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Alo (2003)

Alo (2003)

Rituparna SenguptaKunal MitraRoy AnganaAbanti Mohan Bandyopadhyay
Tarun Majumdar


Alo (2003) is a Bengali movie. Tarun Majumdar has directed this movie. Rituparna Sengupta,Kunal Mitra,Roy Angana,Abanti Mohan Bandyopadhyay are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. Alo (2003) is considered one of the best Family movie in India and around the world.

The true love between a couple living in a village.

Alo (2003) Reviews

  • Alo : Light for Bengali films


    Think that the current Bengali film market is captured by non-sense story-lines and beheaded plots. Watch this movie before making a comment like that. This is a fantastic movie adapted from Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhya's short story. The characters are real, and define their roots themselves. Most of the people who acted as village people did their job well but I personally feel that putting on the "village accent" would have done miracles. The director's work was clearly visible and incorporation of certain insignificant yet beautifully crafted elements made this work, if not masterpiece, a real enjoyable one. I won't reveal anything about the storyline but if you really want to enjoy this movie PAY ATTENTION to the songs of Rabindranath Tagore. esp. the last one - it's so meaningful and fits (I'll rather use the word blends) into the movie. I'm sure the viewer will like the movie.

  • A Light Bordering on a Halo


    Tarun Majumder turns the famous Bibhutibhushan story into a good film ornamented mellifluously with Tagorean songs fitting perfectly to every occasion in the film. A slow & silent, but rapid & vigorous, attraction resulting in love binds Alo & Subha in the mesh of matrimony after they surmount the major challenge of Alo's staying at Subha's native village after marriage. And, hereafter unfolds the stunning idiosyncratic changes of the village people after they come in contact with Alo in whatever way possible, deliberately or unknowingly. Alo becomes their most prized possession; rather an idol of adoration. In the end of the film she seems to be an intangible entity that flows along with the breeze spreading crystallized melody & fellow-feeling among the villagers. She truly stands up to the meaning of her name: Alo. She bathes the village- denizens & us in a light bordering on a halo.

  • alo means light


    the name of the movie is so right. i mean Alo means light. it left a great impression on me. each of the character did such a great job. Tarun Majumder's direction was awesome. a great comeback with this movie. i watched it on DVD and couldn't stop thinking about the character played by Rituparna Sengupta(Alo). i think everyone should seethis movie. it touched my heart and soul. At the very end it shows how everyone was touched by her presence. she for real did bring Alo(light) to every life she touched. i think a movie should leave an impression on you at the end. it did for me and will do for everyone who watches it. Oh! great Rabindranath song selection.

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