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Bart Got a Room (2008)

Bart Got a Room (2008)

Steven KaplanWilliam H. MacyCheryl HinesAlia Shawkat
Brian Hecker


Bart Got a Room (2008) is a English movie. Brian Hecker has directed this movie. Steven Kaplan,William H. Macy,Cheryl Hines,Alia Shawkat are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2008. Bart Got a Room (2008) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Danny Stein is a high-school senior and class vice president; he's in charge of the prom, along with Camille, his best friend for years. Everyone including Camille and her parents assumes that Danny will ask her to the prom, but he wants something less platonic and more romantic - more memorable. His choices include the sophomore cheerleader he drives to school, a friend of a friend, and a quiet Chinese girl in his classes. With his parents' help (they're going through a divorce), he gets the tickets, rents a tux, reserves a limo, and, over his mother's objections, gets a room at the prom-site hotel. This, everyone believes, is the way to establish memories. Will anything work out?


Bart Got a Room (2008) Reviews

  • A very enjoyable teen comedy


    I saw this at the Waterfront Film Festival in Saugatuck, Michigan. Bart Got a Room is a funny and clever film starring Steven Kaplan as Danny Stein, a senior in high school who isn't sure what to do about the Senior Prom. His best friend Camille who he's known for many years (Alia Shawkat) seems like the obvious choice, but after another friend mentions that everyone that's going to prom has gotten a hotel room for the big night, Danny realizes he needs someone other than his "best friend" to take back to a hotel room. This film is very well made an well written. Kaplan is a natural actor, he does a wonderful job playing Danny, he's like a teenage Woody Allen, having trouble finding someone to go out on a date with and not knowing how to talk to women. And Cheryl Hines and William H Macy are also perfect as Danny's separated parents. Macy is a delight having many of the big laughs in the film, which I'm sure is increased by his hilarious hair. John Polito is great as well playing Cheryl's new love interest. And there's also a funny cameo near the end of the film. Writer/Director Brian Hecker made a great teen comedy. The audience at the screening loved it, applauding many times throughout. Seek this one out, it's a very entertaining film that's sure to please. See it then spread the word. Oh, and be sure to stay for the end credits.

  • fun look at the trials and tribulations of adolescence


    Written and directed by Brian Hecker, "Bart Got a Room" is a semi-autobiographical coming-of-age tale set in south Florida where high school geek Danny Stein won't be in the demographic majority for another fifty years yet. A good Jewish boy, Danny is all excited about attending his senior prom - or at least he would be if he could get the hot sophomore he drives to school every day to agree to go as his date. Unfortunately, she thinks of him merely as an older-brother type, so Danny is forced to look elsewhere for options, including the Plain Jane Camille (Alia Shawkat), who's been his best friend since childhood and obviously wishes Danny felt about her the way she feels about him. Danny also has to contend with the fact that his soon-to-be-divorced parents (wonderfully played by William H. Macy and Cheryl Hines) are already in the market for future spouses and that they keep the understandably mortified youngster continually posted on their dating progress. Though in terms of plotting there's little that separates "Bart Got a Room" from countless other films in the same genre, the movie finds a wealth of truth and humor in its deadpan depictions of ordinary life. Bart and all the figures who inhabit his world go through their days just trying to make the best of bad situations, searching for that one little nugget of happiness that will make the crushing banality of the rest of their lives at least tolerable, if not worthwhile. For Danny, it's getting a date for the prom and meeting an attractive girl who will reciprocate his romantic interest; for his parents, it's trying to get that one last stab at coupled attachment in a world where youth is prized above all else and where they're faced with a daily reminder of what awaits them in their fast-approaching "golden years;" for Camille, it's trying to get the boy she's attracted to to see her as a burgeoning woman with sexual appetites and not just a platonic buddy to study and hang out with. "Bart Got a Room" nicely captures the exaggerated nature of teenage trauma, when showing up dateless to the prom is a personal tragedy comparable only to the crash of the Hindenburg or the sinking of the Titanic. And Steve Kaplan perfectly conveys every bit of the angst Danny experiences as he maneuvers his way through those shark-infested waters known as adolescence.

