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Blackheart (1998)

Blackheart (1998)

Richard GriecoChristopher PlummerFiona LoewiMaria Conchita Alonso
Dominic Shiach


Blackheart (1998) is a English movie. Dominic Shiach has directed this movie. Richard Grieco,Christopher Plummer,Fiona Loewi,Maria Conchita Alonso are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1998. Blackheart (1998) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Ray and Annette are a couple who scam, lie and seduce to get wealth from unspecting wealthy people.

Blackheart (1998) Reviews

  • Worth watching when there's not much else to do


    Blackheart had its moments, but was mostly predictable. Maria Conchita Alonso did an excellent job. A much more interesting character than she has usually played. Richard Grieco also did well, but nothing spectacular. The other performances were adequate, but to be fair, the story didn't have enough going for it to allow the actors to do much but just go through the motions. Christopher Plummer's character added some levity that would have seemed awkward, but as the movie started to drag this performance became more appreciated. The movie grabbed me early with Maria's performance, but later the story became more routine and even Maria's character couldn't add enough interest to keep it exciting.

  • childlike writing, lacks direction, no plot and generally poor acting


    When I first saw this movie I was tempted to switch channels right away but decided that maybe I should give it a chance and not go with first impression judgment. Guess I was wrong again. I did stick it out and here is my critique. Writing - Brad and Brock Simpson - I hope you both have day jobs as writing is obviously not going to get you there.. The writing was child like to the point that I think Bart could have articulated the dialog better. Sorry guys. Direction - Dominic Shiach - was he even present during the production and filming of this movie - the plot was disjointed to total distraction and the actors were completely overacting in some situations and then completely missing the point in others. I almost felt the whole movie must have been directed by the camera men and they were fighting between themselves as to who should be doing what! Acting - Richard Greico - not your best performance - I know that you know this as well and I'll leave it at that.

  • One of the best performances for Maria Conchita Alonso


    I saw the movie and it is really not a masterpiece, but it is entertaining and so far one of the best films for the lead actress (Maria Conchita Alonso). Christopher Plummer is equally interesting, although Richard Grieco should go back to whatever he was doing before he started to "act". So if you want to see a really evil character develop see this film, she will not let you down!.

  • Maria Conchita Alonso


    Undoubtedly this was a complete and utter waste of everyones time. The one thing that was great was Maria Conchita Alonso. She is so sexy and seductive that her performance alone was worth sitting through the garbage that it is.

  • Watch it on "mute"


    The movie starts out as if it might be interesting, but then fizzles. I enjoyed Maria; she's always worth watching. She prances around in some pretty interesting outfits, and is, of course, a naughty girl. But don't expect much from the movie itself. My advice: Press the "mute" button and just absorb Maria.

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