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City Loop (2000)

City Loop (2000)

Sullivan StapletonRyan JohnsonKellie JonesBrendan Cowell
Belinda Chayko


City Loop (2000) is a English movie. Belinda Chayko has directed this movie. Sullivan Stapleton,Ryan Johnson,Kellie Jones,Brendan Cowell are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. City Loop (2000) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

City Loop tells the story of six young people who work in a pizzeria, as they struggle to comes to terms with boredom, fear of responsibility and pizzas to go.

City Loop (2000) Reviews

  • An interesting effort but generally flawed


    I saw "city loop" at Toronto a couple of years ago and more recently on Cable here in Australia. The script is generally too smart by half and tries to be very sassy but the director just didn't pull it off. It probably needed some flesh to be exposed for it to have any credibility as a teen flick of any worth. Nice try folks and it's a valiant effort for a low budget film but in the end you have to ask - WHY BOTHER?

  • Drab, dire, dull


    I'm finding this very difficult to write. After a few false starts I realise how hard it is to properly convey the unusual badness of "City Loop". It's not that it's VERY bad - "insufferably bad" is the strongest phrase I'd use - but it is, unlike many bad things, INDISPUTABLY bad. Moreover (and this is a different thing again) I don't see how anyone could take pleasure in watching it. It's a multi-story ensemble pic in which the stories aren't really stories (they're CALLED stories - "Dom's Story", "Misha's Story", etc., but nothing to speak of happens in them), and the ensemble consists entirely of characters I found it impossible, and I mean IMPOSSIBLE, to take any interest in. (What I wanted to happen was ALWAYS whatever would bring the film to a merciful end.) All characters are amoral and inarticulate, they all move through the world at random, none of them have redeeming qualities (few of them even have qualities). Chayko tries to swindle us into caring by leaving crucial matters unexplained (an excuse to make us watch some scenes TWICE, as if once weren't bad enough), but it doesn't work. I haven't exhausted the film's weaknesses. Photography is unattractive - although I get the feeling it probably wasn't the cinematographer's fault; it feels rather as if Chayko took the poor man (or woman - I fled as soon as the credits began, so I wouldn't know) to some ugly, bare location, asked him to film the ugliest part of it, and then tied his (/her) hands by firing the lighting technician. The music is also pretty drab. The best thing going for it is the fact that, although it seems as though it will never end, it really doesn't last very long.

  • I would very much like to see it again


    It's been like 1,5 year ago that I've seen the movie, but I frequently think back about it. And when I read the previous comment, I realized what specific detail made me like this movie so much: the emptiness! The previous person on this board didn't like the fact that there were no cars or extra to be seen, and he supposed that Miss Chayko did it on purpose to give a sphere of loneliness. That's a possibility, but even when the reason is simply that there was no money for extras, I don't care: it gave the movie its unique atmosphere. And I also agree that Miss Chayko will, one day, certainly make a great movie!

  • enjoyable


    Here in Belgium, City Loop was shown on the International Film Festival of Flanders, Ghent, but only a few people watched it. I was one of them, and I must say, I really enjoyed it. It was refreshing, original, especially in the way the story was told. It also had quite some funny bits, and the actors all succeeded in portraying real young people. I also liked the atmosphere that was created through the combination of night and the city, it was recognizable on one hand, and then again, so weird, so special. I would in fact like to know what city it was. I can't make any comparisons, because in fact, I have never seen a movie like this, and believe me, I have seen a lot of movies!

  • Good light entertainment


    When I watch a film for the first time I tend to go in with an open mind, block all pre-conceptions. Teen movies are often sneered at by critics as simply being boring, cliched tales of adolescent love and insecurity - indeed some teen films fit this description, but City Loop (or Bored Olives as I prefer) does not. I caught Bored Olives at 1.50 AM on Channel 4 a while back and was thoroughly entertained. Despite its low-budget the direction and acting are excellent. Set against the amazingly atmospheric and tranquil backdrop of late-night, inner-city Brisbane the film focusses on the lives of a group of young takeaway workers who are, as-per-usual in teen films, bored with their lives and apprehensive regarding their futures. Filmed as a set of intertwining short stories (each character is given their own story), the films main and most endearing characters are Ryan Stapleton who stars as Dom, and Stacey, played by the stunning Megan Dorman in grunge mode. The worst thing about some film critics are their pre-conceptions regarding certain genres, and reviews of Bored Olives have, in my humble opinion, suffered from this. Very similar to the American flick, 'Empire Records', Bored Olives is good entertainment with no pretensions - i.e. it does not pretend to be what it isn't. The characters might be slightly shallow and skin-deep, but thats not what we want in a film like this. Go into Bored Olives with an open mind and you will enjoy.


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