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Una noche con Sabrina Love (2000)

Una noche con Sabrina Love (2000)

Cecilia RothTomás FonziFabián VenaGiancarlo Giannini
Alejandro Agresti


Una noche con Sabrina Love (2000) is a Spanish movie. Alejandro Agresti has directed this movie. Cecilia Roth,Tomás Fonzi,Fabián Vena,Giancarlo Giannini are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2000. Una noche con Sabrina Love (2000) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

In Curuguazu, located in the Argentinian countryside, seventeen year-old Daniel Montero has been raised by his grandmother for three years since the death of his parents in a car accident. Daniel has a boring life, working in a poultry processing plant and meeting his friends in the square to make small talk. He saves some money from his salary and buys an old television, where he watches late night porn shows of Sabrina Love. Daniel wins a contest to spend one night with Sabina Love in Buenos Aires. However, he does not have the 50 pesos to pay for the bus ticket and hitchhikes along 500 kilometers with truck drivers to the city. He is robbed on the road but arrives in Buenos Aires on Saturday morning, but the television postpones his meeting with Sabrina Love to Monday. Without any money, he visits his older brother Enrique who left his hometown many years ago to study agronomy and does not know that his parents are deceased. Daniel discovers many truths during his brief stay.


Una noche con Sabrina Love (2000) Reviews

  • Behind the mirror


    Having only seen "Valentin", directed by Alejandro Agresti, we had high hopes for this film, which was completed before this one. Mr. Agresti shows he knows what he is doing in adapting Pedro Mairal's novel to the screen. We are taken to the small town in the interior of Argentina to meet Daniel, a young man who is bored with his job at the chicken processing plant where he works, and with his life. He is always late, and his boss lets him know. The highlight of his existence is watching a television program where Sabrina Love, a porn star, invites her viewers to enter a contest to spend a night with her, selected from the best letter she receives about what the winner would like to do with her. Daniel's parents have been killed in a tragic accident when the truck they used for the business suffers an accident. Daniel is the winner! He has little money and must travel far in order to receive his prize. We watch him on the road that also involves swimming from one of the boats that traverse a big river. Along the way, he meets a few people, like the hoodlums that terrorize him and take his money. He also encounters a kind trucker who advises him on having safe sex and gives him condoms. Also, Carmelo, an unemployed man who befriends him and tells him about the perils of the big city. Daniel has a brother in Buenos Aires. Enrique, is gay, and lives with a woman photographer, as her assistant. Daniel has not told Enrique about their parents' death. When he finally gets to meet Sabrina Love, he is in a state of bliss, although his involvement with her will be short lived. In the end, in spite of having had his first sexual experience, Daniel feels lost within Buenos Aires and decides the city is not for him. In the process, Daniel learns a lot about himself and the world outside his little town. Tomas Fonzi is wonderful as Daniel, the young guy who grows up suddenly after he takes a trip of discovery. Cecilia Roth makes another excellent appearance in this film. Fabian Bena, who plays the gay Enrique, is also good. Mario Paolucci, is Carmelo. Giancarlo Giannini and Norma Aleandro have small parts in the film. Alejandro Agresti shows he had a vision in bringing all the elements together in this winning film.

  • Charming and Delightful Coming to Age Tale


    In Curuguazu, in the countryside of Argentina, the seventeen year-old Daniel Montero (Tomás Fonzi) has been raised by his grandmother for three years since the death of his parents in a car accident. Daniel has a boring life, working in a poultry processing plant and meeting his friends in the square for small talk. He saves some money from his salary and buys an old television, where he watches the late night show of the porn star Sabrina Love (Cecilia Roth). When Daniel wins a contest to spend one night with Sabina Love in Buenos Aires, he does not have the 50 pesos of the bus ticket and hitchhikes along 500 kilometers with truck drivers to the city. He is robbed on the road but arrives in Buenos Aires on Saturday morning, but the television postpones his meeting with Sabrina Love to Monday. Without any money, he visits his older brother Enrique (Fabián Vena) that left his hometown many years ago to study agronomy in Buenos Aires and does not know that his parents are deceased. Along the few days in the big city, Daniel discovers the truth about the secret life of Enrique; sex with Sabrina Love; and love with the independent journalist Sofia (Julieta Cardinali) returning a more self-confident teenager to Curuguazu. "Una Noche con Sabrina Love" is a charming and delightful coming to age Argentinean tale totally different from the usually stupid American movies of this genre. This dramatic comedy of discoveries of a teenager that leaves the quiet town to spend three days in a big city is directed by Alejandro Agresti of "Valentin" and has Cecilia Roth in the role of a successful porn-star. The screenplay deserved some improvements, since there are sequences that are confused. For example, the shy attitude of Daniel when he visits Sofia in her apartment and does not have sex with her is unexplained; or why he does not tell his beloved brother that their parents have died; or why he is a compulsive liar. Anyway, this film is an enjoyable entertainment and was released on VHS in Brazil by Buena Vista Home Entertainment distributor. My vote is seven. Title (Brazil): "Uma Noite com Sabrina Love" ("One Night with Sabrina Love")

