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Boston Kickout (1995)

Boston Kickout (1995)

John SimmEmer McCourtMarc WarrenAndrew Lincoln
Paul Hills


Boston Kickout (1995) is a English movie. Paul Hills has directed this movie. John Simm,Emer McCourt,Marc Warren,Andrew Lincoln are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1995. Boston Kickout (1995) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

Young aimless men come of age in a troubled Hertfordshire New Town.

Same Director

Boston Kickout (1995) Reviews

  • British Independent film making at it's best.


    I loved this film. It's deeply touching and very funny. This is one of very few accurate portrayals of what life is like growing up in suburban Britain where underneath a seemingly bland surface lies boredom, violence, madness and the redemptive beauty and intensity of human relationships. Cracking pace, lots of energy, and deeply satisfying.

  • A great film


    Boston Kickout puts across the difficult issues and worries of being a teen and coming of age in a small rural town. John Simm plays his character very well in one of the best of his first few movies. People from the town will enjoy the references to parts of the town. The feeling portrayed are a mix of joy and despair as Phil's life seems to be crumbling away before him with his friends leaving, getting married and having a break down, when he finally finds someone he feels he can confide in she also leaves him, leaving him with no way to turn. Overall brilliantly acted and a good proper British film. Would recommend to everyone.

  • More charm than Trainspotting


    I enjoyed this film, which is restrained in comparison to the similar but overrated Trainspotting. Well acted, it's low budget protects it from smackhead chic. There is something wrong with the plot in the middle, and the themes are unremittingly grim, but it is funny and has considerable charm. The whole cinema enjoyed it, but there were only five of us.

  • A storm of a film about being too big for a small town!


    This has nothing whatsoever to do with Trainspotting. It's a drama about a group of friends who have reached a focal point in their education and wonder what is it they want from their life, friends and their town. Trainspotting is an anti drugs related film. This film contains no drugs if memory serves me right. Habitants of similar sized and socially unactive towns should be able to relate to parts of the film. The film isn't one of the greatest made, but it's got some great lines, great moments and some great cinematography

  • (not) as bad as you wanna be


    A Boston Kickout is the act of vandalizing the neighorhood yards, uprooting plants and trampling gardens. It's behavior that a group of middle-class wannabe bad lads in a culturally bleak new town outside of London continue more from habit than conviction as they confront life after high school. What begins as a fast paced albeit low budget buddy movie becomes a more intelligent coming of age story with the appearance of Emer McCourt as the Irish lass who wants to have fun. Seems the answer to the main character's problem was to get laid - which was my theory when I was his age.


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