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Bakushi (2007)

Bakushi (2007)

Gô ArisueChimuo NurekiHiromi SaotomeNorio Sugiura
Ryuichi Hiroki


Bakushi (2007) is a movie. Ryuichi Hiroki has directed this movie. Gô Arisue,Chimuo Nureki,Hiromi Saotome,Norio Sugiura are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2007. Bakushi (2007) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

Documentary about the art of Japanese bondage.

Bakushi (2007) Reviews

  • A look at people who are good at tying knots for erotic purposes gets dull really fast with too much show and not enough tell


    Odd documentary on several masters of Japanese Bondage. The film interviews the masters and their models. The film also has numerous long sequences where we see the masters in action. Who is this film for? I ask that in all seriousness since I'm not really sure. The interviews with the rope masters and their models are intriguing (to a point) since its clear that all parties enjoy the experience, however at the same time, the interviews are not what makes up most of the film which is made up of the bondage sessions so we only learn so much. it might have been passable if there was some real spice to the tying sequences, but there isn't, simply put the bondage isn't erotic since its clear that there is too much calculation involved, though there are times when the women are clearly somewhere else. I don't get it. If some one wanted to see this sort of fetish there are other better ways to do so. Those wishing to learn something about the art (and it it is art) are only going to learn so much since the film seems to only have a little over a half an hour of actual interviews with seven or 8 people with an hour of knot tying. I got bored and started to zip through the bondage bits. I'm sure if you are a real proponent of the art you'll enjoy this, but otherwise I'm guessing you'll be bored before long. Personally if you want to learn something and be entertained I would recommend Nawa Deka which is a mystery film set in the adult industry specializing in bondage.They tell you stuff in the first ten minutes and after that its a good little mystery. See that instead of this.

  • An excellent insight


    This is very much a documentary for people already interested in Japanese rope bondage, so probably not all that interesting for most people. For those into Japanese rope bondage it's a rare and amazing chance to see Japan's master rope artists and their models and hear their take on the art they have invested so much in. Bakushi comes from Kinbaku (rope bondage) and Shi (master) and these are the rope masters of Japan, very different from westerners, they are quiet, considered and don't wast words. As much as it is an insight into the world of rope bondage and SM in Japan it is also an insight into the national character of Japan.


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