming machine at the local funeral home conked out Laura's vital functions were not effected as she was later able to get herself resurrected. It's then that an outraged Laura plans to exact vengeance on both her husband Randy and his lover Roxanne who both planned but, fortunately for Laura, didn't go through with her murder; Not that they didn't get an "A" for effort in trying. Coming back from the dead Laura plans to get both Randy and Roxanne alone on Randy's yacht and then, by both sealing and sinking it, have them pay for their crimes. The problem is how can she being weak and almost unable to walk, by being entombed and buried in a air-tight copper coffin for some three days, be able to pull all this off? ****SPOILER ALERT****It there that Clint comes into the picture, and to Laura's rescue, but at the cost, being that Clint is suffering from an acute heart ailment, of his life. Nowhere as good as "Buried Alive" but still worth watching with both Stephen Caffrey & Tracey Needham, as Randy & Roxanne, so badly overacting in their roles that for a time you think your watching a laugh a minute comedy not a tense and nail biting murder/suspense drama.


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