  • A good, fun comedy for teens and young adults


    I remember seeing a preview for this movie on The Movie Channel, I think that was the channel. Then about 2 days later I saw the movie for sale at Wal-mart. That night I actually watched it. I thought it was hilarious in so many ways. Yeah, some of the humor is kind of ridiculous but it's directed towards teens and young adults. In so many ways I can relate to this movie and so can other people i'm sure. I was very pleased with William H. Macy's performance. I also liked it because it had both actors we already know, and some that we have never seen before, or at least I haven't. All in all I think this film was very good and I hope that everyone gets a chance to see it.

  • Much ado about nothing


    When the people behind "Bart Got A Room" call it a film about a guy looking for a date for the prom, they mean just that. There's no emotional subtext whatsoever to this search. Why is it so important to him, and why should we care? Danny is such a blank slate, and the writing doesn't offer many insights into who he is as a person. Compare Danny in your mind with more interesting movie teenagers, like Max from "Rushmore" or Harold from "Harold and Maude," and you'll see what I mean. And the actor playing Danny does little to illuminate that he has any kind of inner life at all. Danny's parents are equally bland and uninteresting. The only truly insightful moment occurs when one of Danny's friends discussing going to the zoo with his mother. (The mother, a divorced woman, hates going to the zoo but is desperately trying to please her new boyfriend.) What is the film even about? Is it about the close friendship between Danny and Camille? But even after the hot girl turns him down, he decides to keep shopping around, rather than turn to Camille, which she herself acknowledges. The film doesn't provide any real scenes to establish the bond they share. (Sorry. Showing old photos of them as children and having narration isn't enough.) I thought the film might be about a boy choosing not to cross over the threshold from childhood to adulthood. Children like to have fun, play with their friends and bond with their parents. Young adults want to carve our their own identities, be independent, distance themselves from their parents and explore their sexuality. So which side does Danny ultimately fall down on – youth or maturity? The film (SPOILERS!) explains at the end that he chose to spend his prom night not with his peers but with his parents and his platonic friend. It further explains that the hotel room, that presumed symbol of sexual maturity, was used instead to play Boggle, a children's game, with his parents and platonic childhood friend. But then, that youth vs. maturity interpretation doesn't really work either. So many different directions the film could have gone in, and yet, in the end, the filmmakers never really chose a path.

  • If Tilly would go for Macy, then I guess, Bart could get a room


    I started off disliking 'Bart Got a Room' due to its painfully obvious set up, clichés and predictable storyline where you knew where this was going from the get-go. For the most part, it unfolded to where you thought so with just a hint of surprises. The idea behind the film, and hence the title, involves high schoolers scrambling to get a date and a "room" for prom night, since *Bart* got a room. Sure, when Bart's revealed in the room, they overshoot his nerd-factor, but the movie's clearly mean-spirited from all angles on a person that's different from the "norm." Again, they did dress up Bart as the stereotypical arrogant "Napoleon Dynamite," but it was a pretty harsh reality the parents were teaching their kids to be judgmental. Some segments were funny, I'll admit, but those few and far between scenes involved Macy (namely the woman running for her life and the older female with a housewarming gift.) And it was touching how down-on-his-own-bad-luck divorced father Macy would give up everything, including a date with poker-great Tilly, to aid his son's quest for a date. 'Bart' was a sweet, innocent movie (other than few scenes knocking down different people) and you could do worse, but there are far better high school comedies. Such as 'Election,' 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off,' and 'Juno.' You have to give kudos to the lead, Kaplan for trying to carry the movie, but not so much for the supporting case, like the overly clichéd "heavy-set" buddy, the pretty blonde cheerleader and the plain-Jane BFF that, shocking, should be his first pick for the prom. We've seen this plot dozens of times over, and one of my favorites was 'Some Kind of Wonderful.' Ironically, director Hecker, did seem to attempt (unsuccessfully) the heart of most Hughes movies.


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