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Air Guitar Nation (2006)

Air Guitar Nation (2006)

Dan CraneDavid S. JungHadia AckermanLance Kasten
Alexandra Lipsitz


Air Guitar Nation (2006) is a English movie. Alexandra Lipsitz has directed this movie. Dan Crane,David S. Jung,Hadia Ackerman,Lance Kasten are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2006. Air Guitar Nation (2006) is considered one of the best Documentary,Biography,Music movie in India and around the world.

It's time to rock and roll - air guitar style. AIR GUITAR NATION is the feature documentary about the year that air guitar swept America - from New York to Los Angeles and then all the way to northern Finland. AIR GUITAR NATION chronicles the birth of the US Air Guitar Championships and the personal journeys of those talented contestants who are vying to become the first World Air Guitar Champion from the United States. Every August, the Air Guitar World Championships bring thousands of fans all the way to Oulu, Finland to see the world's best air guitarists battle it out for 60 seconds of mock stardom. For years, the USA was missing in action. Enter the first official US Air Guitar Championships. What starts as a friendly contest above a New York strip club becomes a battle of naked ambition played out on the national and, ultimately, the world stage. Full of triumph and disappointment, patriotic spirit and political tension - and of course invisible guitars - this tension filled ...


Air Guitar Nation (2006) Reviews

  • wow. just wow.


    the most fun i've had in a movie theater, ever. incredibly well made, but truth be told i could tape cell phone cameras to my hyperactive dogs and throw tennis balls around a room with these guys in it and the resulting footage would be Oscar-worthy. also, after the screening i saw of it, the director and three of the protagonists (bjorn turoque and the two American guys who created the US National Air Guitar Championships) answered questions from the crowd and did nothing but further my newfound love for this beautiful, hilarious art form. if this movie gets the distribution deal it deserves and comes within a hundred miles of you, go see it. if you need a reason to restore your faith in humanity amidst all the depressing stuff that's happening in the world, find your way to air guitar nation. you'll thank yourself forever.

  • Lets rock


    This is one of the most fun documentaries you are liable to see. It follows two American air guitar heroes, C-Diddy and Bjorn Turoque, from the initial East Coast qualifying round, via the U.S. final to the World Championship in the Mecca of air guitar, Oulu in northern Finland. Along the way we are introduced to an array of colourful air guitarists, including the guru of airness Zac 'The Magnet' Munro, a wheelchair-bound Christian rock Nikki Sixx look-a-like, a Belgian Jesus Christ impersonator, etc etc etc. The film begins with a montage of air guitarists doing their thing. At this early stage you could be forgiven for thinking 'what the hell is this?'. But as this documentary progresses we get to know the protagonists and we learn that the people behind these air god personas are very likable. And then a bizarre thing happens - you begin to get strangely drawn into their routines. For 81 minutes you will be caught up in the craziness of this art-form. You will cheer on the contestants. You will know a good air guitar performance! This is an extremely funny film. The air guitar boot camps, the ultra-serious competitors, the OTT performances and the insane air guitar talk will have you in hysterics. But this is not only about laughs, it's very warm-hearted too. You will like these people. It's hard to imagine coming out of this movie and not smiling. For those about to rock we salute you!!!!

  • Peace


    About 10 minutes into this film a big grin came across my face and it never left. That would be my entire review were it not for the fact that there is a ten line minimum and I have only written three. It is a shame that there is an R rating to this film because other than a couple of f bombs and a naked guy grabbing himself for about ten seconds on stage (which I believe is cheating because you really should not use props), but other than those two scenes this is a film that kids would love as well. The air guitar championships take place in Finland and they have a message of peace that Scandinavians relay very nicely. You just like everyone involved in this film. I was not expecting to enjoy it nearly as much as I did. Highly recommended.

  • "To ere is human. To air guitar is divine."


    I saw this film at SilverDocs 2006, AFI/Discovery Channel Documentary Film Festival in Silver Spring, MD. I was initially hesitant to see this movie, because seriously, how good can a film called "Air Guitar Nation" be? In actuality, I was surprisingly entertained and amazed by this engaging film. Unlike some documentaries that seem rushed or incomplete, "Air Guitar Nation" is a finished work. The film begins by introducing a score of wholly unique and zany, yet ultimately very human competitors into the world of air guitar. Though comical at first glance, the competitors rise above the visual silliness of strumming air to let their personalities warm the hearts of the audience. By the end of the film, I was rooting whole-heartedly for all the competitors as they battled for the World Air Guitar Championship. I walked out of the theater with the sounds of great music in my head and a newfound respect for air guitar in general. And once at home, I blew the dust off my own air guitar and jammed out a few solos!

  • A fun, easy-to-watch doc.


    Set around the 2003 Annual Air Guitar World Championship Contest, and in particular around the first-time American participants, Air Guitar Nation plays like a tournament movie, pitting two opponents against each other, the "favorite" C-Diddy and the "relentless challenger" Björn Türoque. Don't be deterred by the overall silliness (which everyone acknowledges) and gives this documentary a chance. It's a joy to watch, from the inventive structure to the obvious fun the contestants have taking on their "rock star" personas. No these dudes aren't really like that, they're taking on a role! And having a blast doing it too! Air Guitar Nation certainly isn't a must-watch but it's a very nice watch. Very original and a lot of fun. A refreshing documentary which doesn't take itself seriously and doesn't tackle a serious matter either.


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