  • The ultimate fantasy for a 17 year old-winning the contest for a night with Ms Love-THE porno star


    The film offers a glimpse into the life of a small town teenager: his routine, ideals, friends & family, and his ultimate fantasy. It also presents the striking differences in Argentina between its dominating capital (where about one third the population of this huge country lives & controls everything) and the rest of the country. Additionally, it is an excellent vehicle for Cecilia Roth (ALL ABOUT MY MOTHER), as the much-desired Sabrina Love. Daniel Montero, a seventeen year old, he enjoys his nocturnal rite: to watch the program of the ultimate porn star. So, when he wins the contest to spend a night with Sabrina, he feels he has struck gold. Sabrina awaits him in her TV studio in Buenos Aires. Daniel starts his journey from the isolated town where he lives with his grandmother since his parents died. His life is boring; he has a disgusting job. In his journey, Daniel discovers the world and finds himself in a hazardous and eventful life, with a gallery of men helping him to grow through wisdom, and mischievous advice & lies, a young woman who seduces him, and of course Sabrina, her producers and her colleagues in the porn industry. It's a fascinating look at many aspects of a teenager's life, and self-discovery in this new era in South America. Also for Ms. Roth, the international award-winning actress known for very heavy dramatic roles, this film is a complete about face. She proves to be just as adept in comedy as she is in drama.

  • A warm snapshot


    This is a little snapshot of life in modern Argentina, telling a universal story: the encounters of a young man with the various faces of life, love, sex and death. Daniel, a 17 year old boy, wins a letter writing contest and gets to spend one night with his idol, pornstar Sabrina Love. For this occasion he travels to Buenos Aires, where he stays at his brother's apartment until he settles a date with Sabrina. This is somewhat of a roadmovie, moving from the Argentine country to the city and back. Daniel takes some important steps during this trip, which is portrayed in a very warm, sincere way. Even though it does not dig very deep, if you submit yourself to it, you can enjoy the Argentine scenery and the wonderful characters Daniel meets. At some points there have been made very harsh jumps in between scenes, due to lack of time or money (???) but don't let that spoil the fun.

  • Typical Argentinian film...


    The main reason for me to watch Sabrina Love was the presence of Cecilia Roth. Cecilia is one of the best Argentinian actresses ever, and one of the more famous too. Every time I see his name among the cast of any movie I go and watch it. And so I did with Una Noche Con Sabrina Love (One Night With Sabrina Love). "Una Noche.." contains most of latest Argentinian cinema's keys: lost of dialogues, voices over, reflections on life, and freshness. The story is quite simple: Daniel, a young boy from the country (Tomas Fonzi) dreams of meeting his favourite porn star: Sabrina Love (Cecilia Roth). Thanks to some TV contest he finally makes his dream come true: he'll spend a whole night with Sabrina Love. From the moment he wins the contest on we'll witness all the penalties he has to go through to get to Buenos Aires (he's from the inner side of Argentina, he has to travel more than 300 miles, and he's got no money). As you can see the story itself is not that original (as in the most of Argentinian latest movies), but the dialogues and the reflections are something else. Daniel's conflicts and doubts are the main points of "Una Noche...", and maybe you'll identify with some of them. As for the actors: we got Cecilia Roth and Norma Alenadro, which are two of the more well-known Argentinian actresses; Giancarlo Giannini, one of the most international Italian performers; and Tomas Fonzi, the promising starring of this film. If you like "Una Noche..." I recommend that you give a chance to "No Sabe/No Contesta", "9 Reinas", "El mismo amour, la misma lluvia", or "Kamchatka". There's something going' on in Argentinian cinema. My rate: 6/10


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