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Amour Infinity (2000)

Amour Infinity (2000)

Jerry LaMotheMarkee AdamsMarcus AllenJas Anderson
Jerry LaMothe


Amour Infinity (2000) is a English movie. Jerry LaMothe has directed this movie. Jerry LaMothe,Markee Adams,Marcus Allen,Jas Anderson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. Amour Infinity (2000) is considered one of the best Drama movie in India and around the world.

'The odds are stacked up against a young east Flatbush, Brooklyn man (Jerry Lamothe). He's lost his job, his girlfriend of five years, and the mother of his child just left him as well.

Amour Infinity (2000) Reviews

  • I love this film


    Amour Infinity was one of the most beautiful love stories that I have ever seen in black film. It had regular everyday people in extremely romantic situations. It also dealt with issues such as cancer, infidelity, so-called "baby's mama drama" and just plain old love. I would love to see more films like these rise to the Emmy award categories. This film was so out of the ordinary and it was also not full of sex and gunshots like a lot of our movies. I was able to let my child view the movie with me without gripping the remote and skipping certain scenes. The main characters were friends before they became lovers and they were beautiful together. I unfortunately cannot find this movie anywhere, I was blessed to be able to rent it and would love to purchase a copy on DVD. If you have never heard of it, please go find a copy to rent or buy and enjoy it just as I did.

  • Beautiful movie beautifully made


    I came across this movie by chance at Wal-mart of all places, it was in one of those bins where you get 4 movies for one price. I almost over looked it, but I am so glad that I didn't. This movie was fulled with situations such as love,loss and friendship. The relationships were very realistic, almost reality TV like. As if the actors didn't know they were being filmed. I must say I was at a point where I was tired of all the bigger budget movies that are being marketed toward blacks. This movie was refreshing in it's originality. Now there were the stereotypical characters, like the baby mama, the drug dealer, the militant, and the brother that's on the stoop all day. But the screen time for these characters was very short, and didn't draw away from the bigger story at all.

  • This was an excellent movie


    The person who wrote the comment before me felt the exact same way i did about this movie. It was so down to earth and easy to relate to. I had never heard of it and i too would like to purchase a copy of it. I am so happy to be able to speak on this movie Bravo to the writer and keep them coming this is just what we need. I am telling all who will listen about it and the music is definitely on point as Amour would say. Can you tell me if the director or Writer has any other movies that i might be interested in seeing? If so can you send me the names so that I can rent them and also can you tell me what I need to do to purchase a copy of Amour Infinity for my own Video Collection I know it sounds repetitive but I was really blown away by this Movie I actually almost sent it back without watching it but i didn't and I am so happy that i chose to see it Man It is a cooed Movie.

  • Great film


    I am a massive film buff. Amour Infinity is one of those films that haunts you in a good way. I first saw it about 10-12 years ago. When you first start watching it you assume it's going to be a basic romantic film in the hood except it was different. It didn't preach to you or hit you over the head with a message. It just made the movie couple(s) seem HUMAN. Their emotions and situations where universal and made you able to relate to them. The movie itself had a little bit of everything for everyone from comedy, drama, romance to tears. I just watched part of the film a few minutes ago and the emotional impact is still there. GREAT FILM!


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